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Ciall Connecticut said:
^ Ah, I was going to see that today, BUT, I didn't :/

Instead, I watched a French surrealist film called The Phantom of Liberty in Film Studies today which is quite literally the weirdest piece of film I have ever watched. There was no logic to it whatsoever, and the film had no clear structure other than stories ever so closely linked being so ridiculously funny. The surrealism left us all thinking "Eh?", but we cleared our minds, and some of us were able to understand what the film's messages were. And we also have a homework piece for each scene to establish the message the director wanted to give.

It was quirky, funny, and contained nudity. A really surreal experience, and I want more of it.


I went cinema this evening and watched Get Him to The Greek, which was very disappointing. It lacked, especially in the first half, much humour. This may have been because Russell Brand just isn't funny at all, or maybe the fact the plot was very thin and to be honest, very unfunny. In all fairness, the comedy picked up slightly in the second half, but I left feeling a bit angry that a film which I know was supposed to be a comedy, just was as unfunny as a leprechaun stuck in a lantern.

It missed more than just a few laughs, it missed the point completely.


You HAVE to watch Heartbreakers, it's awesome.

I'm guessing that French film was made by Francois Truffaut? I don't get his films, especially Breathless, over-rated turd imo.

I also agree about Get him to the Greek. It had potential to be hilarious and just wasn't (well, ok, maybe it was in the second half), I actually found the first half hard to watch, it was just boring.
^ I'll have to add it to my list in case I miss it's cinema-time :) And it was directed by Luis Buñuel, and the more I think about the film, the more I love it. It was just so well done and portrays a whole load of issues so uniquely. I must watch it again.

Anyway, I watched My Sister's Keeper last night. I came away feeling a tad disappointed, mainly as I couldn't form a strong bond and attachment to the characters as I would have hoped to. I mean, it was "sad" so to speak, but it wasn't tear provoking or left me feeling that cancer is simply awful - even though I know it is. I felt the audience-character build could have been stronger and thus, made the film much more powerful and provoking.

Nonetheless, I did enjoy the film, even if some parts were quite bland.

Watched District 13: Ultimatum on Blu-ray yesterday.

The first film is epic and this one is just as good. The action scenes are absolutely awesome and the story is pretty cool, a good way to follow on from the first one. Then again, it is written by the absolutely epic Luc Besson. The direction isn't amazing but it's good enough to keep you entertained and glued to your seat.

Rating: 4.5/5

Then I watched Sherlock Holmes on blu-ray.

I saw it at the cinema and loved it and I still think it's an amazing film. It loses it's awesomeness a little bit on second watch as you know all the twists etc but it's still enjoyable and good fun. Also Downey Jr is epic.

Rating: 4/5

Went to see Predators earlier at the cinema.

Thought it was quite good. It really doesn't take itself seriously and it's an enjoyable film to watch. The acting was great though and the special effects were cool, bar this one shot where there is a massive billow of fire which just looks odd. So good fun.

Rating: 4/5

Just finished watching Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief on blu-ray.

I still think it's a very good film but the more I compare it to the books the more I hate it lol. They just miss out on so many of the cool details featured in the books.

Rating: 4/5
Inception has been one of the films that I have kept seeing trailers for months, wanting to see it, yet only realising my massive urge to see it is only due to the luscious Ellen Page being in it. It'd probably be one I'd see without her, but she just makes the film a 100% must watch <3
Alice in Wonderland (2010)

I heard a lot of good and bad things about this film, so went in with an open mind. But what I found into the adaptation was a mix match of good and mediocre moments, I have no idea why that music was slapped on that dance, just killed the atmosphere that seemed to have been made after the killing of the Jabberwocky.
A good selection of cast, again I had to slightly grit my teeth to see Bonham Carter on screen again. Depp I forgave as he gave a good performance, interesting Scottish accent but somewhat believable. I kind of wish they played on the real life aspect more rather than just "Father there, now he's dead btw, oh and she's following the rabbit now, in Underland", but I guess that's where you read the book...

