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Silver Linings Playbook

Simply fantastic. Jennifer Lawrence deserves all the award love she is getting. Absolutely fantastic movie, and it should win several awards. The only "big contender" I still have to see is Zero Dark Thirty, but so far, this is the best, followed by Lincoln, and then Argo. All three are great though. Also Jennifer Lawrence is smoking so that sure didn't help. Yoga pants <3

Django Unchained

What can I say really? Of course it was great. The dialogue was cool, the humour was spot on, the action was exciting, it didn't take itself too seriously, the music was brilliant, the sound editing was spot on and the performances were, as always, memorable. That's usually how I judge if a film was really good or not, if I remember the names of at least 3 characters. Which I do from this, so that's awesome. Oh, and the costumes and props were AMAZING <3 Tarantino is so good at visual gags, I <3 DiCaprio's obscene coconut.

I guess the only downside is that I've kind of grown accustomed to how enjoyably above average Tarantino's films are. I expect them to have amazing dialogue, great soundtracks and hilarious visual gags, and so I feel that the overall effect of his movies is lessened with each one I see. I definitely feel like if I hadn't seen Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill or Inglourious Basterds then I (and everybody else) would be losing my mind over this film. But because we basically go in knowing it's going to be very entertaining that effect is lost, and that is very sad.

But in saying that it's extremely satisfying to watch an auteur produce hit after hit, the style that we recognise and love is there but there's always something soothingly original about Tarantino's films, even if that originality does stem from genre parody, ironically.

It's got to be 10/10, I really loved it that much.
Wreck it Ralph

Loved it. I thought they were going to dwell more on the other game references but I'm glad they didn't. I loved the thought put into the design of everything and the movement of the characters, brilliant. The Candy game was genius design Nesquick Sand <3 I really like the music too and the J-Pop style song during the end credits. Actually the end credits were awesome but if you haven't seen it I'll leave it to you to watch. Just good fun from beginning to end. I wouldn't say it was Disney's best of recent years (that definitely goes to Tangled) but it was still great.

Rating: 4/5
Re: "Now Showing"


S**t. Pixar have spent all their time and money on making animated hair look even better, and not realising that said hyper-real hair needs to be attached to a half-interesting character involved in a semi-intriguing plot.

Yeah, the animation is incredible. So what when everything else about the film is a load of old gash?
All the kids in the cinema absolutely loved Brave. All the adults were, well, less than impressed.

I think it's the first Pixar film where they completely missed making it appeal to adults too.
Beasts of the Southern Wild

It has "film festival" written all over it. In other words, it's obviously done on the cheap, was really **** in' dull and nothing much happens.
Watch Lincoln today. It was LONG. The scenes in congress were really good, the dialogue was really excellent. I actually thought Tommy Lee Jones put in a better performance over Daniel Day Lewis, although he was splendid too. The random sub plot of Joseph Gordon Levitt kind of had little relevance to the overall story, I thought it would be more impacting but there we go. It was good, but I felt like it just ticked all the boxes and left me a bit cold? As in, I don't think I'll watch it again, but I'm glad I saw it, it was very good.
Movie 43

So many big names, yet I have no clue why they did it. Halle Berry mixes guacamole with her boob, and that is one of the least WTF moments. Still have no clue if I liked it or not. It's just so random. Hugh Jackman's bit is worth seeing just because it's that ridiculous.

^I loved Movie 43.

It was literally the most random and messed up movie I've ever seen. The Anna Faris bit was literally the funniest and grossest thing ever. And the Naomi Watts segment omg <3

It was just so fun to see really big, serious stars being completely ridiculous for a change. The main story was weak and not particularly funny, but, most of the short films more than made up for it.

Saw Gangster Squad last night, it was OK. It all looked and felt a bit too much like LA Noire though.
^I loved Beezel the cat with Josh Duhamel and Elizabeth Banks. Yeah, both skits you mentioned were absolutely amazing as well. It was just so random.

I saw it with my dad and he said it reminded him of Groove Tube from the 70's.
Léon: The Professional:

I think I'll sum up my thoughts briefly: A good action film with a decent plot and good characters, and Natalie Portman (12 at the time) does a good job playing that little girl... but there was one question I couldn't get out of my head: What kind of parents read scripts like these and think: "Sure, that looks like the perfect role for my daughter!"

