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Yes, don't spoil it for him Jordan. It would be a real shame if the articulate and complex emotional storyline was ruined :roll: :p
Keeping on with the trend of my last couple of posts, I was once again forced to watch another National Lampoon movie, only this time it was the original National Lampoon's Vacation. It was definitely better than the Vegas and European ones in the way that it had a lot more funny moments. It was still in the same stupid fashion as the others, but this one I'd probably watch again. Poor Aunt Edna </3 Plus, it had Six Flags Magic Mountain <3

Hocus Pocus

Yeah, I'd never seen it. What?! It's pretty good. It's not going to go down on my all time list of classics, but I can understand why people who remember this from childhood have a lot of affection for it. It is a good all reound family film, although I'd love to know how many awkward conversations have stemmed from over-use of the word "virgin" throughout ;)

peep said:
Hang on, it doesn't have a big fight? Surely that means the trailer is false advertising?

It accurately portrays Kristen Stewart's complete inability to portay emotions, Robert Pattinson being a complete nonce and nay one give a **** about the furfag. Not so false there is it! Also it has chest bursters and Eddie tearing out Bella's fanny with his teeth in there but I'm not sure they are allowed to show that before the water shed. Nor do I know if that bit has happened yet...
Nic said:
It is a good all reound family film, although I'd love to know how many awkward conversations have stemmed from over-use of the word "virgin" throughout ;)

That's easy, you just go:

Watched The Rescuers and The Aristocats on blu-ray earlier.

I'd not seen the Rescuers before and it was ok, not the best of the classics but still watchable. Aristocats is one of my all-time favs and it's still amazing. The songs are probably the best thing about it, oh and the fab geese including Uncle George <3
Went to the cinema. First I saw Gambit

Sadly this isn't a spin-off from the X-Men series, instead it's a film trying to be funny and in my eyes, failing. There was the odd guffaw but it was mainly sh*te. Don't bother.

Rating: 2/5


Brilliant French-Canadian film. It was hilarious as well as quite emotional (wasn't expecting the latter). It's about a guy that when he's young donates lots of sperm to a sperm bank and years later he's still messing up his life when a lawyer from the sperm bank tell him that he has over 500 kids and that about half of them are filing a lawsuit to find out his identity. I honestly can't recommend this film enough, if you can, check it out.

Rating: 4.5/5
Rise of the Guardian

Add another check for a great Dreamworks movie. Funny for both adults and kids. Very cute and not that long. I was entertained and I would willingly see it again.


Red Dawn (2012)

Watched the original, I enjoyed it so I saw the new one. Way too short and lacked in certain areas. Funny seeing Josh Peck so skinny when I remember him from Drake and Josh age. It was entertaining at least.

I finally got around to watching I am Number 4 on Saturday night. It's like Superman crossed with Twilight and as bad as that sounds.

"I am an alien with super powers"
"I am a simpering and bashful heroine, I shall look longingly into your eyes"
"We bad ass aliens love forever. I shall look into your eyes while the world around me goes to ****. Hey, here comes a female of my species to induce jealousy and a plot device for the next in the series"
"I am the bashful heroines ex and I'm evil, but I'm sure I'll do the right thing in the end"
"BAD GUY CRUSH AND KILL. teeeeeheheheheheheheheheeeee"

Fin. 6/10

Also took to see Maxi-Minor_Furie to see Frankenweenie.

I'm a little in two minds about the film, but MMF loved it, really, really loved. So he'd give it a 10/10.

I loved it as a fantastic tribute to "horror". It was chock full of references to so much classic horror. Most of it was heavily Boris Karloff influenced/referenced, but there was (and I'll have missed some)Creature from the black lagoon, Gremlins, Pet Semetary (both obviously and subtly), Hammer works, Village of the damned, Godzilla and even references to Burton's own earlier films (Batman and Edward Scissorhands for instance).

It was such a superb "ode" to horror, I loved it. However, I don't know if it's that good if you don't understand the references. I was just gleefully sitting there watching out for every little thing it offered.

Beyond that, I found the story was well handled and had some really nice little comedy pieces. It was all relatively standard fayre, but the gorgeous design, production and animation made it stand out - plus the very dark nature of the film means it's not like a normal film. It's actually a little too grim to be honest if you start to really think about it, but that's part of what makes the film - it's handled so well that it works.

So yeah, I did really enjoy it, but wasn't really blown away. I suspect like most Burton films, it'll offer diminishing returns with each re-watch too. So 10/10 if you're an evil little imp (MMF), 8/10 if you get the references or love Burton's dark work and probably a 6 or 7 out of 10 for everyone else :)

Oh, and I finished the original Frankenstein novel on Friday night in preparation for seeing this (just in case it may have something I'd missed), but the film has absolutely nothing to do with the book, literally, absolutely nothing from the book is in the film (beyond the name). It's a direct reference to the Karloff film.
Just got back from seeing Rise of the Guardians in 3D.

I loathe Dreamworks, there's just something about them that I just can't stand. However I thought I'd give this one a go. It was ok, I chuckled occasionally. The animation and 3D were nice. Kids will absolutely love it though and I suppose at the end of the day that is what this film went out to achieve.

Rating: 3/5
I watched The Loved Ones last night, an Australian horror/thriller.

Not much really happens as far as a real story - it's more torture porn than anything - but it's worth a watch. It's all a bit demented, and I actually felt a bit ill by the end of it, which is always a good sign.
peep said:
I loathe Dreamworks, there's just something about them that I just can't stand.
Because it's not Disney. ;)

Saw Madagascar 3. Didn't find the previous two that funny but laughed a few times during this one. Kids will love it.
The Cabin in the Woods

A great idea that they didn't really run with enough in my opinion. There was far too simplistic a plot with little back story or real explanation. Elements of the concept itself, while not enough was done with it, were quite clever though.

Worth a watch.
I thought it was hilarious and fun. Great one of those (unintentionally) funny horror movies and surprisingly "star-studded". Definitely worth a watch. The beginning felt like a throwback to Evil Dead. I liked the idea, sure it wasn't executed amazingly but very entertaining none the less.

It's definitely a movie made for the award season, and I am sure it will win a lot. It was nice seeing a movie show what Lincoln was (allegedly) like. Everything claims he was perfect, but he really was far from it. I won't see it again in theaters, but it may be one I buy down the road. One of my former professors helped do the research the book was based off, so it was kinda cool knowing one of the people involved in the project.