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Went to a preview screening last night of The Intern.

It's a fun premise of a retired businessman (De Niro) being hired as an intern at a new online shop run by quirky Anne Hathaway. It's a very nice, fun film that is very easy going. The initial premise is great but by the end everything turns into quite predictable territory and it runs out of new ideas quickly. There's also the problem of a sequence that feels out of place and other characters just disappearing or coming back for just a moment to say a line. Still it's a very good feel-good film which is brilliant for some Sunday light entertainment with some snacks.
The Martian

I really enjoyed this tense space-thriller. There are some really intense scenes and the whole thing looked beautiful. I really enjoyed parts of the score too and the cast is incredible. I highly recommend. Didn't think much of the 3D though.
^Been looking forward to seeing that ever since I started reading the book. Still have a little bit left of it to read (will make sure to finish it as I'm hoping to see it next weekend), but it's excellent and hilarious and I love it! I just hope the movie keeps some of the humor.
I haven't read the book. Some readers love the film but still prefer the book which I think is a good thing. It definitely has a good sense of humour which I think helped make it very watchable. If it didn't have the humour it would be quite bleak and dull.

I saw one reviewer say that it's bad because he doesn't have a wife and kids, like, what? So because he isn't in a relationship before going off to space for years means its a bad film? I don't understand some people.

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The film version of The Martian did make some liberties with the book, but overall it followed it very closely (to the point of quoting it more or less by the word in several scenes). A few of the tense moments in the book were cut, and a couple new ones added, but overall I think the changes were done quite well. The only aspect I missed slightly was Watney's parents. They weren't much present in the book, but omitted almost entirely in the movie (mentioned once). I can see why, though: I guess setting them up and following them would require a few too many minutes of valuable screen time.

Also, I liked that they kept the story going for a couple minutes after the point where the book ended. With things having gone wrong all the way through the book, I almost suspected that a downer ending was implied, with the entire mission going completely south because of an unrelated malfunction on the way back to Earth.
Maybe it was because I never read the book (I didn't even know it existed, until Sanchezmran mentioned), but I think that the movie was rather uneventful. It is nicely made and beautiful, but the story seemed a bit lacking in a lot of parts. Not to mention that a lot of key elements of the film are basically scientifically impossible to happen due to Mars' characteristics...
The Martian

I enjoyed this. I wasn't particularly bothered about seeing it, but it turned out to be decent.


F**king s**t. In its defense, parts of it looked quite impressive and Hugh Jackman was decent in it. Having said that, other parts looked cheap and crappy and whatever the guy's name is who played Hook was absolutely ABYSMAL. Seriously, the worst acting I've seen in years.

Dreadful piece of s**te.
The Martian

Overall I really enjoyed it. Some gorgeous scenes, tense moments, and you really do feel for him towards the end. There were a couple scenes they cut out from the book which I was kind of disappointed by, but it was probably the smart decision because the movie already had a good length anyway. Definitely go see this if you haven't, or read the book!

Mad Max: Fury Road

My older brother had been itching to see this for a while now, so we got around to watch it over the weekend. I knew there were loads of action and intense stunts, but I didn't think it would be ridiculously good, funny (there were some great lines too), and so over the top. Direction was also pretty cool (love how they sped up some action scenes). The middle part wasn't as good (not bad per se, just wanted it to move along and return to the action), but it eventually picks back up again toward the end.

When geology and heart wrenching true stories come together <3 it was visually excellent, great to look at. The story started a little slow but I really enjoyed it once it got going, I was on the edge of my seat, I certainly wasn't expecting it to be quite so...upsetting. Great film.
Crimson Peak

I really liked this. The story was quite obvious and you could totally see things coming a mile off, but I don't think it really mattered.

It looked great and was very atmospheric. I love the whole gothic horror genre though - there aren't many made in that style anymore - so that was probably a big help. I loved The Woman in Black for example, despite Daniel Radcliffe. If you don't like that style, then you won't like this.

Jessica Chastain was really good in it as well. I've never really rated her before, but hers was definitely the stand-out performance and character.

Had no desire to see this, but we were watching niece and nephew and needed to get out of the house and they had seen anything else that was age appropriate. For what it was, not horrible. Plenty of adult humor, cheesy for the kids, and just an above average kid movie but not good by any stretch.
^^Urgh, I'm still so not sure if I want to see Crimson Peak or not. I love the look of it (style wise) but not sure if I'll like watching it.

