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"Now Showing"

No, how can she think a prequel will confuse her if she hasn't seen the others?

It's a prequel, the other stories FOLLOW it, so of course you don't need to have seen them :lol:
Re: "Now Showing"

furie said:
No, how can she think a prequel will confuse her if she hasn't seen the others?

Because Taylor? I think I understand what she meant though, there were things in the film that were obviously a nod to LOTR that she wouldn't get, and that's part of the enjoyment for a prequel (for me anyway). So if you're not going to 'get' some of the stuff, is it worth seeing?

Coincidentally there wasn't that many LOTR references in The Hobbit to goon over, so I think you're safe there.
I just saw that newish Spiderman one, and thought it was pretty decent. I just got a massive new 3D TV about a month ago. I wasn't bothered about the 3D stuff, but it was in some sale and was about the same price as the non-3D ones. I got some 3D glasses a couple of days ago, and I've only just now tried the 3D out. I've never actually seen it on a TV before, and just assumed it would be ****, but it's actually really, really good!

Anyway, the film. I liked the guy playing Spiderman, and the whole thing looks really good. I just thought that the storyline and villain were a bit ****. You can see where they've left things open for sequels and stuff as well. I don't know why, but that pisses me off. I get it, it leaves unanswered questions for the audience etc., but I just find it a bit cheap.
I like new_Spiderman, I like the body horror this where Rhys Ifans' arm is growing back and stuff, but Andrew Garfield is just way too good looking to be a good Peter Parker, he's too cool. Needs to be more nerdy, definitely. I kind of like Emma Stone as Mary Jane though, works for me.
Emma Stone is Gwen Stacy, not Mary Jane, who is showing up in the next movie.

The one problem I had with the new Spiderman (rewatched it yesterday) was just the randomness of the final third of it. The story was strong, until the Lizard found the camera, then all of a sudden he is at the school? Clearly there was a time lapse, since Peter had his chest basically gashed open, but come on. The crane thing was pretty stupid too.

I am really looking forward to the next one though. Jamie Foxx is going to be the villain, Shailene Woodley is Mary Jane (apparently she's the next Emma Stone in terms of red head getting famous), and they have Harry Osbourne in it, plus they are going to examine Peter's parents story more too.
^The parents' "story" is what annoyed me in this one. It's just cheaply setting up another film in a way for stupid people to say, "oh yeah, I remember that from the first movie" and feel all intelligent, when in fact the whole thing is just spoon fed to the point of being insulting.

Yeah, I think that's it. The whole film thinks it's being really clever, but it's not. At all.
nadroJ said:
Whatevs, Raimi's Spiderman was better.

It really wasn't. I look back on those films and cringe.

I re-watched the new Spidey in 3D at home today (the 3D on the shots where he's swinging about <3 ). I still love it. I like that they're setting up more of a story with his parents and I'm intrigued by Osborn and how his story will continue/grow. I love Ryhs Ifans but I'm not a massive fan of the lizard, I think they dealt with the character the best way they could and I'm glad it wasn't just a villain that we'd seen before but it just looked a bit wrong.

Really looking forward to the next one and apparently some of it is being filmed in London.
Spiderman 2 is still the best.

I liked the new one, but, it was so trying to be Spiderman Begins, with the dead parents and stuff <//3
Couldn't be worse than Spiderman 3 though.

Apparently Guillermo del Toro turned down directing Star Wars Episode 7 and it looks like Matthew Vaughn will probably be the direct after all.
Trainspotting - Solid flick. Not going to be one of those favorites that I want to watch again & again, but a good movie & one I'm glad to have seen. Interesting to see Ewan McGregor play a heroin addict (effectively, too) when the first thing I think of him as is a Jedi mentor.
tomahawKSU said:
Couldn't be worse than Spiderman 3 though.

Apparently Guillermo del Toro turned down directing Star Wars Episode 7 and it looks like Matthew Vaughn will probably be the direct after all.

Really? I heard Brad Bird was doing it?
^I wish that was the case, Guillermo del Toro agrees. Unfortunately Bird has already announced he isn't involved. :(

Saw a few films yesterday. First up was Silver Linings Playbook

Brilliant film, the cast are phenomenal and the story is compelling, amusing and very emotional. So glad I finally got round to seeing this film.

Rating: 5/5

Jack Reacher

Pretty good film but then I love murder mystery stuff. With some amusing moments and a great car chase I thoroughly enjoyed it. Good times. I kinda wish Werner Herzog had a bigger part or was more than just a man sitting around looking smug/sad and going 'I am the prisoner', the weakest part of the film by far, felt so unnessary.

Rating: 3.5/5

Gangster Squad

I've grown to absolutely loathe ganster related stuff recently, I just find it all samey and boring. However this was a very nice surprise, a fantastic cast with a good story (even if a bit familiar) and some fantastic direction. I enjoyed every moment of it, it gets stuck in straight away and I felt it never hangs around, it just held my attention really well throughout. Great stuff.

Rating: 4/5
^ I've read the book of Silver Linings Playbook and that was pretty good. Been wanting to see the film ever since it came out.
Brad Bird reconfirmed via Twitter saying he isn't doing it, but that could always just mean he is in negotiations. All Star Wars fans I know want him to do it.

Gangster Squad

From the previews, it made it look as if it was Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone the entire time, but that sub story was pretty small, but was still really good. I loved the movie. The opening scene, while quite graphic, was a perfect starter. The entire cast was great, and Josh Brolin was really good. Definitely one to see in the theaters.

Zero Dark Thirty

Saw it yesterday.. pretty delicious. Kinda wished I saw it in theaters though.. although the copy I got was clean and crisp.

Agreed, Silver Linings Playbook was awesome. I really hope it gets some of the Oscars it's up for.

Last night was finally time for Les Miserables and omg, it was perfect. Anne Hathway killed it, Samantha Banks killed it, Helena Bonham Carter was divine and even Hugh Jackman was great. Russell Crowe kinda sucked but whatever.

It was just beautiful. Cried in I Dreamed A Dream and then from On My Own until the end of the film <3

The couple of changes to song positions etc that they've made we're actually great and make more sense now, although the new song seemed a bit pointless when they could have kept Dog Eat Dog in instead <//3

Still, the first truly awesome movie musical for a very, very long time and the whole place was in tears.