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Norway News: TusenFryd 2013 - £5m dark ride


Mountain monkey
Staff member

Yes, I know, you don't care, but still, have a look at their new map. It's not like anything I've ever seen before...


Fully 3-D, click on the attraction, and the view will change. Incredibly slow, though, but fun!
Too bad for you that it is all in Norwegian...

Also, Tusenfryd has added a swinging shi(add the last letter yourself), but they have removed their topspin. The Swinging Shi(insert p or t) is 10 meters tall (yes, I know) and called Kanofarten. It is marketed as a family attraction.

Also, the map provides the only picture known to me showing the full layout on ThunderCoaster. NL recreation may come some day...

For those of you who have bothered to read so far:

Tusenfryd is going big next year. The park manager has stated that Tusenfryd is planning to spend "flere titalls millioner kroner" (=tens of millions of kroner, 1£ = 12 kroner) on a new area in the park. Judging from that single sentence, they plan to spend (absolute minimum) £2 million, to (absolute maximum) £20 million.

That is an awesome map idea that they have, I really do like the graphics and all.

But good news on the swinging ship, it seems every good park should have one.

Also anymore word on this area?

I.E. theme? attractions? all that jazz?
By the way, do you have any info about possible re-tracking of Thunder Coaster, and maybe some new trains for it?

And do you have any idea of where this new area will be going?
Well.. a swinging ship isn't truly a notable addition, but it looks nice for 2009.

Also.. Tusenfryd has a sweet park site.. haha
Pretty nice 3D there. Looks like a Google Images kind of view and then when you zoom in it really goes into 3D.

If that rumour regarding the re-tracking of Thunder Coaster is true, I hope this will be done at the end of the season as I hope to visit the park something during the Summer. :cry:
Retracking for ThunderCoaster was done last year. I think it was GCI who fixed the first drop and a local carpenter who put up a tunnel after the first drop. But I agree that it really should have new trains too.

As for the new area, I have no idea. I have known about it for some time, but not more than the sum they will spend on it (and that was also very approximately). My guesses about its whereabouts are:
1) In the woods behind Morgan Kane City
2) Where VikingLandet is located now (behind SuperSplash). That farm hasn't been very popular, and SuperSplash and VikingToktet are the only attractions there. In an interview with VG (paper in Norway), the park manager said that she could't give more information about the new area now, even though she wanted to. I will search for more news as often as reasonably practical.

I considered to make a topic on the new area ages ago, but I felt that it was too vague to deserve its own topic. I found out that it (for now) would suit better as a side note until I had gathered more information.
Pokemaniac said:
Retracking for ThunderCoaster was done last year. I think it was GCI who fixed the first drop and a local carpenter who put up a tunnel after the first drop. But I agree that it really should have new trains too.
GCI did from the beginning of the airtime hill on to the the small hills after the turn, but the result of their work was that you got less insane airtime on that particular hill, and the tunnel really gives you a nice roar effect when going through it.

Anyway, from the GCI presentation on the ACE Eastcoaster 2008 event comes:


And I also think that First Drop (the ECC magazine) have said that they are looking to completely let GCI re-track the whole coaster and also talk to them about supplying it with Millennium Flyer trains for 2008.

So there is definitely something going on.

This might destroy the insaneness that it has now, but also make it more rideable.
Just found out that Kongeparken in Rogaland, Norway, will get a new coaster this year. It is a relocated Reverchon Spinning coaster, and has been in Myrtle Beach Gran Prix and Wild West World before going to this extremely minor park located outside Stavanger.
This is a picture of the coaster at it's previous location:

The 'new' coaster will be called Bukkerittet (It's an idiom, so the tranlation will be "The race on a goat"), and it's going to be a whooping 13 meters tall. Due to the complete lack of coasters over here, it will be the fourth fastest and tallest coaster in the country. It will be the park's second coaster, bringing the amount of coasters in Norway up to 9, including a Mack SuperSplash and excluding a Pinfari that only operated in 2004.

And yes, here is the RCDB page on it:

As it is located outside of the English-speaking world, in a minor park even, I will not make a new topic for it, just mention it here and change the topic title.

Thoughts? Opinions? If not, I won't be surprised.
An update on Thundercoaster, is that more of the coaster have been retracked :) , but no change of trains :( .

