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In response to the second to last spoiler above...

Remember when I think Alfred said the head sees what it wants to see, or something along those lines, so how do we know that isn't the case with what happened in the cafe? He said it would just let him happily live the rest of his days if he saw that, so maybe he imagined it, maybe he didn't.

Now another response:

With Joseph Gordon-Levitz character named Robin, it really sets it up for a return to this universe. He takes over as Batman, as Robin did during the time Batman did in the comics after he broke his back, yet when he returns, Robin becomes Nightwing. This is something I can really see happening, if they use JGL in Justice League movie.
You know, people moaning about Bane's death - anyone got any evidence he's actually dead? This is the Batman universe after all! If you want to moan about a **** death in this film, the buck has to lie with Talia. Her death was rubbish.

I do love how they used Talia though. Did guess the second they announced her who she'd be, but still! Also little bit upset that I didn't guess that JGL was Robin. It was so obvious, but I was still like whoa!

I honestly think this movie has better pacing than DKR - it doesn't have the STUPID bit in Hong Kong, and no STUPID phone sonar thing at the end. And it doesn't feel like it ended and then has to keep going because they forgot about Two Face. And as for Ollie saying he never thinks the characters are in danger... Firstly Gordon faking his death is one of the worst things about TDK, and secondly, Bane literally puts Batman at his most vulnerable - how else do you want them to raise the stakes? Where TDK wins (and it is marginally better), is that it has the Joker. DKR fixes the other problems it has though and replaces the Joker with other awesome characters, ensuring its status as awesome.

Also, Anne Hathaway and Tom Hardy are both ridiculously sexy. Even in his gimp mask.
nadroJ said:
Batman dies.

I suppose I'll post my review too of TDKR.

Overall the film is very good but it fails to surpass TDK purely because it has a villain that isn't as good as the Joker. I'm so glad they changed Bane's voice, I managed to see the prologue ages ago and I could understand maybe 1 or 2 words in an entire sentence however this time I could understand 99% of what he said. It still sounds awful but at least you can understand what he saying and can keep up with the story. I liked how they tied up the trilogy's story arc but as others have said, it feels like there is something missing in this film. I think it's down to Bane, I'm just not a fan of him as the villain, feels like a superior villain's goon. I felt it really dragged at times too. I'll probably go to see it again to try and figure out exactly what I don't like, maybe it's the lack of actual costumed characters running around.

Rating: 4/5
I've not seen it yet

But these spoiler tunnels seemed like a lot of fun and I thought maybe I was missing out on something fun by not joining in

And Darth Vader is Luke's father, you know?

And the end of Lost is piss-poor

Oh yeah, and Dumbledore dies and SO DOES HARRY! I never saw that coming through all the books, honest

Almost forgot, last one, Ian isn't actually bald but shaves his head strategically

I'm done!
OK, so, Batman. Let me start this review by saying I am NOT a Nolan fan. I find his films clichéd, boring, seemingly confusing for the sake of it but then when you actually look at them they're the most obvious and bland things ever. Ahem. So, on with the review. (I've spoilered it all because it's easier).

Basically, I hated The Dark Knight, but it was far better than this tripe. I mean, a time bomb, really?! Of all the clichéd, unoriginal ways to create a sense of intensity in your film, a race against time is the most obvious and uncreative. I felt that Bane was a crap villain, I started off thinking he was awesome, being all HUGE and indestructible, but then we see his sensitive side and he dies by being shot. OK, I get that Nolan wants his films to be a more 'realistic' version of the comic stories, but that was seriously lame. Batman himself just lacks any sort of depth for me. I adore Bale, but his portrayal of Batman just annoys me because he's such a better actor than what Nolan allows him to be. Even the supposedly 'emotional' bit where Alfred leaves left me cold and I just couldn't care less if he saved Gotham or not!

I DID like Blake, but I thought it was common knowledge that he was Robin, so the annoying 'shocker' at the end where he revealed his Christian name didn't shock me at all, and I was quite surprised to hear the audience gasping and whatever. Catwoman had some redeeming features, she was sassy, cunning and a bit of a **** at times, which I did like, however 10 (yes, I counted) shots of her arse riding the bat bike thing was just 10 too many, I felt like her femininity and sexuality was portrayed in a silly way at some points and this really detracted from what an otherwise awesome character she was!

Someone NEEDS to teach Nolan some lessons in continuity, it was almost unbearable to watch at some points (Catwoman's goggles being a key issue here) and although I like the fact that Nolan uses scale models for his special effects he needs to be more careful when using 'people' in the background. He may well have used Lego men, it was that bad.

Another part I liked was the court scene, where it clearly should have been the Joker sentencing people, but I hope I'm not the only one that kind of preferred the fact that it was the Scarecrow? The Joker would have been such an obvious fanboy gag, something I feel Nolan's Batman trilogy is full of which annoys me because he uses it to disguise the fact that he is actually CRAP at storytelling.

