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Sooo I forgot my Avengers Infinity War review so here goes.

It made me laugh it made me cry and it has traumatised me so much went on and quite honestly I'm amazed by the whole film I shall hopefully see it again soon. Loved the end credits scene foreshadowing a certain Super Heroine.
Deadpool 2
S'quite good actually, really enjoyed it. I reckon most viewers would rank it roughly on a par with the first one. Maybe not quite as good, like @peep, maybe slightly better, like me, but it's definitely in the same ballpark. It won't change your world, but it's worth a watch.
The first one, while funny and irreverent, didn't really tell much of a story (if it did, I've forgotten what it was), it was more just a case of : 'Here's this Marvel character that swears a lot, chops people up and can talk to the audience. Look how much fun this is!' Whereas the sequel, for me anyway, had a bit more meat to it, a bit more depth, and Deadpool himself actually had something to do, rather than just demonstrating his personality traits.
But don't worry - all the action, gore, foul language and knob-gags are still very much in place. And it's great fun!

Bonus point awarded for the obligatory Stan Lee cameo being a bit more subtle than usual.
Solo then.

I went in with incredibly low expectations and it met them.

It was very lightweight, but actually okay. I don't feel like it was a waste of time or money. Nothing special, but okay.

Loved the appearance of one character back into the film canon - definite room for a couple of sequels either Solo or Lando

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Right...so I'm a bit delayed in the last 2 months of viewings. As if anyone cares. Few have really been good, so I'll just give it a "see it" "rent it" "leave it"

Ready Player One- Rent it

Blockers- Rent it

Rampage- Avoid it

Super Trooper 2-See It

A Quiet Place- See It

Overboard- Avoid It

Infinity War- Y'all saw it

Life of the Party- Avoid it

Deadpool 2- See It

So Super Troopers 2 and Deadpool 2 are my favorites of the year probably.

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

It wasn't needed, but it was fun anyway. Donald Glover is an excellent Lando, although I don't think it's a character that can carry his own solo film - definitely a character that works more in an ensemble film or as a secondary character.

The cameo at the end of the film, though, was certainly a groaner. I have no interest in seeing the return of this character to the film series. Let's just say Red Skull's return in Infinity War was more of a crowd pleaser for me than this cameo.

Disagree with the reviews that say the second half is better than the first. The first half absolutely flew by for me, although I did feel after the big Kessel Run action set piece, no one really knew how to end the film.

Oh, and I know she won't get enough praise, or even a mention, but Lady Proxima is awesome. For her brief screen time, it was so cool to see a practical looking monster (not sure if it was practical, or CGI made to look like a puppet) with such a good voice.

I had modest expectations and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it more than Rogue One (just to compare the spin off films), mainly for having more interesting characters. The visuals and action sequences were great as expected, and it was a nice sort of "origin story" for Han.

Upon hearing people say they'd like a sequel, I didn't think I would want one. But after seeing the film there's definitely room for more and now I'd be up for it (and they have some explaining to do from that one scene ;)).
Solo: A Star Wars Story

The cameo at the end of the film, though, was certainly a groaner. I have no interest in seeing the return of this character to the film series. Let's just say Red Skull's return in Infinity War was more of a crowd pleaser for me than this cameo.

The character was brought back many years ago in the larger universe. They've had some fantastic story arcs across the Star Wars universe and it's all because of the high demand of fans.

I love the way Solo and Rogue One both touch on the larger universe, but you don't need to know it to really enjoy the films (to enjoy the films would need good writing and good direction :p).

I think it leaves things open for either a sequel, or another tale to be told in the larger universe if you want to track it down. Disney have options on that, but I think it'd be a shame to not have at least one other film that finishes off the full story.

With the character reveal, I think Disney were hoping for one of two reactions:

- Whoa. I need to find out how that happened.

- This is part of that character's story I know nothing about and I want more.

Sadly, I doubt many people having sat through the rest of the film really wanted any more and just didn't care.

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I too saw Solo. I'm a bit meh about it and I can't really pin why? Like, it was a film that just happened and there was the odd character or moment I enjoyed but I wasn't too engaged? I don't think Han Solo is actually a great character so basing a film around him doesn't help. I prefer the mystery surrounding the cameo at the end compared to pretty much everything else that happened. I found Targaryen slightly frustrating, just a constant tease as to what she's been through without any interesting payoff. Also I'm not sure if it was just the screening I was in but it felt like everything had been so backlit and murky it was sort of hard to see facial expressions at times?

