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^Lol, "porn-folder" is SFW?? :lol:

Liking these films being namechecked! Memento, Mars Attacks!, Oldboy....which Watchmen clearly ripped off (out of many films, Matrix anyone?).

Okay, next film:

The Boat That Rocked
Blokes stuck on a boat sums it up nicely. It's the kind of film that's reliant on its actors - and thankfully they deliver! Some great performances in this.

Which also helps overcome the dull script and BIG lack of jokes - think I laughed out loud 3 times, and gently sniggered through most of the rest. Lots of uncomfortable pauses too; at 2hrs 15 it's 30 minutes too long.

Plus Richard Curtis either doesn't know where to put the camera or has it wobble all over the place - must have driven his editor mental, and nearly made me sea-sick!

Really good soundtrack though. With a good prune and more jokes it could have been excellent, instead of just mildly entertaining. Very little Gemma Atherton too, in case you were wondering :p.

6/10, for the music and Nick Frost
I watched The Haunting in Connecticut last night. Very same old same old. Bit boring, stupid jumpy bits that aren't actually frightening but more just a flash of something scary-looking accompanied with loud music.

It ripped of The Others something awful, had bad references to The Birds AND Psycho and didn't develop characters properly (oh, the Dad plays guitar now.........ok).

Everyone kept screaming in the cinema while I was laughing. I have to admit some of the scary things were quite frightening to look at but in the end in just bored me and I wanted it to finish. I hate when films pretend to be a haunted house movie and turn out to be just another creepy ghosty creature thing movie, with ancient curses added in for good measure.

And apparently it's based on a true story, whioch they emphasised by showing 'real life' photos of the events. Perleeeeeaseee =]
^Yeah, that's pretty much what I've read on it. Another horror possibility down the drain then!

LiveForTheLaunch said:
^ Eh, I'm too lazy to put spoiler tags, and it's not like people come in here not realizing there is a possibility of seeing a spoiler anyways. I've had movies ruined for me in this very place, so I guess I'm just getting back now :p .
Just for the record Taylor, that's no flipping excuse! I *just* managed to skip enough of what you said not to ruin it for myself.

Don't do it again :evil:. Or anyone else for that matter! Although we're all usually fairly careful I think.

I nearly watched Monsters v Aliens on Saturday Peep, think I'll give it a miss now!

And you're all correct on QoS, soulless film.
Watched The Orphanage the other night.

It is one MESSED up horror film. Although not constantly jump, the story's fantastic. And the scary bits are genuinely scary. It is in Spanish with subtitles but don't let that put you off, it's a great film.

It looks abit "generic horror" in this clip, but yeah, watch it.

^ I watched that a while back and I have to agree, it was a really good movie. I actually had it in my hand to buy the other day, but then I didn't, though I think I'm gonna now because the trailer made me remember that is was suh-weeeet.
I thought The Orphanage was OK... I didn't really like the ending. It's not a patch on Pan's Labyrinth or The Devil's Backbone (and I KNOW Del Toro didn't direct The Orphanage, no need to remind me, but, comparisons are inevitable!)

Anyway, I've got a few to catch up on, so, give me a moment.

The Devil's Backbone - Great film from Señor Del Toro. Quite a bit like Pan's Labyrinth, sharing a number of the same themes. Not as good (obviously!), but, still greatly creepy, and much like Pan's, allows the focus not to be the spiritual elements, but the "real" elements. I think this is very effective. 8/10

The Elephant Man - Yep, more Lynch for Ben (I'm waiting to get back to Uni so I can watch Lost Highway now!). I liked this, I thought it was a bit slow in places, and not as weird as some of us other work. Still, a very touching story with some great performances. Why it went un-Oscar acclaimed I don't know...

Planet Terror - My GOD this was 100000x better than Death Proof (the other half of Grindhouse). It was stylistic, it was non-stop, action packed, GORE to the brim, I loved it. It has no message, no "point", but, for a truly awesome homage to gorey, disgusting zombie movies, it's fantastic. 9/10

A Fistful of Dollars - I got lynched for not having seen The Good, The Bad and The Ugly the other day, and then got told I had to watch the whole trilogy... OK, so I've started. This was a GREAT film! I didn't think I'd like a Western, but, that was awesome. Action, bit of suspense, revenge... brilliant. Plus, you can see a LOT of points in the music which Kill Bill Volume Two clearly references in its soundtrack.
I actually prefer Devil's Backbone to Pan's Labyrinth! I had more issues with Pan's.

