Silent Hill Revelation 3D
My verdict 0.5/10
Silent Hill Revelation was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Being a fan of the Silent Hill series, I would say that I am hard to please but, I was impressed with the first film.
SHR is a mess from beginning. The film has extremely poor character development. The fact that I have played and beaten SH3, I knew what was going on. Two friends of mine who have never played the games, but have seen the first movie were lost from the beginning. The film was like sonic the hedgehog, where each scene was like a new level or act with no transition in between. Lakeside zone, Asylum zone, Hotel zone, Streets zone, Death Zone. The film was too rushed. The first film was much slower.
SHR is a example of why video games to movies don't work. What makes SH3 so good is the story and well directors just throw it out. The key to making a SH film successful is capturing the atmosphere.
Critics praised the first film for its visuals. Critics disliked the first film since it was vague.
SHR had an embarrassing lack of scares, although it had potential. The Carousel scene at the very beginning was a great idea but the men tied up had normal undisturbing faces. Maybe some blackout contacts and blood from the eyes would work. The pop-tart really? Mannequin creature looked fake and dumb. The nurses were good though. Vincent heart-throb really? Douglas dies WTF? he is supposed to be with heather at the end. Her father lives WTF!!!!!!!!!
The SH films don't have to be sequels. Many of the games are not. Overall this film is a mess, poor character development, lacked scares, and failed to capture the essence of its source material. The first film did a good job capturing the creepy yet artistic elements of silent hill. This film totally missed it by a galaxy or two.
From the current earnings this film, it will most likely be a flop and kill the series all together. Our only hope is that Gans returns to make another film. Bassett should stick to action films.