They are trying to get GCI to supply them with some Millennium Flyer trains, but since GCI only make them for their own coasters, maybe they should go for some new PTC single bench tailored trains instead. Anything is better then the large heavy Vekoma trains it have now.
Has this track work been done already Loefet? I was on Thundercoaster yesterday and didn't notice any work going on or any sections which looked altered. I noticed it was quite bumpy especially on the turns although it has that out of control feeling which I love. Don't really mind those vekoma's trains, although the lapbar and belt combination are slighly painful.
^ From the first drop the the 2 small bumps after the "Tunnel turn" was mad during the off season 2006-2007, and according to people on ECC that they have done more to the track to this season.

But if you have some pictures then I would be able to judge if it has been done or not.

Yeah the ride is totally out of control and bumpy, but that's why we love it.
The only reason that these updates interest me is because Norwegian is an amazing language.

Nah, the updates look good, but nothing major. I know in Canada we use metres, but I tend to use feet, so would 13 metres be big?
^ That would be around 42 feet.

To transform between the two, just multiply m with 3 and you get a pretty good rough value, or you could just use google: 13 m in ft , and you would get 42.65 ft.
Thanks to the recent trip of Emmett, we have some pictures of the new parts of the ride.

They haven't done as much as I would like them to have done, but that might be a good thing. Since last time they tamed parts of the ride, making it having less airtime on the big hill.

Here you can see the new "for this year" part.


Picture by Emmett

Here is a comparison on how it's looked before: http://www.rcdb.com/ig1042.htm?picture=1

The turn in the background is completely rebuilt, and it's a great improvement of the ride, since this part was the worst turn on Thundercoaster. Now it seems to be more gradual, but before it was two tight 45° degree bends with a little straight section in the middle, and these two body slam you pretty violently in the side of the coaster.

So this is a definite improvement, but it will have taken out some parts of Thundercoaster's ferociousness and insanity we love it for.

There might be some other things that they have sorted out, so I will take a look at it later this year.
Hmm, this does worry me somewhat, Thundercoaster circa 2007 was my top woodie because of the insanity, I don't want it being tamed before I get back to it! :?
^ Too bad for you that "Thundercoaster circa 2007" already was tamed a bit.
It was even more insane when I rode it back in 2005. That was before they made the airtime hill less "airtimy", by making it taller and not as sharp as it were (slightly visible in the picture).
Just a bit of trivia here, the Norwegian Championship in Rollercoaster Riding is now running at TusenFryd. The competition will last a week, from 7AM to 9PM every day, and the rules are simple: The last one to give in, wins. it is expected that the winner will have traversed the distance Oslo-Madrid when he's finished. 8 persons are qualified to the challenge this year.

I am not sure, but it seems like the participants are even sleeping in the trains during the comp, and they will be handed food when they pass the station (not on every lap, of course).
The participants ride the coasters Loopen, Speed Monster and ThunderCoaster. Whether they all are on the same coaster at the same time, or two or three ride one coaster one day, then switch the next, I don't know. They are not on ERT, other people are riding the coasters at the same time, but the GP will of course only get one ride.

Just wondering, how insanely painful is it to spend an entire day in a running Vekoma Tornado?
And how much are your intestines shaken by fourteen hours on ThunderCoaster?
Are there similiar comps in other places in the world?
Does this deserve its own topic? If so, where?
^That sounds brilliant and crazy. I imagine it would be quite difficult to get that distance done due to having to wait for other riders to board and also if you have to change coaster half way through.

I would probably stick to ThunderCoaster and Speed Monster all day. Avoid Loopen because its **** and way too short.

Great idea would love to see a UK park try this.
********UPDATE ON THUNDERCOASTER!!!***********

I was on TusenFryd today, and asked a ride op about it. According to her, most of the retracking was done last year, when they spent a million dollar or so on refurbishment and a new tunnel. This year, they only did maintenance. I have pics, will post them tomorrow.

The coaster still has snappy turns, a lot of laterals, and hefty restraint banging (My hips! Ouch...), but on the GCI retracked sections, it's butter smooth (if a bit forceless). I also found it less airtimy this year, but some of the drops are still insane.

Still, footer blocks were lying randomly in the grass, it almost looked like the ride was put straight on the land, and that the footers weren't buried. Myslef, I think more than maintenance (sp?) has been conducted for 2008...

Also, I saw the contestants in the Norwegian Championship in coaster riding. They had gotten the LAST car on Loopen to ride today. Poor guys, that ride is OUCH!