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I need to see Kick-Ass NOW goddamnit!

Clash of the Titans - not so much. Will see.

It's still surprisingly quiet on the Avatar marketing front. You'd think they'd be hammering us with stuff by now if they want to make it an "event" film.
^ Avatar <3

I can't wait for it to come out, been waiting, like ages now. There has been little stuff surfacing I think as they're trying to keep the plot secret, and then they hope it will 'explode' once it comes out, like it'll become the next 'talked about thing'

It could be a complete let-down and awful.

It'll be an imax film only for me I think...

But yeah, I'm waiting eagerly for Avatar.
Avatar looks crap.

Went to see the Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus the other day, in bloody Wales cause nowhere here shows it! (we were in Wales anyway, we didn't just go that far!)

It was awesome! I loved it. The only other Gilliam I'd seen (other than Python stuff) was Fear and Loathing, which is awful, so I was a bit apprehensive, but, it was brilliant. Some of the visual stuff was so like some of the stuff in the Python films, I loved it. And Heath <3 It was epic. Brilliant. 9/10.
Ugh, I wanted to hit the TV screen when the commercial for Avatar came on. Not only does it look stupid and the blue face dude is scary, but the commercial was LITERALLY like, five minutes long. It pissed me off.

Just sayin!
Lain said:
Ben said:
Fear and Loathing, which is awful

Get out.

Get in. Such a disappointment.

I sat with beer and dope, and got wasted to it. I had to switch it off halfway through because it was just so dull. Not even being scuppered could make it interesting.


Brazil, Time Bandits, 12 Monkeys and The Fisher King are all made of utter win! :)
^You're wrong good Sir. I watched Fear & Loathing with a mate in the cinema, sober, and it utterly freaked us the hell out :lol:.

I watched Parnassus on Tuesday, it was weak. Woefully inconsistent characterisation, bad style clashes with the various CGI worlds, underwhelming narrative. I still expect better from Gilliam. The actors tried hard though.
^^I also couldn't agree with you less.

Fear and Loathing is not a film you can get wrecked to and enjoy, you have to be sober and clean to appreciate the situation and the context.

I finally went and saw Up in 3D the other day. Was a lot of fun, and probably the best Pixar film since Finding Nemo. The dog reminds me of Will, and it's good to hear Norm from Cheers still has a career doing the voice for supoprting/minor characters. :lol:

Also went to see Saw 6 on Wednesday, which also turned out pretty good. It's probably the best in the series behind 1 and 3, and while you could second guess the plot easily at points, it had a few good surprises, and a bit of a question mark at the end to continue the story next year.
I did try FALILV straight the next day, and it still sucked. :p

Essentially, a film which is freaky about being freaked whilst high, will only be enjoyable while wasted (Naked Lunch, Withnail and I). If not, then it's probably very dull :p
^Haha, I've watched Withnail and I in a state of compos mentis and thoroughly enjoyed it. :p

Speaking for myself, if you're not all there when watching a film, some of the meaning can be lost, especially when you're seeing something for the first time.
I agree Tom actually, I'll stop being fatuous.

I disliked the film because it essentially glorified exactly the kind of person I hate(which I was ironically portraying in this topic).

People who seem to think that being so completely far off their trolley it's unreal is somehow "cool". Then to use that as a selling point for their entire life. It's a little unfair, as the film was meant to make you fell "what a couple of twats", but the glorification of the abuse of drugs encourages people like Ross to think that drugs are cool, and that every conversation shoul dbe about how wasted you were, and what surreal and/or law breaking antics you got up to whilst under the influence.

In essence, it summarised the tedium of the people I had spent years getting stoned with :lol:.

However, films like Naked Lunch and Velvet Revolver go on to show how cool taking drugs can be and what a positive outcome they can have on your life (if not your mental health). In those cases, you need to be a degree out of it to hae any hope of really connecting with the film.

