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I havent seen a Marvel IP do so badly in recent memory (27 on Metacritic which indicates a dreadful film)! The trailer looked alright but Im going to take the word from practically every critic and member of the GP that the new Fantastic Four is not fantastic but instead, totally ****.
Bear in mind the Fantastic Fox is in the hands of Fox, even though they've been pretty much pushing it as a Marvel film...

Biggest bomb since the official Cinematic Universe stuff began I'd say...
Lol, the Fantastic fox I will probably leave it, looks rubbish, reviews have been rubbish and even the director has tried to distance himself from it.

I would be glad that it bombed so it could go back to Marvel but apparently bad box office isn't putting Fox off making a sequel for 2017. I think they've actually lost the plot.

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I went to see Fantastic Four last week and although I enjoyed it, it wasn't particularly amazing either and I have seen better films before. The one thing I would say is that the visual effects were pretty good :)
Got to se project almanac i missed it when it first came out so heres my review

don't forget to check out the rest and subscribe t my channels

Been seeing a lot of movies lately and man it's been a good year so far. Easily one of my top movies is Straight Outta Compton. This thing was everything I wanted from it and more. The chemistry between the characters was great, you felt like you were watching Eazy-E, Ice Cube, Dre, Yella, and Ren actually on screen recording and shooting the ****.

All the actors were great, the story was great, the focus was always in the right place and they definitely did a good enough of job of spreading the film around all the different characters.

went to see the man from uncle last night check out my review below

and as always like and subscribe for my other reviews please

Diary of a teenage girl

This was an enjoyable film to watch, a sort of similar tale to other teenage coming of age films but with a very realistic view of certain aspects, the cast just make this feel like it's all natural - random animated drawings aside. The dialogue had some nice pieces of humour throughout and the characters just felt fully developed without much explanation needed.

Absolutely Anything

This film has the ingredients for an absolute classic comedy, written and directed by a member of Monty Python, stars Simon Pegg and a whole bunch of other awesome people and has characters voiced by Monty Python and Robin Williams. What is not to love? Oh yeah, the script. Apparently it has been in development hell for about 10 years and it's easy to see why, it's absolutely rubbish. I laughed maybe once or twice, it was just a very weak script with everyone very awkwardly trying their best to get through it. Avoid.


I haven't watched anything of Amy Schumer's stand up or TV show so I was able to go in without any expectations. I was very pleasantly surprised to find a very amusing comedy with some quite sad moments, a nice balance creating a nice, enjoyable film. I thought the cast were great and the cameos were very amusing. I really recommend watching this one. Oh and in my screening it got a bit of a clap/whoop when she stuck up for gay people :)

The gift

I was quite looking forward to this psychological thriller, it had been getting some decent reviews and I thought the trailer showed a decent premise. I was disappointed then when the film was slow, obvious and just a bit random in terms of direction. I don't mind a thriller that is slow if it builds tension and ramps up to a decent finale but I found the story so obvious (imo the ended is literally thrusted in our faces about half way through) that I was hoping there would be a nice twist or two providing a decent ending and instead it was just meh. A shame.
saw a couple more films first is vacation got to see the early screening heres my review


Also did a review on the short film kung fury again here it is


As always let me know what you thought and please subscribe and watch the others thanks
Some stuff I watched on the plane last week:


I'd actually watched Divergent, the first in the series, making the same trip a year ago. Like the first one, it was fine. Just another film adaptation of a teenage dystopian book series. Thanks Hunger Games!

Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

I liked this. Not a lot happens, but it's a decent script with an excellent cast. Worth watching.

The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Watched this back to back with the first one. It's pretty much the same thing, but they've upped the comedy slightly (given Maggie Smith more one liners basically) and made more of the old people f**k each other.

The Voices

I LOVED this. It's a very dark comedy about a serial killer who follows the voices in his head. I'd never actually heard of it - I don't think it got a wide release - so was pleasantly surprised by it. Ryan Reynolds is soooooooo good in it; I'd never really given him much attention before. Gemma Arteton and Anna Hendrick are also pretty fab. Highly recommend this one.

Requiem for a Dream

Finally got around to watching this last night after reading the book a few years ago. F**k me, I'd forgotten how bleak it is. Such a good film though. Really well-shot and with fantastic performances.
a couple of vids for you did some more reviews for you lovely people id appreciate it if you could all like and subscribe thanks

First up we have San areas starring the rock

I got to see the live action version of Attack on titan it was fun nothing like the anime but fun none the less

Last up we have the new transporter refuelled film the film is not good but lots of fun just like the others
No Escape

Owen Wilson does a much better job in this action thriller than I expected. Very intense, not sure if good, or just intense.

Fantastic Four

A cast that strong of young actors should not be this bad. I had heard all the reviewd, the warnings. Didn't **** listen like an idiot.

Straight Outta Compton

Not my cup of tea.

The Purge Anarchy

****, caught it on tv last night, glad it was free.


Wife was watching this God awful rehash this evening. Why? Who wanted this? Nobody. The songs were all auto tuned and sounded like ****, they smack the original in the face with the beginning, and it just pissed me off. Left the room but still could hear it. Wife ended up fast forwarding through the songs as it was so bad.

I think that's it for now.

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went to see legend its awesome check out my review

and as always please like and subscribe

Seen a few films recently...

The maze runner: the scorch trials

I really enjoyed the first film and it ended with a good way to carry on the series. I found this sequel really different, wasn't quite what I was expecting. I'm still not sure if this is a good or bad thing, at least it wasn't predictable. The cast and visual effects were great, can't fault those. There was still something about the whole film that didn't quite sit right with me though and I can't put my finger on it.


This really is the Tom Hardy show. His performance of each Kray brother is really unique and entertaining. The film as a whole isn't great but it's enjoyable, mainly to just see what the Krays do next.

American Ultra

This film had a nice premise and the cast is pretty good (which is weird because I usually don't like Jessie Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart) but the script is rubbish and the entertaining bits last about 5 seconds inbetween a lot of drawn out boring set ups. There are some nice moments scattered throughout but overall it's just a bit too boring and too silly. A wasted opportunity in my opinion.


Love the team behind this film, Horrible Histories is going to go down as one of the best entertaining family shows of all time and Yonderland is an enjoyable treat. So you can imagine my disappointment when this film didn't quite match up to the same quality as those two shows. There was only the odd chuckle here and there and the whole thing wasn't helped that in my screening there was a group of girls who were doing that 'I'm going to laugh because I feel like this is a moment when I should?', it was irritating. I suppose it was ok as a whole but it just really isn't up to the same quality that they've provided us with before.

This was my first ever Tom Hardy film and he was great! It was clear a lot of effort went in to making Hardy a spitting image of the Krays. Sometimes in the cinema I watch and enjoy something but a few hours later I forget I even saw it, this wasn't one of those films because there were so many memorable scenes like the fight between the twins and the brutal killing of Jack The Hat Mcvitie.

Sicario looks very very good, I'll be interested to hear what Peep thinks of it
^Thanks. Currently not sure if I'll be seeing it (limited time and all that). Like you though im intrigued by it, it has a great cast.

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'twas alright. It was impressive to look at, but I just didn't care if they lived or died quite frankly.
99 Homes

An unusual drama regarding homes being repossessed after bank payment failures after the stock market crash. It was ok, the performances were fantastic and a lot of what happens makes you question what you would do in their situations. I do think it ended on an odd note though and some of the decisions made by some characters didn't make much sense and I found those moments quite frustrating.
Not so much a viewing, but the new trailer for 'The Revenant' has just been released by 20th Century Fox. Prepare for a visually stunning adventure with the bonus of Leo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy!
