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Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Full of very much win.


Get him to the Greek

Had its moments.. but that's it..

I saw Skyline last night, basically because it was an hour wait for anythiing else except Harry Potter, which would have been pointless seeing as I haven't seen the others.

'twas s**t, and the main actor had an unfeasably long face, which annoyed me.

Thanks for reading. How do I get a job reviewing films?
Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging

As a big fan of the entire Georgia Nicholson series, I was apprehensive to watch this, especially after the movie of my other favourite book series, Confessions of a Shopaholic (which I actually liked but nowhere near as good as the books). However.. It was cute I guess. They cast the characters quite well and it was all fun and innocent girly poo that reminds me of when I was fourteen (not that it was ages ago but still). But yeah, cute? Mhm. Forgettable? Definitely. But still entertained me in my sad night of boredom and loneliness that probably could have been better spent studying, but oh well.. Watching movies, dancing, and painting nails= much more fun.

I ain't even seen that film ^ But...... AARON JOHNSON


Can't beleive he played the role of John Lennon on location, and I live a few houses down from the house and I never met him! =(.

Speaking of which Nowhere Boy is a fantastic watch. The Beatles are never mentioned and it could've been about any old teenager. But the acting is fantastic and it's well worth a watch. 9/10 It's a little underrated gem imo.
^^ Funnily enough, I watched that for the first time a few nights ago too. It took me a while to warm to it. I didn't like the fact that it felt like Georgia was constantly SHOUTING at you, especially in the voice-overs... but I came round in the end.

I've never read any of the books, so have no idea how it compares, but I kinda felt like it didn't really go far enough. The baddie wasn't nasty enough for me. Apparently the director wanted to create "an English Mean Girls", but I think the emphasis was wrong for that.

Also, if you live in Hastings, why would you have your Birthday party at a club in Uxbridge?! Actually, even if you lived in Uxbridge, why would you have your Birthday party at a club in Uxbridge?

So... yeah...

I've never read any of the books, so have no idea how it compares, but I kinda felt like it didn't really go far enough. The baddie wasn't nasty enough for me. Apparently the director wanted to create "an English Mean Girls", but I think the emphasis was wrong for that.

Yeah there's a lot more about the "baddie" in the books.. And considering there are like six books or something, everything gets elaborated on a lot more and basically this is a watered down version of just the first book. The books are actually HILARIOUS though, I couldn't bring them to school for reading because I'd always be having hysterics. Plus there's a lot more "love story" and everything in it with the other girls and a lot more to do with Dave the Laugh etc.

Nice classic film. Am looking forward to the sequel now!


National Treasure

What? Lol.

I loved to hate Angus Thongs - it's a film that in itself was AWFUL, but ahd a charm to it that makes you want to watch it again.

Anyway, as I have had no time due to work, I have hardly been filming-up. However, we did watch The Birds in Film Studies the other day. I have to admit, it was hard to take the film seriously - the storyline combined with dated special effects and some naff ending made for many LOL moments.

However, I can see that the time of release, it must've been quite a frightening film. I'm still left pondering why the birds decided to attack, as it is never mentioned or explained - I suppose many interpretations could be made.

There were some haunting shots, especially of hundreds of birds on school climbing frames etc. Overall, the film was enjoyable to watch, and some Hitchcock suspense was a nice touch, but overall, it was certainly not amazing.


This trailer is also making me salivate over this film called Source Code. It'll either be very good, or utter tosh, but still, it is wanted:

^That film is made by the same guy that did Moon, which is amazing. I think it could be cool but it also has the potential to be turd.

Well, who had like the best day of their cinema year ever on Saturday? ME :D I got an invite to a special event being held in London (at the amazing Empire in Leicester Square) for peeps who love and talk about film. They showed us tonnes of trailers (most not shown before), two of which the company I work for did the post on :D

Then Lizo (the guy who used to present Newsround) came out to introduce the first film of the day, The next three days.

It's a new film with Russel Crowe in the lead role. It's been released in most countries already and the UK gets it in January. I usually don't like Russel Crowe (and from the sighs of despair in the cinema when the film was revealed I don't think I'm alone in thinking that), however I thought he was quite good in this film. I really liked the film overall, a little predictable here and there but it was enjoyable to watch. Just a well made thriller/drama about a Woman who is inaccurately accused of killing someone, sent to prison and her husband tries to get her out. I didn't think I would but I do really recommend this film.

Rating: 4/5

We then had a panel discussion with some online bloggers and someone who works for Heat magazine about film blogging etc. Was quite interesting and some interesting things were mentioned.

We split for lunch and when we came back a whole World of epic awesomeness happened. TRON: LEGACY in 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been getting over-excited about this film since it got announced several years ago so you can imagine who excited I was to be seeing it the day before the UK premier at my favourite cinema. Not only that but we also had the director introduce it. So, the film....

...The film is just, well, brilliant. The cast are amazing the CGI makes Avatar look terrible and the story is cool. Oh and TWO Jeff Bridges, there is no way that a film can beat this on level of awesomeness, I mean, two versions of the Dude in one film, it's just too much awesome to take in. Oh and it has one of the best soundtracks of the year, Daft Punk I <3 you! I really don't want to say too much but it is just amazing. Worth the wait for sure.

