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"Now Showing"

Just finished watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was fun but I'd imagine it to be better with a group of people.
Watched Ted last night. Didn't find it as funny as I thought I would but it got better by the second half and there's loads of film and TV references in it so it was fun spotting them while watching it. :)
Re: RE: "Now Showing"

The (Neighborhood) Watch

Its a stupid movie that I found absolutely hilarious. Also features one of the best lines in the history of movies.

Sent from my throne
Re: "Now Showing"

Saw 21 jump street. Better and funnier than I thought it would be but still by no means is it a good movie. It also felt much longer than it needed to be.

On the plus side it had Ice Cube. Id five it a 6.5/10. Fun but nothing special.

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^ It has Channing Tatum in so it IS special...

Saw Magic Mike a couple of nights ago. The strip scenes were fab, but the rest lacked plot and general excitement. They should have made some scenes 3D ;)
^I saw that the other night too. I thought the first 3/4 were really really great, then the ending was really half arsed and like...........oh, OK.
^ I really want to see that! I love Zach Galifianakis <3

Watched Schindler's List again last night, it's still as amazing as ever. It's a bit long and if you don't care about history (which obviously I do) I can see why the beginning might be slightly slow going, but it's an incredible film and I think everyone should watch it. Makes me cry so much </3
Some oldies that I've just now gotten around to seeing finally.

Black Hawk Down
Not bad, not great. Pretty intense at parts, but slow in others. Seems to do a good job with realism, though, which I appreciated. No contrived plot points or miraculous survivals, which I guess comes from the film's basis on fact, not fiction. I guess I just don't really get the theme or point of the film. "War is hell" perhaps? Haven't seen that one before. 7/10

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
About what I expected it to be. Enjoyable, but not hilarious - funny in parts, surprisingly emotional in others.

American Beauty
Awesome, awesome movie. It has this kind of otherworldly feel to it, like it all happens in some kind of fantasy reality, which is simultaneously captivating and a little unsettling. I guess it's because most of the characters' interactions are very blunt and brutally honest, which creates some humorous moments built on heavy doses of awkwardness. Anyway, it's also well-acted and well-filmed, and I loved the soundtrack. 9/10

Pretty meh, which was what I'd heard from others who'd seen it. Special effects are alright, and although the "found footage" angle is far from new, it was kind of cool to see it applied to the monster/disaster genre. It just wasn't scary at all, though, and I guess it was intended to be? The characters were also pretty weak, and honestly the dude who was supposed to be working the camera the whole time was annoying as ****. How he was supposed to be the best friend of the guy he just kept pestering the whole movie was beyond me. The girls were pretty, though, which I guess is a redeeming feature.

Exactly what I expected, which was 100% fine with me. A crap-ton of bullets, dated 80's special effects, thin-to-nonexistent plot, machismo & gratuitous muscle-flexing, ridiculous deaths, helicopters, explosions, and some more bullets for good measure. Ahhhnold throws in a few chuckle-worthy one-liners to top it off. Perfect mindless entertainment if that's what you're in the mood for. 8/10
American Beauty is fab, love that film :)

I finally got around to watching Ridley Scott's Robin Hood - where to begin with this dog's dinner?

Firstly, I enjoyed Gladiator, I think it's a decent action film. It's not overly realistic, but it captures the "spirit" of the era and is a decent, action packed film.

Robin Hood tries something similar. It's a spattering of realism tied into an action film, only with little action and a very telegraphed and poor plot. The characters are cardboard and unappealing - there's no dynamic or "spark" in them anywhere. It badly tries to straddle the line between "serious historic drama" and "big budget entertainment". I love Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves because it never pretends to be anything other than a fun action film. This version just never steps far enough into that category and isn't accurate enough historically to be a a historic drama.

It also lacks the huge set pieces both Gladiator and Kingdom of Heaven had that make them "more than their worth". It's just such a wasted use of the Robin Hood legend which by its own nature is cheesy and silly. Lots of things irked me too, it was like "what's the least amount of research into the period we need to do to make it look like we know about the medieval period, but without actually having to do any hard work at all?" If they'd not bothered, it would have been a much better film ;)

So yes, the film is cardboard. It's brown, stiff, dull and only useful for storing hurtful memories of your past in ;) 6/10 (an extra 1 for getting the dogs and horses almost right).
I went to see Ted the other day, but it had sold out so I went to Blockbuster instead (which looking at it now was probably the better option). I picked up a fair few films and have watched all but one (The Artist awaits) so need to do a few reviews.

Firstly is a Roman Polanski film called Carnage. The premise is two sets of parents meeting up to discuss the fact that one of their kids smacked the other in the face with a stick. Carnage ensues, hence the name. I really enjoyed it, the acting was phenomenal (seeing as we don't actually ever leave the room where they're having their meeting, despite many attempts by all of the characters) and it just made me feel really awkward and wanting to scream at the characters. You know when you're talking to someone and really want to say something, but don't because it'll just cause an argument, well the characters in this film just go all out, there are some real toe-curlingly cringeworthy moments and also some really hilarious ones. My only beef with this film is the fact that you can really really tell the script is adapted from a play, and at some points I found myself thinking what the point was of adapting this for cinema, it doesn't NEED to be a film and I would love to see it on the stage.