Portman's character is smoking, drinking and swearing a lot. In the first few minutes. Then later it goes over to shooting people and inverse pedophilia. I can't imagine the reaction of the parents', or for that matter her classmates. It's just such an un-child-like performance that one has to cringe at several points.
^Yeah, I remember it causing a bit of a stink when it first came out. Excellent film though, though I haven't seen it since I was a teenager, so I might just be remembering it as better than it was.

Django: Unchained

It was ok. I'm sorry, but that's about it. Yes, it was "stylish" and "witty" and whatever other Tarantino-esque adjectives you want to throw at it, but I ultimately found it all a bit predictable and dull.

I can't remember the last time I saw a film with such a basic plot to be honest. It's complete style over substance, so yeah, typical Tarantino. Some of the dialogue is very good though to be fair.

Like others have said, Tarantino needs to get over himself and realise he needs to stay away from the front of the camera. Seriously.

Christopher Waltz was excellent though; I'll give you that.

Oscar for best film? No. Just no. Just because a film deals with an "important" issue doesn't mean it deserves instant Oscar nominations.

I can see Tarantino winning for screenplay though. The competition for that one isn't as fierce, and he's probably due one by now.
^if it doesn't win best sound editing I'll eat my hat, it was bloody amazing (especially during the Man Dingo fighting, you didn't see anything but the sound <3)

But yh, I agree with it being predictable Tarantino. Like I said, I feel like if I hadn't seen all his other films I would have been far more impressed.
Saw Monsters Inc in 3D last Thursday.

I loved seeing it on the big screen again. Pretty sure they've remastered the audio, it sounded amazing. Such an incredible film. "Kitty" <3

Will be catching up on Django and Lincoln tomorrow.

We've been watching bits of Movie 43 at work, we don't get it. Why would so many A-list actors be in such a random/not very funny film?
gavin said:
Just because a film deals with an "important" issue doesn't mean it deserves instant Oscar nominations.

I have always felt that slavery is an important issue. Nothing like killing the white overlords to get ya giddy on the inside. ;)
Yeah, I just think it's too obvious to nominate for Oscars based on "issues" rather than on the actual merit as a piece of film making.

If there was a film dealing with that in the 1940s and '50s - hell, even later than that I guess - though obviously without the gore, then absolutely. It would have had a lot more to say as the audience would be entirely different and in need of some "education" on the matter.

The film, for me, just doesn't warrant the critical recognition it's getting. It just doesn't seem as relevant now. The fact is that the majority of people eligible to nominate and vote for the Oscars are white. It's almost as if they've felt a need to show how non-racist they are by voting for a mediocre film because it's "important" and it "dares" to tackle slavery. It's actually really **** ing patronising. Maybe that's just my inner white overlord talking though. :wink:

Don't get me wrong, it's an entertaining film, but the plot is thinner than Karen Carpenter after a bathroom visit. It's not a "Best Picture" of the year; it just isn't.

It's sort of like how if you play a retard, or put in a good imitation of a historical figure, you're almost a shoe-in for a nomination for your "brave" performance, when it's actually harder to play a subtle character without the over-the-top, scenery-chewing mannerisms. It's bull ****.
^ Even though I love the movie Forrest Gump, I think I agree with you on that last point. Morgan Freeman probably should've won the Oscar that year.
Saw a couple of films yesterday. The Last Stand

There were bits that I really liked but I dunno, I felt a bit meh about it overall.


Long. That's the movie summed up best I think. I felt like too much of it was self-indulgent bs just because they could. Jordan's comment about Gordon-Levitt's story leading to nothing was so true, it felt like he was a bit pointless? I'm still trying to make my mind up on it, it was well made but the script could have been about half the length it actually was. Oh and my work-brain was screaming at all the film dirt and shiz left all over the place, it really aggravated me. For such a massive award-nominated feature to look generally clean but then have the occasional bit of dirt on it just pissed me off (I'm known at work for being quite pedantic about these things :p ).

Django Unchained

I thoroughly enjoyed this even if it was way too long. I thought it was funny and exciting (if a little predictable at times). I can see why people might not like it but I generally loved it.