I did enjoy the train sequence though.
I knew Darth Maul was still alive in stuff like Rebels, that's probably why I didn't have the wow some people had. I don't know what it was about it, as soon as he showed up I just thought "ugh, ok then". I don't think a standalone Solo movie was the right place to reintroduce the character to the films. It connected Solo to the larger Star Wars universe, wheras I think the character shouldn't have that connection until his involvement in Episode IV, just because of how he's presented when he's introduced there. I'd be especially angry if the character is being set up for the possible standalone Solo sequel.

It's weird, I usually love these surprise cameos. Red Skull in Infinity War is the perfect example of a cameo that surprised me and made me go wow. I heard there was a prequel cameo in the film - albeit not which character - and I was honestly expecting it to be a cameo of, say, Watto played for laughs, in the same way as the two guys from the Cantina in Rogue One.
I watched a movie called Life After Death last week, starring Liam Neeson and Christina Ricci. I had never heard of it before but it was actually quite good. The concept was definitely different and it really left me guessing throughout the majority of the movie. Plus, the ending was a bit unexpected too which is always nice!

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Went to see this tonight and if your a fan of the franchise get yourself out to see it, some amazing action scenes with the dinosaurs, the new creature in it is genuinely creepy, the way the background music is used is excellent, there are a couple of scenes which are a bit sad and unexpected in this type of film. Also just love Blue, what a dinosaur
Went to see Deadpool 2 with work ( not seen the first). Reminds me a bit of Family Guy in that most of the jokes try way too hard and come across desperate but then they'll land that one joke perfectly and it'll be perfect. Deadpool as a character gets intensely irritating.
Eddie’s Indie Corner

Hereditary: Horror movies don’t scare me. I love them but few can actually scare me. This one genuinely scared me, and I’m still thinking about/piecing together the film 2 days after I saw it. This got a wide release but is not going over well with the general public. Considering it has two of the most disturbing images I’ve seen in a theater, it’s not surprising. It’s a haunting and unpleasant film. And it’s also one of my favorite films in a while, probably since last September’s Lady Bird. Toni Collette is masterful. Acting, directing, and writing were all fantastic.

The Rider: It’s an indie film that most people likely won’t see and for good reason probably. It’s an utterly beautiful film, but it’s also just a slice of life. It’s simply about someone who used to be a rodeo rider in South Dakota. Two hours of watching him just do... stuff. And by the ending I felt I had grown to know this person, seeing him in the moments of life both public and private, interesting and dull.

The Tale: This is a film based on its directors true story when she had a sexual relationship with her coach at 13 years old. It’s all about what we tell ourselves to get past the traumas we encounter, especially those from childhood. It’s a hard watch but a very well done film. Laura Dern is great too.
Saw two films yesterday. Started with Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom on a massive screen with Dolby Atmos. It was loud and those jump scares made me jump like a fool. The sound mix during the volcano scenes was incredibly immersive, really added a lot of tension to those scenes. Overall I enjoyed myself and a lot of the dino vfx was great, however a lot of scenarios the characters just wouldn't escape from and at times it was laughable. I never thought I'd get so emotional in a Jurassic Park film, that shot was just so perfect but also depressing. I thought the villain was great, very nasty human and I liked the twist with a certain character despite it not really adding much to the film.

It needed more Goldblum because all films do. I also missed the end credit scene because I needed to leave, guessing it was additional set up for the next one.

I followed it up with Book club which was ok. It actually had some decent laughs throughout. Diane Keaton's daughters needed a slap though, wtf was going on with them? Overall it is a fine little comedy for a Sunday afternoon. Oh and it had some laughable green screen but it felt intentional? (I dunno, like a recall to the actresses early work maybe?)
I also missed the end credit scene because I needed to leave, guessing it was additional set up for the next one.
It added literally nothing.

Stuff recently then:

Jurassic World: More Dinosaurs Going Apes**t

It was entertaining, and slightly better than the last one. I'm just tired of the continuous dumbing down since the very first film. In the original, you don't even see a dinosaur for about half an hour; the audience are trusted to have a slight attention span and follow some actual conversations between characters. Now, it's volcanoes exploding within the first ten minutes. It's f**king tedious to be honest. They could have split this into two films, and done each half "properly" (the island and the house/museum), with more of a story and character development, but we're not trusted to have the attention span anymore. Oooooooh, the bad guy wants to exploit the dinosaurs to make money; that's a first! The "twist" with the granddaughter character was handled stupidly. It just came from absolutely nowhere and went absolutely nowhere, despite being a potentially interesting idea. Again, not trusting the audience to not be f**king morons.


Stupid teen comedy with attempts at being "outrageous". It was very entertaining to be fair, but nothing we haven't now seen dozens of times.