Next up is Shame. I love me some Fassbender and had wanted to see this at the cinema but missed it. It's an odd one. For a film that features so so much naked screen times from this beautiful man I actually found it kind of boring. There's a darker motif of some kind of incest hinted a at few times and the entire film feels really bleak at times, which for a movie with so much sex is kind of unusual to watch, I felt it just didn't sit right? It's basically an hour and a half of Fassbender porn, which is good, but I just didn't find the storyline gripping enough. I appreciate the subtle approach to what the film was addressing but at times I felt it was just so subtle it got lost entirely and I was just watching Fassbender **** a load of chicks and feeling glum.

And last night I saw Brave, yay! I'd heard from the reviews that this was a bit poo but I totally disagreed. The animation and landscapes are beautiful, the soundtrack was evocative and emotional and the characters were likeable and very easy to watch. The evil bear is **** terrifying and the rivalry/comradery between the clans was hilarious. I just found the whole thing a really great movie, not as good as Up, no, but still very very good. A huge step up from Cars 2, thank GOD.
I saw Brave the other day and I really enjoyed it too. I'd put it on the second tier of Pixar films with stuff like Ratatouille.

Although the entire film was definitely a metaphor for the ginger being a massive lesbian, it was just so refreshing to see...
a Princess film that doesn't involve her being strong and independent, up until the point a prince rocks up when she becomes helpless... No prince at all! Such a dyke.

So yeah, I was very pleasantly surprised.
I'm just back from seeing Ted.

Not sure what to make of it really. I didn't find it as amazing as everyone makes out, and the F-word every other sentence becomes tiresome quickly.
nadroJ said:
Firstly is a Roman Polanski film called Carnage. The premise is two sets of parents meeting up to discuss the fact that one of their kids smacked the other in the face with a stick. Carnage ensues, hence the name. I really enjoyed it, the acting was phenomenal (seeing as we don't actually ever leave the room where they're having their meeting, despite many attempts by all of the characters) and it just made me feel really awkward and wanting to scream at the characters. You know when you're talking to someone and really want to say something, but don't because it'll just cause an argument, well the characters in this film just go all out, there are some real toe-curlingly cringeworthy moments and also some really hilarious ones. My only beef with this film is the fact that you can really really tell the script is adapted from a play, and at some points I found myself thinking what the point was of adapting this for cinema, it doesn't NEED to be a film and I would love to see it on the stage.

Next up is Shame. I love me some Fassbender and had wanted to see this at the cinema but missed it. It's an odd one. For a film that features so so much naked screen times from this beautiful man I actually found it kind of boring. There's a darker motif of some kind of incest hinted a at few times and the entire film feels really bleak at times, which for a movie with so much sex is kind of unusual to watch, I felt it just didn't sit right? It's basically an hour and a half of Fassbender porn, which is good, but I just didn't find the storyline gripping enough. I appreciate the subtle approach to what the film was addressing but at times I felt it was just so subtle it got lost entirely and I was just watching Fassbender **** a load of chicks and feeling glum.

OMG, yes. Totally agree with both of those reviews. My Mum hated Carnage, she said it was boring, I can kinda see why but like you I just loved it. Tbh I'd never heard of the play and I suppose the film just brings the play to people that wouldn't like to go to the theatre or wouldn't normally hear about plays.

Shame was, yeah, just lots of Fassbender walking around naked and looking glum which I thought was just boring, nothing happened. Glad I didn't pay to watch it and it's the sort of film I loathe getting lots of critic and award attention, I just find them so potentious and mergh.

I saw Ted the other week. It was just like watching a long ep of Family Guy. It felt odd but I can't quite put my finger on it. I loved all the cameos and when it was funny it was absolutely hilarious but yeah, overall it just felt weird.

Rating: 3/5
I went and saw The Bourne Legacy last night because The Dark Knight had sold out. I haven't seen the other Bournes... I think you might need to? I'm not really sure, I was content with just watching Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz.

Saying that, it was a good film, kept me entertained for the 2 hours. Was an overall good actiony film.
^I saw it yesterday too. Being a MASSIVE fan of the other ones, I was expecting greatness.

The Bourne Legacy is an awesome action film. It's got everything from the hardcore-elitist-special-forces-baron-wilderness-type action, to the urban 'parkour' action and everything in between. It's very well filmed and does feel like it belongs to the same series of films.

HOWEVER, it's not as good as the other Bourne films. On a film-by-film basis (basically counting each movie separately) it's a little bit weaker than the others in my view. Having said that
the ending clearly sets them up for another movie
so maybe it'll all fit together in the end.

You don't have to have seen the other previous three to enjoy this one, but it'd make a lot more sense and the other movies are awesome, so there's no excuse. ;)

I really liked it, and will definitely be adding it to the Bourne-marathons, and I'm looking forward to the rest. :D 8/10
^I wouldn't consider it a spoiler, as it was announced that this is a trilogy, not just a stand alone film. Haven't seen it yet, but they started writing the next one already and Damon is set to return.
^OK, well I didn't know that and figured it did no harm. ;)