Wasted? You feel as though it's stressful night out, without complete control of your faculties (never a good thing (for me)).
Straight? You see a couple of guys who should know better letting drugs get the better of them in a shameful example of the way you're turning out (in my case :oops: )
Under 16s? Getting high is cool

It's quite a personal resentment I have of the film to be honest, and maybe shouldn't be brushed off so quickly with an eye to a wider audience, I just find it hard....
FALILV didn't glorify drug taking for me, it gradually made me feel like I *was* drugged, and was nauseatingly disturbing. I think that was the point of the film - to get inside the heads of the characters as they lost it.

Mind you, my only drug is alcohol, so I'm not really able to compare and contrast.

Naked Lunch is a different beast entirely. Burroughs was, in my limited opinion, a sicko. The film tries valiantly to open up some of that world, but for me didn't succeed (perhaps a good thing).

I thought Cronenberg took some of the lessons from Naked Lunch into a much better film, eXistenZ.
I know what you mean Slayed, which is why it failed for me?

I didn't accurately represent what an actual descent into drug abuse was (and I have seen that a lot, yet it was still "cool for the kids wanting to take drugs and show off about it". I think it hit me in the wrong way, at the wrong time in life (when I was growing out of it all - not that I ever let drugs dominate my life).

I enjoy Naked Lunch as it's a much more realistic voyage into a drug induced nightmare world of paranoia and disassociation. You don't feel like anyone is just having fun, but rather deliberately ruining their lives. In FALILV, it's stil lpresented that they're the victims (while self inflicted), and that they still feel like there's a degree of "well, yeah, it was actually quite cool when you get down to it". It's an odd one, but it just it too many bad nerves for me, at the time.

eXistenZ? Hmmmm... It's too much a real film pretending to be something else. Naked Lunch was bare naked, Cronenberg dresses things up (well, does sometimes) as a real film ,with a story and characters and point. eXistenZ is pretty much the Matrix (though it precedes it) just done freakily The fact it could become The Matrix shows how much of a "story" it is at base level.
Slayed's pretty much taken the words right out of my mouth.

I had other stuff to comment on, but I'm in no fit state to do it now. :lol:
I'm still intrigued by it though. It says it's the next Blair Witch which was a **** film so I'm doubtful. Apparently nothing happens in the film and it's really slow moving. And you don't see the ghost/demon at all.

Anyway last Thursday in College we watched Belleville Rendez-Vous (can also be found under the title The Triplets of Belleville (Les Triplettes de Belleville)).
Immediately when I saw this it reminded me of the animation that the Professor Layton games are done in. It's a really weird, surreal animated French film but it doesn't matter as there's little to no speech in the entire film.
It's hard to work out what to make of it. Some bits are funny but the animation of some of the characters is quite freaky and scary and there's some bits in it that you couldn't get away with in cartoons today. For example at the start of the film we see a stage show which includes a topless black woman (bearing breasts and all) wearing only a skirt of bananas dancing around the stage like an animal.
The film follows the story of a grandmother who's training her son to join the Tour de France. But that's not the entire film as something happens which makes it more of a film and more interesting.
It's certainly good and fun to watch with friends but it's so weird and surreal that half the time you don't know what to think.
Recommend seeing it though. :)

Here's a short clip from the film so you can understand what I'm talking about better.
And here's the opening sequence I was talking about.
Just been to see Paranormal Activity.

DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY! It's rubbish. And boring

IS NOT! It was soo creepy! What ending was played in your theatre though, just out of curiousity? Because there are multiple endings, and I've seen them both, and one is just stupid whereas the other is pretty scary.

But really, I think you actually have to have a belief in the paranormal to really think it's scary. Even so though, yes the beginning might drag, but I don't get what isn't creepy about it :p .
Ollie said:
Some bits are funny but the animation of some of the characters is quite freaky and scary and there's some bits in it that you couldn't get away with in cartoons today.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Triple ... Belleville

When looking at that clip, I suspected the film to be about fifty years old, and the racial stereotype was acceptable at the time of making.

The film was made in 2003.