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"Now Showing"

Yeah, it was the way it just died off. They got stuck in Candy Rush and the film just faltered and lost momentum.

I don't know who had the original idea, but it was superb, then it seemed to be taken over by a committee who decided what the film required to be successful - rather than keeping true to the initial concept.

I was hoping for something a little more like a typical Pixar/Disney CGI film. Set-up/Premise, loss/conflict that drives away the main character (it got this far at least ;) ), protagonist chases a goal/antagonist chases protagonist through a varied selection of action scenes, probably another argument/conflict that ruins everything and destroys the protagonist's hope, protagonist overcomes their loss, climactic battle/exciting end sequence, resolution and happy end.

The bit in bold is where it missed and it's the main chunk of the film. You want that part to be a journey that keeps you alert and with the characters - learning about them as they're put through their paces and challenged. Instead, Wreck it Ralph just settled down and got cosy and tried to build something (an underlying threat or whatever) rather than doing stuff.

So a chase sequence across multiple classic game, or "look-a-like" games that you could recognise. I mean, it's Disney and no entering into Tron? Seriously?

Yes, it's formulaic, but it's a kids film and will always be like that - but they could have kept up with the games references and action much longer and the film could have been so much better.

Maybe the Sugar Rush game is a challenge across all the machines in the arcades - yes, you lose the "glitch" bollocks, but as it was bollocks anyway... ;) Then Ralph could have help Vienetta (or whatever her name was) win to get his medal, all the time pursued by the other pair wanting to stop the bug who was hunting them (and to get Ralph back to the game), and with the King laying traps in their way.

It's busier, but has a much greater scope than settling down in candy land.

Did anybody else think it just turned into Starship Troopers, and not in a good way?
furie said:
Did anybody else think it just turned into Starship Troopers, and not in a good way?

Cannot be unseen :lol: :lol:

Yeah it defo settled down in Candy Land, but I guess that had to made it worth the while of all the people who had made an effort of designing the place (which was rather good)...

Besides, without the stay there (which actually in the end because of the villain ideals, might have made more sense than the full on chase through multiple games (which would have caused a massive headache for designers)) we wouldn't have had the best film joke reference in YEARS :lol: (Actually, there were two in Candy Land alone, what with Duncan Donut as well)
Beasts of the Southern Wild

Not sure what to make of it. Some things about it were pretty good (Wallis's performance was as good as billed), others bad (the momentum & direction of the plot.. or lack thereof, rather), and others made no sense (
What's the point of the Auroch metaphor? It's obvious as a parallel for Hushpuppy's strength of spirit fully coming into its own as circumstances force her to become increasingly self-reliant, but I think it kind of fell flat when they just rumble up at the end, don't do anything, then disappear)

It's OK overall, I guess. Not seeing where the Oscar hype came from, though.
Cant believe that Wreck it Ralph is finally out! Seemed like it was in the making for **** ages. I remember seeing these posters around DLP in 2009:

Silver Linings Playbook

Really good. Didn't know much about it coming in except that it was some sort of rom-com, but I was pleasantly surprised at how un-rom-commy it really is. Much... grittier, I guess might be the word... it's a well-written, well-acted story that has a lot of believability to it, much more so than, say.. Sleepless In Seattle (which I will admit is something of a guilty pleasure). I do hope this wins some of the Oscars it's been nominated for.

I'd expect we'll be seeing a lot more of Jennifer Lawrence on screen soon. She's a beautiful woman and a very talented young actress.
Re: RE: "Now Showing"

A Good Day to Die Hard

Absolutely ridiculous, no story, no plot. **** blowing up everywhere, but it was quite enjoyable. It's just like every other Die Hard movie.

Sent from my throne
Managed to see 3 films within 24 hours yesterday.

First up was Les Miserables

To be honest, most of the story was lost on me as I don't know much about the French Revolution. Enjoyed it though but would have enjoyed it more if there were more un-sung words. I know it's a musical, but does almost every word have to be sung in some way?