Rating: 5/5
^Lucky to see it early. It hasn't been getting that good reviews though.
Overall they all seem to say that it has some promising scenes and excellent production design which make it an enjoyable experience, but only in fits and starts. Long periods of exposition, an uneven tone and some lazy scriptwriting make it more a frustrating film than it should have been.

I can't say as I haven't seen it. But I haven't got that excited about it. I don't really get the story from the trailers or what it's all about. From what I've gathered someone gets sucked into a computer and then it's just loads of crazy special effects.
^Yeah, I've read a few reviews like that. To be honest I was just so in love with like the first 45 minutes that I would have given it a 5/5 no matter what. It does sag a tiny bit in the middle but then gets all epic again. I suppose the story is a little ropey but everything else more than makes up for that in my opinion. It's enjoyable to watch and looks beautiful and that's all I care about (having a strong story throughout is just a bonus :p).

Oh, it's also one more film to add to the "this is what 3D was made for" list.
Just watched 'Monsters'.

Oh my. Where do I start with this film. It blew my mind. I was half expecting another typical monster attacking a city/country movie, in which it follows a couple who have to evade the monsters and then end up dying.

How wrong I was. Everything about the film was beautiful. The best bit about the film was that it was made on an extremely tight budget by a young English Director. Seriously he did a superb job. The shots, the actual monsters themselves, the plot the sub-plot. EVERYTHING about this film just wins.

A seriously lovely ending too. It really does **** all over the other monster films in which the Monsters are out to kill us all, it is VERY clever. You can see that in the actual meaning of the film, true love shines through, this is replicated with the actual monsters at the end. One of the best items of the film is that the two main characters have such a chemistry between one another, well they should do as seen as they are married to one another.

Seriously amazing film. Loved it. 10/10
Saw 3D

Well, I didn't watch it in 3D considering I watched it on my computer, but it was still okay. Definitely nowhere close to the best in the series, but definitely not one of the worst either (that still goes to I believe Saw 4). Some of the traps really had me cringing which doesn't happen often considering I grew up watching horror movies, but damn the fish hook trap was a simple premise but half the time I didn't even wanna look (well, I did, because I'm morbid like that). Either way, I guess it rounded things off pretty nicely.. I liked the end and that they tied a lot in with the first Saw.

Taylor. I reckon Saw 3D was the worst Saw film. It didn't fit in at all with the others and the story was crap and the twist we all knew since Saw 3.
The only good thing was that some of the traps were pretty good. Favourites being the fish hook down the throat and the Garage trap.

Sister Act was on TV yesterday. Haven't seen it before but it was quite good.
Not amazing but it was watchable and some fun entertainment for the evening. :)
Sister Act <3

Ollie, Sister Act is by far much more then just "Watchable". You "Watch" your mouth lol!
Taylor. I reckon Saw 3D was the worst Saw film. It didn't fit in at all with the others and the story was crap and the twist we all knew since Saw 3.

Haha yeah but, I just hated Saw 4, so that will always be the worst one for me. I think I'd rank them like this:

Saw 1 and 2
Saw 5
Saw 3 and 6
Saw 3D
Saw 4

The first two will always, by far, be the best ones. The traps were simple, they were less about extreme gore and more about the story.. 5, 3, and 6, had a good mix of gore and story, 3D was good for tying stuff up (I'm bad at predicting twists so don't laugh at me when I say I didn't predict what was going to happen in this one), and then 4 was just retarded because I didn't understand it and the traps generally sucked.

The garage trap was meh in this one, I still think the fish hook was one of the worst ones in Saw ever just because it was one of the only ones where I struggled to watch it, probably because you can just imagine having a hook in your throat and stuff.


I felt bad at the end when you see Adam's dead body from the first film! Must have been horrifying to just be trapped in there, but it also must have been pretty horrifying for Mark Hoffman to be locked in there with a dead body as well. Oh well, sucks to be him. I didn't like how he just went around shoving knives in people's throats, because it took away the whole purpose of how you're not really suppose to murder anyone, but let them kill themselves etc etc. But whatever.
Last night I went to see Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 3D.

I love the first two films, really well made and just great entertainment. This film follows suit very well, with fantastic special effects, a great story (even if it takes a little while to make itself known) and a great cast. The script at times was a bit weak (see: first scene with the two kids *shudders*) but overall it tells a fantastic story and it's great fun. However, the 3D was pointless and it's probably going to annoy a lot of peoples, having to pay extra for a not-very effective 3D upgrade. Oh well. Oh and for some bizarre reason we had subtitles on, which I have to admit was slightly distracting, especially as it has been made to work really well with the 3D (the only way you can tell anything is in 3D, yeah, that's how poor it is). So yeah, enjoyable and a great addition to the film series.

Rating: 4/5
I saw Oceans 12 and 13 over the past few days. They are really annoying films that are hard to grasp without seeing the whole thing I guess. Basically, I was bored near the end and quite litrally fell asleep... and woke in the credits.

It just seemed like a load of random scenes stuck together with a few long drawn-out shots shoved inbetween, with a few A-list actors to attempt to make it interesting.

Oh and Saw should of stopped after the first one ended. End of.