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"Now Showing"

Now You See Me

Absolute s**te. Well, what I saw of it anyway; I kept nodding off on the plane since I hadn't been to bed. Just awful. I've decided that Jesse Eisenberg needs to just be continuously kicked in the face until he dies; what an annoying w@nker.

The Purge

Thinks it's some clever social commentary. Actually just a stupidly far-fetched bag o' w@nk.
Went to see America Hustle last night and got put in the Sky Superscreen at the O2. It's MASSIVE, so I was excited. Unfortunately we managed about 30 minutes of the film before not being able to stand the dreadful echoing anymore and had to leave <//3
^Oh, the echo. It's odd, it use to happen ALL THE TIME. But now it seems only happen on the odd film. Unless I've just become used to it. *shrugs* Basically I've come to the conclusion it's down to the acoustics in the room.

Went to see American Hustle with Richard and Nic.

I really liked it, sometimes it is a bit too slow but overall it's enjoyable. The cast are incredible and Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams are amazing <3
Anchorman 2

The legend did continue and this extremely stupid !movie had me laughing the entire time. It has a great take on how **** retarded society is and what is considered news now. The last 15 minutes are so is as good as it gets for a stupid comedy. Some great cameos and I just **** hilarious.

I watched Bridegroom today on Netflix and found it very good. I think it portrayed the struggles of what I imagine gay people go through without focusing on issues such as AIDS and other diseases. It was a heartfelt story of love, rejection, loss and cruelty, and I found it very touching.

Wolf on Wall Street

Hour too long, Jonah Hill was only one who kept clothes on, so much nudity and f bombs. I enjoyed it but just too long.

Been watching quite a lot of films over the Christmas break.

Anchorman 2

Really funny film, I can't really remember the first one but it's probably about on par. The first half of the film is absolutely hilarious but the humour dies a little near the end.

Hobbit: DOS

With it being a year since the first one, it might have been helpful to have a bit of a refresher (though this would have made it even longer). I liked how it got straight into the action though and thought it was a very good film. Before seeing it all I heard was bad things about it so I was quite impressed when I actually watched it.

The Internship

This got bad reviews when it was out in the cinema but I watched it on DVD recently and thought it was a really great film. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn are very entertaining in it and it's just really fun to watch.

Lone Ranger

I basically wanted to see this because I love Pirates of the Caribbean and it's all over the cover that it has the same production team. Although it doesn't really come close, it is still an enjoyable film with a great performance by Johnny Depp as Tonto.
I've got some serious catching up to do in here!

A Christmas Carol
They screened it as a Take 2 Thursday thing so I thought I might as well. It was ok, I suppose. It really doesn't deserve to be a Disney film though. I never have liked that motion capture nonsense.

Moshi Monsters: The Movie
I had a hunch that this could turn out to be a cult classic. One of those films with more focus on keeping the adults happy, in the knowledge that the kids will lap this **** up regardless.
No, it really is just a complete pile of steaming faeces. It also made my eyes hurt for a good 24hrs afterwards.

Walking With Dinosaurs 3D
I went to see this purely for the graphics because the looked ok in the trailer, and it kept telling me that they'd blow my mind. Well, no, they just blow. The skin close-ups are pretty, but some of the rest of it is shockingly bad. Like, actually worse than Jurrasic Park bad. Combine that with an over-done, predictable, storyline and some dreadful acting, and this is a complete bag of ****.

Anchorman 2
I was a bit concerned that this would be dreadful as it was over-hyped and, lets face it, sequels rarely do the original justice. I was relieved to discover that this is actually very good. No, its not as hilarious as the original, but I think a lot of that was down to the total "WTF?!" factor. With the sequel, you kinda know a bit more what to expect... then the fight scene at the end arrives! Brilliant!

American Hustle
I probably wouldn't have gone to see this if I was on my own. When it comes to films, I have the attention span of a goldfish, and the brain capacity to match (which is why I'm usually a kids films and chick flicks kinda person!) I was pleased to say that I did manage to keep up with the plot, and stay awake! I really enjoyed it actually, although it was about an hour too long. I'm not sure I'd have enjoyed it quite so much without Jennifer Lawrence though - her fabulousness knows no bounds.

Last Vegas
Ah yes, this is more my thing. Funny, not overly complicated, yet not a total embarrassment to go and see. Whilst a lot of the funny moments are in the trailer, there's definitely a lot more besides. It made me genuinely lol throughout. Hurrah!