I've got Rec and Southland Tales lined up to watch next, when I get the time :roll:.
I love all three of the dollar films Ben, they just get better and better. I have a real soft spot for "For a few dollars more", the end is just fantastic.

The good the bad and the ugly is brilliant, but it IS a little over long. There's a bit too much in the middle bogging it down that could be removed. However, it's a gorgeous film to watch. All three are THE films to watch if you want to know how to choreograph a film.
^I've got the trilogy on DVD but I've only managed to watch a fistful of dollars which I thought was great. Maybe I'll watch the other two tomorrow.

Yesterday I watched The Incredibles on DVD.

I love this film, so fun and the music is just fantastic. I just think it's great, has a similar plot as Watchmen but exceeds at everything whereas Watchmen didn't.

Rating: 4.5/5

Today I saw The Damned United at the cinema.

I think this was a great film, as always Michael Sheen was excellent and the supporting cast were also on great form. It was well directed and I loved the whole archive footage cut in with the film.

Rating: 4/5

I also just watched Withnail and I on DVD.

It is such a random film. I love Withnail's random drunken outbursts, definitely the high points of the film for me.

Rating: 3/5
Slayed said:
I've got Rec and Southland Tales lined up to watch next, when I get the time :roll:.
OMG Rec <3
Trust me you'll love it. As long as it's Rec and not the crappy American remake Quarantine.
Had to watch A Streetcar Named Desire for my theatre class.

Dear god it was long and unbelievably boring.

Main jist is that you have a woman come stay with her sister for a few weeks (turns into 5 months) so that she can escape from her life. Her husband, the stereotypical New Orleans drunk, doesn't like her around. Later, we find the woman has slept we people as young as 17 while she is in her late 30s. Being 1951, this might be weird then. She loses her mind and gets to go to the westbrooke home of the mild-to-obviously nuts.

The movie is in a classic art deco style, much to "Arsonic and Old lace", a much better play. The acting was good but it didn't amaze. The dialouge was long and repeatative (YES there IS a bird!), and it was overall boring. It can't hide behind being an old movie, since there were no special effects.

Overall, don't watch. It's very pointless and is very passable.

Watched The Godfather 2 for the first time yesterday just in time for when the game releases.

Absolutely loved it and one of my favourite films ever and can't believe I haven't seen it before now as I loved The Godfather 1.

Oh dear.

When I bought Lost Boys it came with Lost Boys 2 so I thought I would watch it.

Well what a complete and utter pile of ****, the coaster is not even in this film.

0/10 simple.
Yesterday watched National Treasure 2: Book of secrets on Blu-ray.

I do like this film for some strange reason. I seem to like Nic Cage as he is more light-hearted in some scenes. I also like the fact they spend some time in London and sing part of a Monty Python song :D.

Rating: 4/5

Afterwards watched The Ringer on TV.

How the hell did they get away with this film? I do like it though as it does have a message towards the end and it's quite nice. There also weren't as many cringe moments as I thought there would be which made me happy (I loathe cringe moments in film). I thought Jonny Knoxville was quite good too, though some scenes just felt like I was watching an episode of Jackass.

Rating: 3/5

Today went to see The boat that rocked at the cinema.

It was good, great selection of music and a great cast (I think Bill Nighy is awesome). The ending was very happy and it was impossible not to smile due to all the happiness it brings :p It's just a normal Richard Curtis flick, nothing special but entertaining and watchable.

Rating: 3.5/5
Over the last few days I've watched...

For a Few Dollars More - This I liked, but didn't think it was as good as Fistful. The pace was still good, and it certainly held my attention. But, there was some simpleness in Fistful I felt this lacked. Almost as if the success of Fistful had made it that little bit more "Hollywood" - 8/10

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly - This I felt was even MORE "Hollywood" than For a Few... Also, it was a lot more "epic", which is a bad thing for me. It seemed to bit a bit long and complicated for the sake of being long and complicated. I mean, it had moments of brilliance, but, I found it didn't really hold my attention and I often got... well, bored. 7/10

And finally... Shock Treatment. Not many people will have even HEARD of this, but, it's great. It's the "sequel" *cough* to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and is just RUBBISH. But, in an amazing way. It's funny, it's 80s and it's camp <3. It's just a car-wreak of a film, but, in a good way. 10/10. I love it.