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I used to love It (the film) when I was a kid. I actually read my first Stephen King novel (It) when I was about 12 purely because I enjoyed the film. That was also when I realised that a film I loved was actually ****.

The endings for both, as in most King stories, I always found crap though.
Re: RE:


I went to see this earlier in the week, and I was cautiously optimistic. Ben Afleck directing peaked my interest, especially since I loved The Town. This one was great. Afleck is becoming a good director with great potential. This one, while it lulled at times, was very good. Definitely a must see in my opinion.

The last 100 pages or so of It are awful. The first 1,000, are fantastic.

The only ones of his I think I prefer are The Stand and The Shining.

The Shining is the best book ever. Awful film. THERE I SAID IT. Kubrick is the most over-rated director ever. Best person ever for taking amazing books (Clockwork Orange included) and murdering them.

Salem's Lot and Pet Semetary are about the same level as It, but, there's so much less to them, so.

King <3
Well I guess when I have a bit of free time I should pick up a book considering my textbook readings aren't too heavy this semester finally. I can't remember much of the movie Pet Semetary, I just remember almost **** my pants when that skinny weirdo lady came on the screen </3 I did enjoy the Shining, but never read the book. Same for IT. The only ones I've both read and watched are Green Mile and Dolores Claiborne (which, let's face it, is a bit of a dire film compared to the book).

Anyway, I was suppose to see Sinister tonight but since me and my friend have made it a tradition to go see Paranormal Activity every year, we continued that.

So yah, Paranormal Activity4- 6/10

Ehhhh. I dunno, I'd still rank them as 1 first, then 3, then 4, then 2. This one had a few jumpy bits but nothing that really made my skin crawl and I didn't like the end. I also thought it started out a bit slow. It did creep me out a bit I guess, but not in the same way as 1 and 3 did. Same plot as the rest and so on, I kind of hope they stop these now. The first one was good enough as is, and if they really felt the need to continue it should have just stopped at 3.
Re: "Now Showing"

Just saw Silent Hill: Revelations.

Pretty freaking amazing imo. I actually believe the two movies are actually prequals to the game series (as events at the end lead into two seperate games). The creature design was beautiful, the 3D was actually amazing for the movie and not felt like it was "just applied". The nurses were fab and the two Pyramid Heads were not necessary (ugh....brain crapped on spelling...hope it is right), but added a sense of...anxiety...to the situation. Not really sure what their proper role really was, but they felt a bit forgotten and tossed in to keep with the series.

Overall, a 3.5/5 for at least answering several questions left open from the first, explaining some elements found in all the games, and finally putting a proper place to them in regards to the game series.
Skyfall was so, so, so, so, so, so good.

So well made, acted, written, just, brilliant.

Owes a little to the Dark Knight, especially Silva, but, if you're going to owe to any film...

Just, amazing. Second best Bond film ever, after only GoldenEye.


Simply amazing. I was concerned after the last two but this film is just brilliant. I'm still not convinced by Adele's song, it's just a couple of words repeated over and over (so it is bloomin' catchy) but for me it's just not good enough for the title song. At least they're heading in the right direction I suppose. I'm still not a massive fan of Craig as Bond too but it could be worse. I thought the film was funny, emotional and the action was really fantastic, none of this shaking camera balls which is great.

Rating: 5/5
Daniel Craig is awful as Bond, but I will still be seeing it next weekend when it comes out in the states.

Here Comes the Boom

While it had it's moments, it could have been so so so much better if it wasn't aimed for young teens, but what do I expect, it starred Kevin James.


People Like Us

It was the movie on the plane, and seeing as I couldn't fall asleep, I watched it. Pros, Olivia Wilde has a small part, cons, Heigl was the star. She is awful and ruins everything. She needs to go away.


Pretty good for a horror movie I must say. It wasn't really scary for me although people in the audience thought otherwise, but it did have a lot of eerie elements for sure and some of the parts, like the end, don't really follow the formula of a typical movie. That's about all there is to say really.. I don't recommend rushing out to see it but if you like horror films and you like being creeped out a bit, then watch it.
Silent Hill Revelation 3D

My verdict 0.5/10

Silent Hill Revelation was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Being a fan of the Silent Hill series, I would say that I am hard to please but, I was impressed with the first film.

SHR is a mess from beginning. The film has extremely poor character development. The fact that I have played and beaten SH3, I knew what was going on. Two friends of mine who have never played the games, but have seen the first movie were lost from the beginning. The film was like sonic the hedgehog, where each scene was like a new level or act with no transition in between. Lakeside zone, Asylum zone, Hotel zone, Streets zone, Death Zone. The film was too rushed. The first film was much slower.
SHR is a example of why video games to movies don't work. What makes SH3 so good is the story and well directors just throw it out. The key to making a SH film successful is capturing the atmosphere.
Critics praised the first film for its visuals. Critics disliked the first film since it was vague.

