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"Now Showing"

Re: RE: "Now Showing"

I read the book, and the second I heard it was going to be a movie, I knew it was going to be Oscar bait. Since they tried to put every big actor who would do it "for a purpose" it's gonna clean up. Still plan on seeing it though.
Delivery Man
It's slightly more heartfelt a a bit less zany than his usual fare, but it's still Vince Vaughan. The whole thing was just a bit too sappy really. It was an alright way to while away a Sunday afternoon, but I won't be rushing to watch it again.
Finally watched Gravity over the weekend. The action and peril was fantastic. Really well filmed, exciting and captivating. Completely and utterly ruined by Sandra "screaming harpy/panting bint" Bullock, - whose character had about as much chance of getting into space as Challenger - and George "space cowboy" Clooney.

I'm not going to ruin the ending, but definitely about half way through (if not sooner), you're going to be hoping and praying that they get it - preferably nastily. That kind of ruins the entire suspense thing unfortunately. Though it's exciting to see if the film may end very soon :).

Re: "Now Showing"

About a million people have told me I NEED to watch Gravity. As I can't stand either Sandra Bullock or George Clooney, I'm going to ignore them all. I couldn't imagine a pair of less believable characters
I can understand that because the action and peril is absolutely stunning. It's a fantastic film to get you on the edge of your seat and the first half an hour is possibly the most incredible bit of film I've seen in a long time. Then Sandra Bullock gets screen time and it goes rapidly downhill. It's worth it for that first half an hour or so though :)

Watched Cloudy with a chance meatballs 2 over the weekend - was stupid, ridiculous and as much fun as the first. Really fantastic kids film :)

Also watched Frozen yesterday, and that's also excellent. If it had been traditional animation, it would have been the greatest Disney film ever. I know I shouldn't hold the CGI against it, but I am :p Other than that, brilliant film, superb pacing and a great mix of action/comedy/emotion. A bit predictable, but it is a kids story.

I want to mention about how great it is that the lead princesses were such strong, able characters and not wilting, sappy morons. I shouldn't have to really, it's how it should be in any film, surely? So yeah, it was great to see characters that were normal :p
Grudge Match last night.

The amazing talents of Robert De Niro with the complete mumbling turdiness of Stallone - both in a boxing film - what could possibly go wrong? :p

I guess the plot that is predictably from the first five minutes, the poor acting, the awful script, the annoying **** , the obvious bollocks of it all, the complete lack of anything to make you feel emotional or attached to the characters, Stallone, the bad cop dude from Walking Dead and Kim Basinger... Yeah, they could all make things possibly go wrong. Not even De Niro can come close to saving this tosh.

Utter, mindless bollocks. 5/10
Is there just me watching films at the moment then? :p

Watched Her. It's a film about a guy who buys a new artificially intelligent OS which - because he's a complete limpet and emotionally challenged **** wit - he falls in love with.

It's all very soft focus and beautifully filmed. It really is gorgeous and you are really drawn into the created world. There's lots of building the characters and inane chatter (sorry, clever and witty dialogue). I think it's meant to be a clever statement about people's inabilities to form real relationships and other bollocks.

In reality, it's a bit of a dull story that we've all seen our friends go through (or have been through ourselves). It's a traditional short term relationship from the rebound, only with a computer rather than somebody picked up in a nightclub. It's dull and tedious in real life, and it's just as dull and tedious in film form with a computer playing "the new girlfriend". It would help if you could feel even pity for the main character, but he's such a pleb, you don't even feel sorry for him.

Maybe I missed something really poignant and deep and clever. Or maybe it really was like an A level film student wet dream made into a wet dream come true big film and I'm just a calling it as it is ;)

Dull, dull and dull... 6/10
Re: "Now Showing"

Well as many know I've not been sleeping so I've got through many films on Sky lol.

The other night I watched Mad Max 1,2 and 3.

Yes many will think they are **** but I've always liked them but for the 1st time I sort of noticed something.

I and 2 are really low budget but they are good films full of action and a good story.

We then get to the bigger budget 3rd one and the whole thing falls apart. It's all over the place.
Frozen: Well, we watched the first 30 minutes and then all the movies in the theater just stopped. No wonder she locked herself in that room all the time, constantly just, "DO YOU WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAN?". There was no dialogue from the first 30 minutes just all singing. Little Disney miracles really do happen, getting out of there. Anyway I can't fully judge from the first 30 minutes but I can just imagine the rest of the movie.
Lone Ranger

Hardly one of worst movies ever made but far from good. It was ridiculous and way too long. I'm just waiting for Depp's next film, Disney presents Johnny Depp: Making weird faces and jumping around like a lunatic.


12 Years a Slave

I studied the book for about a month in school, and I knew with Brad Pitt being involved was a major red flag. I was right. While it was a very good film, it was a **** adaptation. It got the jist of the story, but it changed several things to make the viewer feel bad for what people did, the shock value. There are obviously things you can't relate from one's thoughts to the big screen, but you could make an effort. Brad Pitt really ruined the movie for me as he just didn't fit the character.

Strong film, weak adaptation

Saw a few films during the past month.

Saving Mr. Banks

I'm honestly not the biggest fan of dramas, but this one was quite interesting. Emma Thompson was great, and Tom Hanks does a great job as always. Though I don't plan on seeing it again any time soon.