Next was Silver Linings Playbook

The nearest cinema to me still showing this was in Manchester so I was hoping it was good. The only reason I did see it was because I did read the very good book. It did live up to my expectations. The acting was brilliant and it does deserve the Oscars it's up for. The only downside of it was the dancing competition bit is completely different than the book.

Finally, Life of Pi

Only saw this in 2D but it was still amazing. Very hard to think it's based on a true story. The acting was brilliant in it.
It's just like every other Die Hard movie

Going by the reviews I've read, it's quite the opposite. It's getting a lot of stick, and these people had a lot of praise for Die Hard 4.

I'm put off seeing A Good day to Die Hard purely because it's a 12a certificate!
Re: "Now Showing"

So I re-watched The Aristocats, a childhood fav of mine.

I havent watched this movie in over 10 years, but oh sweet lord how did Disney get away with some of their older stuff! Never really noticed how stereotyped those cats were til just now :lol:

Still, an enjoyable movie that made me laugh a bit.
Thekingin64 on Les Miserables said:
To be honest, most of the story was lost on me as I don't know much about the French Revolution.

It's not about the French Revolution.

Thekingin64 on Life of Pi said:
Very hard to think it's based on a true story.

That's because it's not.
Re: "Now Showing"

gavin said:
Thekingin64 on Les Miserables said:
To be honest, most of the story was lost on me as I don't know much about the French Revolution.

It's not about the French Revolution.

Thekingin64 on Life of Pi said:
Very hard to think it's based on a true story.

That's because it's not.

Isn't it just simply set in a similar time period?
^My understanding is that it is set in the time period but it was a little before or after (can't remember which but i believe before) the main french revolution. The plot itself isn't historically accurate but it is loosely based on the student revolution.
Re: "Now Showing"

Les Miserables: June Rebellion, basically an unsuccessful, relatively minor, student protest.1832.

French Revolution: HUGE social upheaval leading to the execution of the king and queen. Impact felt around the world.1789-1799

Sorry, just annoys me when people say Les Miserables is about the French Revolution when it's very, very different. It's not really even about the June Rebellion, that's just a backdrop to part of the story; it's about Jean Valjean, a fictional character.
Can you really blame them for making a mistake? France pretty much revolted every other day untill they built disneyland practically.
Re: "Now Showing"

Sorry, but the French Revolution was major world changer, not a few students getting shot on a pile of furniture.

Just a pet peeve, that's all.
Re: "Now Showing"

Finally saw Skyfall last night.

No idea what the fuss was about. It's an ok action film but felt the tone of the film was about both their retirement.

It relied too much on the old bond films and just lacked any imagination.

It was better than the last one but still no where as good as some of the older ones.
Went to see Beautiful creatures

I heard it was based off a book which has a similar appeal to teenage girls that Twilight has. Fortunately this was actually a decent film. Maybe pretty predictable but in a rather odd satisfying way. I thought some of the effects were poor but apart from that it was just an enjoyable film. Cast were pretty awesome too. Jeremy Irons and Emma Thomson <3
Red Riding Hood

Amanda Seyfried is just awful, expected it to turn into a cheesy porno constantly, it would've been a less predictable ending than that was. Just garbage.



Kept waiting for action, and it never came, but it was actually really really enjoyable. Basically the movie is about the Rock's son who gets set up by his **** friend who ships some drugs to his house, gets busted, gets jail time, so Rock has to run a drug deal to reduce his sentence and ends up getting involved with a kingpin. It's funny seeing him try and be serious, but he did a pretty good job. Pretty crazy since it was based on a true story.

Saw another 2 flicks today. First was A good day to Die Hard

Not much to say apart from there were explosions, guns and car chases. Not a lot else really happens. So if the former is your type of thing, you'll love it. If you prefer an actual story etc then maybe leave this one alone.

This is 40

I wasn't actually planning on seeing this but the time of the screening just worked in my favour. It does have some very funny moments but it tries too hard to be serious throughout and I don't think it worked. So it's ok, but nothing amazing.