On telly over xmas was... Gnomeo & Juliet
Now, how can you have an adaptation of R&J where
they don't die at the end?!!!
WTF?! It was doing well up until that point though. Loving all the famous voices it features too, and the animation isn't dreadful. It's also very short.
Re: "Now Showing"

I've been waiting for the moment when I'd lose my last shred of faith in humanity. The fact that someone has felt the need to put the ending of Romeo and Juliet in spoilers is that moment.
I've heard good things about Anchorman 2, would I need to see the first one to understand anything?

I also rather fancy Last Vegas, I always like a good laugh.
The last of my new movie burst until I find a theater with Twelve Years a Slave or I wait a month for Oscar announcements and it shows up again...anyways.

Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug HFR 3D

Visually, fantastic like the first. I'll be seeing this in standard probably next week with the wife, but I loved how crisp it was. Hated the constant spinning of the cameras though, made me feel sick. Basically nothing happens in this movie...again. They really should have just done two, combining these first two and then the last one, which really should be 99% action and the last percent being Peter Jackson doing scenery shots.

Smaug visually was best part and I just loved how he was done. Benedict Cumberbach is a rising star. It just bugs me how obscenely long these movies are when the book was so short. Just get me to the battles.

Right, I have now finally read The Hobbit (as in got around to reading it, not it took me ages to read. I started it Sunday and finished it yesterday :lol: ) - so I can comment a little more on the films in context.

I find it a little odd with the pacing compared to the book, but I understand why it is like it is in the films. I still think their pacing is a bit off with an obscenely slow first film, and the second film being really well rapid (yet the entire Smaug scene which is a single chapter in the book is about a third of the second film :lol: )

However, there are so many hints throughout the book as to the extraneous parts that the film covers, I think it works in the entire context of Jackson's take on the two eras in Middle Earth. The book worked without the "Orc push", but I think the film needed the antagonist to hurry things along and they are there in the book anyway. So it all kind of works for me, but I have no idea what the last film is really going to cover other than an hour of good-byes and distilled sunsets. Though I guess there's a mass of LOTR background to fill in too from Gandalf's perspective.

I think in terms of "book to film", it isn't quite right. In terms of the entire Middle Earth films, including extended writings and unpublished works, it's actually really rather spiffing.
Despicable Me

Ashamed that I had never seen this, so I watched it on Netflix. It was pretty cute, and the Minions were absolutely precious, but it's not my favourite animated film or anything. It did make me cry and the charactedrs were cute, but the storyline just didn't really grab my interest very much.

Delivery Man

Based on a true story this film is a direct copy of the film Starbuck albeit being in English, rather than French. Same director as well. The only difference is that there are a few familiar faces in there and it has Vince Vaughn being himself (i.e. dull and annoying). So, it's a nice film but go see the original which is available for a few quid on DVD.

47 Ronin

I was kinda expecting this to be awful but it was ok in the end. A decent popcorn flick which is a little different because Japan <3 Apparently it's based on a real tale and silly amounts of people still go to their graves in December, I think it makes it that more awesome. However I thought some of the CGI was a little off, as in, you could really tell it was fake.

Last Vegas

I admit I wasn't expecting too much from this film but I found it very enjoyable. There was definitely more laughs throughout than I thought there would be. So a very fun film that if you want a laugh you should go see.

I should probably go see 12 years a slave at some point, but films where you know 90% of it is going to be sad I find a little hard to get the oomph to see. It was definitely one of the most popular film releases I've seen for a while anyway, several screenings today were sold out.
12 Years A Slave

Well, it was exactly what you're thinking it would be I guess. Two hours or so of human misery, with some added gore and predictable characters. I don't know, the story really grabbed me because it was unique in the sense that this was a free man, kidnapped into slavery who was then freed. I had hoped Steve McQueen (of whom I am a big fan) would focus a bit more on the political fight to free the wrongly enslaved protagonist. However all we're left with is some pretty gruesome whipping scenes that anyone who has seen Roots saw almost 40 years ago on our screens! I feel like the slavery stories should have surpassed the 'shock value' segment of their depiction, and whilst these atrocious things DID happen when watching them on screen in 2014 they can't help but feel a bit gratuitous.

Edit: I wrote a more in-depth review if anybody wants to have a read: http://cupcakesandcoasters.blogspot.co.uk
lol, earlier on my Dad was saying how he didn't want to see it because it'll just be the same as Roots, so it amuses me you made that comparison.
Re: "Now Showing"

It annoys me because it shouldn't have been, this story had so much more bite to it because he was kidnapped AND he was freed, so it could easily have been so much more than what it ended up being <//3

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Re: "Now Showing"

^ I haven't seen it, but based on the subject matter, absolutely. Is there a gay or retarded slave? Guaranteed acting win if that's the case.