^Gutted we didn't get to see this before we left Cali. We don't get it till Feb next year! Growing up with Goosebumps means I'm pretty excited to see it, just annoyed I have to wait so much longer now.

Saw a few yesterday... Pan

I loved a lot of the set design etc in this film but overall it was a little bit of a mess and things felt a bit predictable. When did Joe Wright turn into Baz Luhrmann, adding random modern tracks into a WWII-era set film? Still, I enjoyed my time watching it despite its errors.


Fantastic story that I'm surprised has taken this long to be turned into a big film. The cast are brilliant but some of it looks like it was rushed in production and the script loved jumping about without much exposition. A solid film with just some flaws here and there.

The last witch-hunter

Brilliant rubbish is what this is. Just a good laugh with some fantastic effects and character design. The head witch, for example, looks amazing and I'm shocked Universal didn't try to nab this for Horror Nights. So yeah, this is a fun film for when you want to chill out with friends with some alcohol.

Oh I also saw The black cauldron at the El Capitain cinema in Hollywood. More for the cinema than the film.

The film was just as dreadful as I remembered. Absolute rubbish, don't get why it has a cult following.
The Martian

Loved it, never read the book but I plan to in a few months when the movie isn't so fresh.

Rock the Kasbah

It had its moments, but it wasn't anything special. Thankfully I didn't pay for it. There were some good one liners but otherwise a bit dull.

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I saw a few last week:

The Last Witchunter

Load of old nonsense really, but decent to look at if nothing else. Vin Diesel shouldn't be allowed to make films though; he's shockingly bad.


Not my choice, but decent enough for kids' film with a few funny moments. I've never read any of the books, but it makes no difference. Jack Black appearing was a nasty shock though. F**k knows what accent he was trying to do. He sounded like Eric Cartman.

Bridge of Spies

Excellent film. Drags on a bit in parts, but a really solid film that relies on story and acting over anything else, and it was all the better for it.
SPECTRE - all in a spoiler tab

What a massive disappointment. It has some good moments but they are so overshadowed by a really poor script and a continuation of the problems with Skyfall. It's far too long and dull, characters are barely introduced before they disappear again. The relationship between Bond and the main lady is rubbish, one minute she's a tough cookie which can resist the charms of Bond and in the next scene she's all over him because apparently they bonded and became lovers between scenes - the hell?

Talking of romance, there is no chemistry between Craig and both female actresses. Any kissing etc feels awkward and really force, like to the point where the audience is laughing because it belongs in a 70's B-movie.

WWE wrestler Batista looks great a henchman who can't be beat but is barely given a chance to shine. The car chase is one of the worst car chases in the last 10 years. The train battle is pretty good but makes you wonder where all the staff and other passengers suddenly disappeared too.

So turns out the producers did indeed pull a 'Star Trek 2' on us and main villain is who we suspected but is so rarely on screen (over an hour goes without him being on screen after being introduced) that he fails to make a real impact. Even when we are with him his reasonings for his actions (whatever they actually are, because even that was vague) are pathetic and laughable. I thought this was meant to be a Bond film, not a pastiche? Austin Powers called this like 15 years ago, thats who stupid this is.

For some reason M and co get a side plot which doesn't really add to the film but somehow feels more enjoyable than the rest of the miserable film.

I could seriously rant as to why this is so bad for ages (and actually spent a good portion of my day at work moaning about it on film sites). I'm not alone with these opinions, they've really made a poor film here. They were clearly too busy trying to check things off a 'what makes a Bond film' list and forgot about writing an actual story.

I think it's interesting to point out that pretty much all paid reviewers are treating this like the best thing since sliced bread and people that have paid to see it are split between fantastic and rubbish (I'm in the latter category if you don't want the film spoiled).

I came out of it trying to convince myself that I'd enjoyed it but since I just keep thinking about issues and why I don't like it.

Skyfall was SO good because it turned the formula on its head and was this brilliant, hints of Dark Knight adventure that was very Bond but very now.

This is just trying too much to be a Bond by numbers that it doesn't have an original thought in its bloated running time.

And Andrew Scott was criminally let down by his part.

He's barely in it and when he does it's far too campy (he rehashes his Inglorious Basterds character) and doesn't fit the tone of the film.

At no point does he seem a credible threat to James, he's an old, small man he'd just punch in the face and he doesn't even really have a plan. Or do anything.

Waste of another talented actor.