Anchorman 2

Pretty stupid, weird, silly, predictable movie. It was very enjoyable, but I wasn't laughing as much as I thought I would. The fight at the end was the best scene. It was a little bit over the top at the end, but the brilliant cameos made up for it.


I first saw it a couple weeks ago, and found myself seeing it for a second time today. I can only think of a couple other movies that I each saw twice in the theaters. The songs were excellent, and it provided a nice variety of comedy, music, and drama. Love the reindeer and Olaf. Definitely one of the best animated Disney movies I've seen, if not the best.
Re: "Now Showing"

Saw Rush today.

Did not think much if it tbh. Yes I knew the story anyway and what happened that year.

The effects were good as was the filming. It just did not grip me probably as I knew what happened lol.

But I actually preferred the original Grand Prix film.
Captain Phillips

Phenomenal. I loved it and found it very gripping. How Tom Hanks isn't nominated for an Oscar blows my mind. Even more surprising is the main pirate got the part in an open casting call and he was a limo driver in Minneapolis.

The Muppets (2011)

Went to a sing along screening on Friday. Still love this film, the songs are just brilliant and it manages to keep up an entertaining pace with jokes scattered throughout.

August: Osage County

I love the cast but I came away from the film with a poor opinion of the film. I don't know if it was because I was really tired or if it was just awful. Every now and then there's a moment that helps try and keep you entertained but overall it was just a bit boring.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

I went in expecting to have already seen it because of the ridiculous trailers. However I really enjoyed it, a well made thriller. Shame Keira Knightly is in it as I find her really tedious.

Mysterious Sue said:
About a million people have told me I NEED to watch Gravity. As I can't stand either Sandra Bullock or George Clooney, I'm going to ignore them all. I couldn't imagine a pair of less believable characters

I hate them both. I wasn't expecting anything from the film but it was good in a "special" way. Sandra does ruin the film a little bit as she overacted on all of her lines (and breaths), Clooney was alright, certainly better than Sandra which really annoyed me how Sandra was getting all the love for it and not Clooney. But what really made the film good in my opinion, was not the acting but it was a relaxing film, it was quiet, soothing, and the views of "earth" and "space" looked so real and where great. You feel like your in the film, many scenes shot from that kind of point of view. The acting wasn't so great but you feel like your there, which makes it quite an interesting film. I still think it was overrated but it wasn't bad, it was solid good. Just barely makes my Top 25.
Sorry for double post but oh well.

Batman Returns: 10/10 Great film, good dialogue, Michael Keaton awesomeness and Catwoman is the best batman villian.

Batman (1989): 8/10 I actually prefer this Joker to the Dark Knight version of him, just because this is how he was meant to be. More Michael Keaton awesomeness and Jack Nicholson awesomeness just makes for a good film.

Forrest Gump: 10/10 Probably one of my favorite movies, I loved it. I just really liked the characters along the way like Bubba and Dan and the film also made me hungry for shrimp.
The wolf of Wall Street

I really liked this film. It did suffer from being too long though, there were loads of moments where the film just sort of dies. Very surreal that it's sort of based off real events.

Gravity in 3D

Finally got round to seeing this film. It's just as everyone else makes it out to be, looks fantastic but is just a bit turd. The story just feels totally unrealistic - I doubt anyone that goes up into space is that stupid or unprepared for being up there. Because of that I just couldn't connect/enjoy the film apart from the pretty visuals which I'm pretty sure were made to look fantastic to distract you from the not-so-great story going on. The shots also linger way too long most of the time.

Inside Lleywn Davis

Was really looking forward to this film, I love the Coen Brothers. However it was just dull. It felt like nothing really happened and the main character is quite dislikeable and that's a big turn off for me when watching a film, I want to enjoy the presence of the characters. Most of the other characters also don't seem to say a lot and don't seem to hang around long enough for you to care for them or what they do.
peep said:
The wolf of Wall Street

I really liked this film. It did suffer from being too long though, there were loads of moments where the film just sort of dies. Very surreal that it's sort of based off real events.

I watched it last night, and it's a captivating 3 hours. It's completely vacuous though and I'm not sure it ever really found a "grove". I think it suffered a bit from ADHD, which was the point of the story that it was wild and mad, but it always felt "now we'll do a money based scene, now a sex based scene, now a drugs based scene, nowlet's try and be a comedy for five minutes" and too controlled, except when suddenly it wasn't. There were some really glorious bits of direction too, but just spotted here and there, mostly it was trying to make a pretty annoying story about an annoying guy be entertaining. I think it did it very well, but it was still annoying person doing annoying things with no real engagement for the viewer. Voyeurism is good in films if the person you're watching is in some way interesting, but the guy was just a ****.

Still, it was three hours that almost flew by (a few bits here and there which dragged) which is the sign of a decent film. I'll not be rushing to watch it again any time soon though.

Also managed to watch American Hustle which was a bit meh. I'm getting fed up with shaky-cam to make things "real". It seems to be over used now and I'm starting to feel permanently seasick. I loved the style and the cast were great, but the story was a bit of a wet fish. You never really cared overly for anybody and there wasn't any kind of real twist. It was "alright". Amy Adams though, WTF? Two words that seem to sum her character up in the film "side boob". Like her wardrobe, she just seemed to be used to try and distract the viewer rather than actually add anything to it. It's a shame because she played a good part, but yeah, she was just "side boob". Mild titillation in a testosterone fuelled wet blanket.