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LiveForTheLaunch said:
IS NOT! It was soo creepy! What ending was played in your theatre though, just out of curiousity? Because there are multiple endings, and I've seen them both, and one is just stupid whereas the other is pretty scary.

But really, I think you actually have to have a belief in the paranormal to really think it's scary. Even so though, yes the beginning might drag, but I don't get what isn't creepy about it :p .
It *could* have been a really good little film. The basic premise is fine, the actors do a good job, and the FX are subtle and effective.

But they botch it terribly with the writing. The slow start was expected, but it quickly falls into a repetitive pattern that soon gets boring, the internal logic is missing and the escalation of events is mishandled.

With a bit more creative investment it could have been exciting (e.g. do the people have no friends or family that can help? Why waste the "exorcist"?). Instead it stumbles through meaningless scenes to a "shock" ending, just like Blair Witch (for once Ollie is right - Blair Witch sucks donkey arse).

Oh, and the only significant twist is given away in the first 15 minutes! What a waste.

To see this costs the same as seeing 2012. There is no comparison - this belongs on TV, 2012 on the biggest screen you can find.
I went to watch 4th Kind at the cinema yesterday with my friends, not knowing what it was or was about. The film was a complete joke, the acting was really disturbing and off-putting, with stupid scenes which show people going insane; having seizures about an owl. If theres an owl out side your window, and it's pissing you off, grab an air-rifle and blow its ****ing brains out, save visiting some hypnotist woman and getting her arrested. It made me laugh how it went from some owl outside a window to a mysterious force abducting people calling itself by God.

It was an awful film and I don't recommend it to anyone, it was "supposedly", based on true events, but it sounds like a right load of Tyranasaurus ****. It was a complete joke, the only thing that freaked me out was how stupid it was...

Waste of time. 2/10 - It was more a comedy than a horror/thriller, I couldn't help but laugh at some of the saft situation these people were put through, if I couldn't even make a joke out of it, it would deserve a 1/10. Sigh.
Well it wasn't my turn to have movie night because my room is too cold to sit in. So the girls cracked out the DVD's so at first it was going to be Bridget Jones Diary, but my housemate bought a Region 1 DVD and then tried to make out she's not stupid, bless.

So instead we watched Crush, which is a film about snooty women who have lots of money with big houses in the country talk about not being married at 40. So yeah I kinda predicted half the plot, it was Four Weddings and Funeral but with less weddings and no Hugh Grant (thank god, but some Irish prick replaced him).
Tediously dull film which started off well, but I think viewing with my housemates made it a bit soppy with the hundreds of "AWWW" and "OMG".

So a 3/10, just for the line "I want to be in your fanny".
kimahri said:
Uh, I watched When the Wind Blows last night, Plod made me. It was terrifying.

Welcome to how it felt to grow up in the early 80's!

I have the book, it's brilliant, as is the film. Yeah, bad times though...
furie said:
kimahri said:
Uh, I watched When the Wind Blows last night, Plod made me. It was terrifying.

Welcome to how it felt to grow up in the early 80's!

Just asked my dad about that and I'm now more intrigued about the cold war. It was only recently that I knew the cold war ended in the early 90's but I never knew there were, Fluxuations in the threat of Nuclear war. Might explain why WtWB and Watchmen both revolved around that.

Anyway... I got A Goofy Movie. It came out in 1995 so I was four when it came out and I don't think I can not like it because of that and it's only recently that I've been realising the funny bits in disney movies.
Double post. Oh wells.

Just watched Snow White and the seven dwarfs on Blu-ray.

It's really good, such a classic. The animation is beautiful and the clean-up for the blu-ray is amazing.

Just watching the Hyperion Studios extra. Probably the best extra I've ever seen! Just amazing.

Rating: 5/5
The idea of watching Star Trek in HD almost makes me want to go HD - except it's going to cost me lots of money! :lol:

Has no-one else seen 2012 yet then?

Sod the sniffy critics, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Yes it's dumb, has some dodgy writing and acting, and an overwrought ending. But it follows the classic Disaster Movie template to a T, ticks over nicely (short scenes hide the cracks better), and the FX are for the most part outstanding. I'm going back and taking my Mum :p. 7.5/10
Slayed I love how immediately after watching that film you thought. "I should take my mum to watch an idea of what the end of the world could look like!"

Deep Blue Sea

Old, but hey.. it has Samuel L. Jackson getting eaten by a shark.. how could you go wrong?

Peep Snow White does look great on Blu-ray, they done such a good job with it. The sound is also really good.

I shall be getting Star Trek on Blu-ray at the weekend, not seen the film yet.
SnooSnoo said:
Deep Blue Sea

Old, but hey.. it has Samuel L. Jackson getting eaten by a shark.. how could you go wrong?


It's even got a "Snakes on a Plane" bettering quote!

Jackson - "Was that a goddamn shark broke through that door?"
(I expect so)
Jackson - "You expect so? Huh. Well, well, well. Am I the only asshole down here who thinks that a tad bit odd?!?!" :p
#My hat is like a shark's fin#

Best theme tune ever! Had me and Madame_Furie rolling in the aisles :lol:

One of the first films I watched on DVD actually. Awesomely bad, really, truly dreadful film. I loved it (but never wish to see it ever again).
^ What can you expect from a Finnish director though ?:lol:

Cassandra's Dream - Felt quite slowpaced through out the film, but then whap and it was over, quite surprising, nice building of suspense and a decent plot. 7.8/10

The Hangover - Was funny, at times hilarious and had some surprising elements, overall enjoyable "sunday"film if you get what I mean. 8.5/10

Stepford Wives (original) - For a long time was quite boring to be honest, later also creepy, and mildly disturbing, considering that it's made in the 70's it's good though. 7.7/10

Outfoxed-a documentary about the Fox (US) newschannel and how it's built up and how biased they are. It was very interesting and eye-opening, yeah. Don't really know how to rate it though, I'll say that it's worth a watch.
Slayed I saw 2012 yesterday afternoon.

IT SUCKS. A typical Roland Emmerich film. Basically the same plot as every film he has made but with a bigger budget and more CGI than you can shake a stick at. The only reason why I saw the film was because I didn't have to pay (I <3 new cineworld pass) and so I could laugh with my colleagues at how rubbish it is. One point I do agree with however is that the special effects are AMAZING. If the World does come to and end, I hope it looks that good lol.

Rating: 1/5 (for the CGI)
My Sister's Keeper

OH my God I have wanted to see this and saw that it was released on DVD when I went to the movie store today. So obviously I got it, and I watched it with my dad and stepmom. There was seriously barely any points in the movie where I wasn't crying, or welling up, or having a HUGE lump in my throat.. It was just sooo sad, and the storyline was fantastic. I thought it showed the horrors of families dealing with cancer so well, and everything about it, the acting, everything, was just great. I recommend it, and I'll be buying it tomorrow.

I saw 2012 yesterday and didn't think it was that bad. It wasn't fantastic but perfectly watchable if you ignored the scientific explnation (mutating particles? WTF?! :x ) and the whole realism aspect of it.

Lots of destruction which looked glorious on the big screen with the superb CGI. Good value too at £2.30 for us (Student + Orange Wednesday) for nearly a 3 hours film. :)

We did spend 30 mins after the film ripping it apart though...