Overall, a good popcorn movie, but when something is held up as 'omg best thing ever' I can't help but be overly scrutinising and critical of it, and on closely assessing the film it's, like all Nolan films I find, nothing we haven't seen before, and in my books that simply cannot be classed as brilliant, simply for lack of originality.
^By that I mean that it could have been used SO much better but they tended to focus a LOT of her body, but you're right, I can't really comment on Batman stuff because I don't really know a lot about it or any of the characters to know how they're meant to be or whatever.
^ Catwoman was almost a bit too sassy, even if she was talking normal it always sounded like she was trying to be super sexy and seductive, which annoyed me. But, her outfit was hot, so she's forgiven.

I dunno, I saw it yesterday for the simple fact that I wanted popcorn and my friend wanted to see it, so it seemed like a good compromise. I did NOT like the Dark Knight. I fell asleep, my butt hurt, and it was too long. This was a little bit better, but my mind is crap at comprehending storylines, so much like when I was watching the Dark Knight, I sat there VERY confused throughout the whole thing. I didn't like Bane, mostly because the Joker was the only redeeming feature of the Dark Knight and I was sad he wasn't in this one. I dunno, action movies and comic movies really aren't my thing, so I'd never rewatch it, but it didn't seem as awful as the Dark Knight. I did like the end though, and I do love Joseph Gordon-Levitt, so that was a bit of a redeeming quality.

Overall, it's hard for me to judge because I can tell it's a good movie, but my mind isn't good enough to comprehend it. I'll give it a 7/10 though.
Re: "Now Showing"

Went and saw Ted last night. Quite possibly the best comedy I have seen in a while. Constantly made me laugh and kept my interest throughout. Only downside is that it feels like Ted could have been made without half of his one-liners afterwards.
So the movie wasn't good because you're dumb?

Like I said, for Batman fans who have read the comics, know the characters, and know the storyline, it was probably a good movie. I know nothing about the Batman comics apart from Batman riding a Batmobile and saving people, so my knowledge of other characters/the storyline was pretty poor anyway. Action movies aren't my type of thing, Batman or not.
^Nah, apparently Nolan tends to make up his own storylines and even the backgrounds for his characters are completely different to those in the comic book, so I doubt being a fan would mean you could understand it more.

Like I said, I feel that on the surface Nolan's films appear really complicated (like Inception) but if you take the time to actually think about it they're not that complicated at all and are actually just highly stylised versions on ancient storytelling devices.
Btw there's more than one batman comic series and they all change the minor details in the backgrounds. Just be glad that batman isn't marvel other whys there would be 3838299393987590101002874757820401 different batmans
I saw some films! Yay, go me. First up was Finding a friend for the end of the World

Wasn't too sure what to expect, I don't think I ever saw a trailer for it even. I ended up really enjoying it, overall it's very bleak but it starts off really funny and some of the scenes were just hilarious (I really want to visit that Friendsies). About half way through it starts to get a bit soppy and predictable but the funny parts in the first half definitely made it worth a watch.

Rating: 3/5

The Lorax in 3D

Never really been into Dr Seuss and I've only seen The Grinch. Overall it's a very fun movie full of cute little characters which fill the film with some charm (very similar to Despicable Me's Minions*), it's very colourful and has some good amusing moments scattered throughout. The animation was nice too, as was the 3D which because of it being an animation worked wonders. The story was maybe too forceful on it's save the forests message. Oh and I totally wasn't expecting the musical numbers which were actually fun and catchy.

Rating: 3.5/5

*They're now getting their own spin-off which is clearly the best movie news of the year
Nic said:
Just to break up the inevitable "OMFG Dark Knight Rises *fap fap fap*" monotony, here's some stuff I've watched recently.
Have some more...

Brave (in good, old fashioned, 2D)
Totally not what I was expecting. For some reason, I'd been led to believe it was basically the story of Braveheart, but with a girl. It isn't. It was alright. I quite liked it. There were a few moments that I know made me laugh a lot, but, actually, I've forgotten what they were. Merida isn't too burdenous for a ginge. She's also the closest we'll probably ever get to having a dyke for a princess, so that's fab in itself. But that brings me on to my biggest issue. There's a princess. In a Pixar film. To be totally honest, I pretty much entirely forgot that it was Pixar. If I didn't know otherwise, I'd have sworn blind that it was a pure Disney film. This saddens me. With Disney's next one being Wreck it Ralph (which looks AWESOME and way more like a Pixar film than Brave will ever be), if Monsters University wasn't on the agenda, I'd be seriously worried. So, yeah, it was OK.

The Lorax
There was literally nothing else left to watch on the plane. I really didn't fancy this at all, but decided to stick it on anyway. I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't find the Dr Suess thing was rammed in your face quite so much as with the other films. Sure, the connection is obvious, but it was subtle enough not to put me right off. It was predictable, but fun.