^Lets all celebrate the great use of spoiler tags :roll:
Last night I watched
Porkys on Film4.
Haha, it was so funny, had a good story and some brilliant scenes. The gym teachers made me lol so much, lassie ftw
Rating: 4/5
Went cinema today, first film I saw was
I was pleasantly surprised by this film. I thought it was going to be terrible seeing as Nic Cage was in the lead role. He wasn't that bad :shock: . I think the story was good and unlike Taylor and John 91 I thought the ending was decent and for a low budget film was pulled off really well (unlike the similar ending in Indy 4, wtf was that?). The score was fantastic, so epic and so effective. I thought it was really well directed and I was really disturbed by the disaster scenes and was nearly making a brown patch in my underwear during some scenes. Just a great film. Shame that some effects looked badly finished but it didn't seem to effect the movie that much.
Rating: 4.5/5
Second film I saw was
Monsters Vs. Aliens 3D.
Why did I go and see it? I dunno, from things I heard a couple months back I thought Dreamworks might have made a decent film. Oh how wrong was I? It was just abysmal. It's a kids film trying to appeal to both kids and adults (like a Pixar film) and it just fails on all levels. It wasn't funny to the kids in the audience apart from about 2 lines of dialogue (whoop-de-do) and I think the other adults in the audience were like me and just like "that was a waste of time and moneys". Each 'joke' just missed the spot and was badly timed. The only good things I can say about this film is that the president was amusing (I used to play that tune on the keyboard too

) the huge bug thing was cute (but under-used), Hugh Laurie's evil laugh and who ever did the voice acting for the alien was awesome. Apart from that it was dire. Avoid if possible.
Rating: 1/5
EDIT: Ben, totally on the spot about QoS, and I'm a big Bond fan.