SHR had an embarrassing lack of scares, although it had potential. The Carousel scene at the very beginning was a great idea but the men tied up had normal undisturbing faces. Maybe some blackout contacts and blood from the eyes would work. The pop-tart really? Mannequin creature looked fake and dumb. The nurses were good though. Vincent heart-throb really? Douglas dies WTF? he is supposed to be with heather at the end. Her father lives WTF!!!!!!!!!

The SH films don't have to be sequels. Many of the games are not. Overall this film is a mess, poor character development, lacked scares, and failed to capture the essence of its source material. The first film did a good job capturing the creepy yet artistic elements of silent hill. This film totally missed it by a galaxy or two.

From the current earnings this film, it will most likely be a flop and kill the series all together. Our only hope is that Gans returns to make another film. Bassett should stick to action films.

out:) Vasco
Ben said:
Skyfall was so, so, so, so, so, so good.

So well made, acted, written, just, brilliant.

Owes a little to the Dark Knight, especially Silva, but, if you're going to owe to any film...

Just, amazing. Second best Bond film ever, after only GoldenEye.

This really, the opening sequence/opening credits was brilliant. Love the theme, it's perfect.

The one liners were great aswell, had the pretty much the whole cinema in a short 'laugh out loud' moment.

Skyfall 9/10
I went to see Skyfall today, (as it seems many of the recent posters here have too). I do not profess to be a Bond fan, as last night was the first time I watched a Bond film (Casino Royale). I loved Casino Royale, thought it was clever and just awesome. I thought Skyfall has a tough act to beat it (I know there was another in between them, Quantum of Solace or something). So I sat down in the cinema, trust me to pick the seat where some ****s are behind me kicking my seat, also the fire alarm sounded and so we were evacuated. So we weren't off to a good start. I could sit here all day typing as many synonyms from the thesaurus as I could, but I thought Skyfall was truly outstanding. Just amazing. I have, like I said, never seen a Bond film (apart from last night) but a tear actually came to my eye at certain points (I shall not spoil it for those who haven't had the chance to watch it but those of you who have seen it will probably know what I am talking about). So the explosions and car chases just were wow. I also really liked it being set mainly in London, made it feel much closer to home.

So yeah, top marks from me!

I do have one criticism, I have now had to buy the box set of all the other Bond films from Amazon so I can catch up!
Watched Iron Sky last night on Lovefilm. Stupid film, but great fun.

It's 2018, and the newly elected President of the USA has sent a model to the moon as an astronaut to help her win the next election (she's clearly based on Sarah Palin). They discover though a Nazi base on the moon that has been there since 1945, building forces and preparing to take back Earth.

The discovery of the astronauts brings forward their plans (when they find a smart phone can connect to their systems), so they start their plans to win back the Earth.

I think it's supposed to be high satire, like Dr Strangelove, but it's low brow nonsense, with occasional moments of decent satirical comedy. It's all badly written (but oddly, really well made), badly plotted complete and utter bollocks. Great fun for anyone wanting a mindless 90 minutes of futuristic Nazi steampunk mixed with dumb jokes and a bit of Battle Beyond the Stars chucked in for good measure.

Trailer to whet your appetite:

consider me interested. Still need to see wreck it ralph as well.

edit- I'l fix this later
Just saw Wreck-it Ralph. Gamer References abundant and for those who don't game still a great and well executed story. It's well worth seeing and definitely the best Gaming movie I've seen. 9.5/10
Movie casting news: Mark Wahlberg confirmed to star in Transformers 4. At least it isn't Statham or Diesel. I'm intrigued at least, which is more than I could say before I saw this casting confirmed.

Wreck it Ralph

Disappointed? It was enjoyable but far from great. I'm seeing it again, without a million kids in the theater this time, but I just felt a little meh after it.

tomahawKSU said:
Movie casting news: Mark Wahlberg confirmed to star in Transformers 4. At least it isn't Statham or Diesel. I'm intrigued at least, which is more than I could say before I saw this casting confirmed.

Wreck it Ralph

Disappointed? It was enjoyable but far from great. I'm seeing it again, without a million kids in the theater this time, but I just felt a little meh after it.


It's definitely a movie where gamers will get more of the jokes and references. Still it might be better without kids. I actually went with a group and we were the only one's in the theater. Much better