But all in all it was a mediocre film which at times was fun to watch (and the word is fun) and others just a bit blerr, so glad I didn't go see it at the cinema, would've felt it was a waste of money!


Well, Adrien Brody in a lead role for an action movie sequel... Bloody hell...

The good news is, he's actually quite good...

Naturally this film is rather paint by numbers action fare with the characters, development and plotting, only with a few more Predators and Laurence Fishburne...

It's quite a decent film though, most likely not on the same level as the original as the tension built up from the off (literally the first shot is Brody falling from the sky so the film throws you in from the first second) dies out once the reveal (OMG THERE'S PREDATORS! [/spoiler]) happens...

So yeah... A decent enough film in the end... And should certainly win the "Most Unlikely Lead Role Ever" award...

Not liking the fact that Star Trek 2 will feature Khan, I do hope they do not try and use old enemies in the other time line.
marc said:
Not liking the fact that Star Trek 2 will feature Khan, I do hope they do not try and use old enemies in the other time line.

Yep thats my problem as that was like a classic moment that people remember, so they should leave it well alone.

Hmmmmm... On the Star Trek 2 front... Not massively bothered really...

Watch Young Guns the other night with Minor_Furie. I remembered it being "Top Gun with horses" and it isn't, it's just a mildly poor western with lots of (then) famous people and some occasional 80's synth music over the top for drama. It's not a train wreck or anything, and there's some decent writing and acting here and there, but it's just got no real depth.

Completely forgettable. At least I know why I only watched it once 20 years ago now :)

Last night though, madame_furie and I sat down to watch The lovely bones.I wasn't sure what to expect. I know the idea from the book, and madame_furie has read it. She even said "are you sure you want to watch this, it's a bit girly and teen drama?"

Slayed has been very damming of the film too. However, I like to watch things to make up my own mind ;)

Erm... It's really, severely, "meh". It's like Peter Jackson wanted to recreate "Heavenly Creatures", only using his modern day "film by numbers" technique.

There's just no real emotional attachment in the film. For a film that's supposed to tug continually on the heart strings - it just leaves you feeling mildly detached. It only ever goes halfway into things, I guess for you to "fill in the gaps" yourself. But it's not subtle enough to make you think hard about it.

It's well made, but completely misses the point. 3/5.

Oh, also watched Evil Dead 2 with Minor_Furie the other day. Brilliant film, brilliant direction, slapstick horror humour, great fun, utter trash! 5/5!
Finished Tell No One in Film yesterday. It seemed like a very good film from what we saw at first, but I couldn't help but feel it didn't quite meet those expectations that I had anticipated from the good opening. It wasn't bland, nor was it boring, but it just needed a lot of plot to explain the whole "whodidit" in the end. You'd have never guessed who did it, not because it was a shock or anything, but just needed a massive story to explain it.

But, in the end, most questions were answered, and I left feeling a bit better about it.


I'd have to disagree with Benin on Predators.

Predators was the most annoyingly cliché filled film I have seen in quite a while. It actually made me feel angry. Everything I could see coming, and it was as if I'd seen the film a thousand times before. The costumes of the...erm.. "predators" looked quite fake at some points and really were uninspired. I have never seen a Predator film before, but if they are anything like that (which I am ensured they are not), then I shall be disappointed.

To sum up my anger and pain (yes, but the end I was in pain to get out of the screening), the last line in the film was so full of cliché you could have made a cliché sponge out of it:

"Let's got of this damn planet"

I just hate cliché so much ¬¬

On the plus side, it wasn't as bad as I'm making it sound, but it was still quite bad.

As part of this I watched Time Travelers Wife.

I had seen this in the cinema before and have read the book. Considering it is an adaptation it does very well with a complex story that jumps around in time. No matter how many times I watch it, it makes me cry at the end and reminds me of how hot Eric Bana actually is :p. I can't wait until I get to Troy on my list for some topless action.
Unless you have read the book there are parts that won't make complete sense and I'd recommend reading the book then watching the film. Not your typical chick flick film and it does get rather dark in the form of knowing that you will die.

Not exactly got a concrete rating system yet so for the moment I give it 7/10.