Ready Player One

Hated the book. HATED it. But I could see that it might make a better film since it's pretty much written as all description and bugger-all else. Got talked into seeing it since there was f**k-all else on that I hadn't seen on the afternoon we went to the cinema. The film looked good. That's it. S**te.

Lego Ninjago

These are getting progressively worse, aren't they?
Deadpool 2
I quite enjoyed this film. Had some good laughs, had some decent drama, memorable characters, and overall good fun. Been a week since I saw this already, though, so please excuse how short this review is. Gets a 3/3 from me.

Solo: More Star Wars
This one is more recent in my memory, so I can go a little more in-depth. And my overall impression is... "eh?".

It might just be my shallowness, but as far as patching holes that didn't need patching goes, Rogue One did a much better job, if only for the enjoyable action scenes. I wasn't particularly interested in finding out how the Death Star plans were stolen, but they made a very enjoyable film out of it nonetheless. Likewise, I wasn't particularly interested in Han Solo's back story, but... yeah, still am not.

The movie looks nice, I'll give it that. Actor performance was... uhh, to be honest I'm not the kind of guy who notices that unless it's particularly jarring, and even then only half the time or so. I think they all did a nice job. Whoever-it-was made a good Han Solo, Glover did well as Lando Calrissian, and space-Daenerys wasn't too off-putting either. The Chewbacca suit is as impeccable as ever, you still can't see the zipper.

But again, the subject matter. This still is a story that didn't have to be told. The characters introduced are either meaningless in the big picture (the main Star Wars films) or the conclusion to their story is foregone already. A character that appears in other films has to act consistently, original characters will have to die off or fade into irrelevance before the transition point into the older films. That means the film has to rely on the characters doing cool or memorable stuff. And here, they just... don't.

The action looks nice, but it was unneeded. The Kessel Run served better as a vague backstory than as an action scene, all mystery is removed. Han and Chewbacca are friends, all right, but how they became friends isn't that important. And one doesn't need to see where the Millennium Falcon came from, how Han met Lando Calrissian, or where Chewbacca learned to play space chess.

Then there's the setting and tone of the movie. Throughout the beginning, I didn't get much of a Star Wars feeling. You had a generic, plucky teenager stealing a generic, futuristic space-car on a generic, futuristic futuristic space-port, driving around for a few minutes on streets filled with generic aliens, and only later was there any sort of Star Wars imagery or themes. It looked a little like a generic sci-fi film with a Star Wars re-skin, while Rogue One jumped straight into the spaceships and stormtroopers aesthetics within the first few minutes. This feeling persisted a little throughout the film, although it gradually vanished as more elements were introduced. One'd be hard-pressed to say "this doesn't look like Star Wars" of a scene taking place inside the Millennium Falcon.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie, but it didn't really amaze me. It's not a bad movie at all, but personally it didn't move me as much as the other Star Wars films. Gonna give this one a 2/3.
Ocean's 8

Enjoyable enough. Obviously thoroughly unbelievable and ridiculous, but entertaining. The cast is decent (until James Corden makes an unwelcome addition in the final quarter), but the character development is quite lacking. Anne Hathaway and Helena Bonham Carter are the standouts.
Incredibles 2

Lot of fun. Loved the first film as a kid so I was really looking forward to this one, and it's good stuff. Animation is superb as expected. Really liked the short film at the beginning too.
Yall should watch. I think its my favourite film of the year surpassing Annihilation (which is on UK netflix so you should watch that too). All round a very strong film and doesn't rely on jump scares.
Right, so I've again seen a **** ton of movies.


Didnt do much for me. I love Emilia Clarke but this was such a hack job. All over the place


A moviepass movie of all moviepass movies. We were running a bit dry on what to see, and I wish we stayed home. Worst of the year by far.

Action Point

Wasted 2 hours of my life. I should've learned my lesson by now.

Oceans 8

I was afraid that they were gonna **** this up ala Ghostbusters, but it was quite enjoyable. Made reference to the original, plus it features 2 of my hall passes in Anne Hathaway and Sandra Bullock. <3


Stupid comedy that tried to have a heart at the end. Loved it though.

Incredibles 2

I loved it. Sure, if you have half a brain you know the villain, but it's a great animated film. Nothing else to add really.

Jurrasic World: Fallen Kingdom

Always been a fan, and I enjoyed it for mindless fun. Saw this in Dolby Atmos and it was awesome. Probably gonna see it basic next time, but I'm interested to see how they finish this trilogy. Rexy and blu need an animated series though <3

I think that's it for this round.

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