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Finally got around to watching Coco and I loved it. From the amazing visuals to the heartwarming storyline, I was captivated from the start. It's not often that a twist in a cartoon film actually takes me by surprise, either. Definitely shed quite a few tears as well.

Jurrasic World: Fallen Kingdom

Always been a fan, and I enjoyed it for mindless fun. Saw this in Dolby Atmos and it was awesome

Atmos for Fallen kingdom was sooooo good! Wish more films would put the effort into great Atmos mixing.

Had a film day yesterday. Started with Tag. Fun enough, chuckled more than I expected to. I quite liked the little clips at the end of the guys it was based off.

Hereditary. This was tedious and just not for me whatsoever. I feel like barely anything happens until about half way through and then it's quite well signposted in the general direction it's going in but everything still feels random. The only great moment was when there was a "pop" and some guy in the audience audibly freaked out which led to a good 5 min lol from everyone else. Oh and everyone was laughing at the ending, it reminded me of when I watched the exorcist, but I could forgive that due to ageing and audience expectations changing over time. Whereas this was new and just looked stupid.

Adrift. Umm, it is a film that I watched.

Oceans 8. This was fun, basically what I expected from it and I think I needed something light and entertaining after the previous two films.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

First off, they gave away way too much stuff in the trailers to the point where some scenes lost some tension (i.e. scenes where the main characters get into trouble before a big ol' T-Rex saves the day...you know what I mean). That being said it was a fun popcorn movie with a lot of fun action. The plot has some interesting concepts but it should've been cleaned up a bit. The lava CGI almost made it look like a low-budget TV movie but at least the dinosaurs looked great. Not sure if I prefer it over the first one or not, but I'm interested to see how they finish it off.

I did find it amusing how they went from using exclusively Samsung in the first film to Apple in this one.

Also...think you all would get a kick out of this:

Ant-man and the Wasp

I'd said I was done with Marvel s**t, so ugh. It was alright though. Under two hours and only the last 30 minutes or so of CGI smashy-smashy.

I was kind of switching off at points, but there seemed to be a very pointless character (Eva?) who served little purpose. Michelle Pfeiffer was criminally underused, but I'm guessing she'll pop up again later.

The end credit scene was sort of unexpected, but kind of obvious once it happened if that makes sense.

Kind of slow but not the worst film in the world. I was not a fan of the ending, but in general it was better than a lot of other horrors.


Utterly ridiculous, over-the-top ludicrousness, yet weirdly entertaining.
Incredibles 2 - First film is one of my favourite films ever so was pretty excited for the sequel. It delivered everything I wanted and more. Yeah the villain is slightly predictable but everything around that is just great entertainment. Jack Jack continues to delight in every shot he's in, just watching him react to the rest of the characters keeps me amused. I think this film might actually be funnier and have even better action sequences. Oh and if you stay throughout the credits the composer (Giacchino) has had some fun and made little theme tunes for some of the characters.

Skyscraper - I almost didn't bother watching this but I agree with Gavin, this is quite an entertaining film. I thought a couple of moments built up some decent tension too. It is ridiculous and corny but decent popcorn fun for a weekend afternoon.

The first Purge - I enjoy the Purge films, I think it's an interesting premise and I like that each film kinda takes a different angle/approach. This one is clearly the worst though, I can't even pin point why - maybe it was just because I knew what was coming due to the one trailer I saw ages ago. I wouldn't go out of your way to check it out, maybe wait till it's on TV.
Hotel Artemis - I really enjoyed this, felt like it moved at a great pace with lots of little plot lines and interesting characters. There were some good (but short) action sequences and a couple of gruesome deaths. It needed more Goldblum.

Mamma Mia: here we go again - I thought the first film was ok but didn't like the karaoke feel of a lot of it (poor Brosnan). I think they improved on this quite a bit aside from the first song which I don't think I'd heard before and the entire sequence was just plain awful, not a single redeeming feature about it. Aside from the poor start this film got really good. There's a lot of interesting camera transitions (that maybe go a bit OTT) and some really fun moments, looks like the entire cast are having a blast (totally here for that Titanic moment). Towards the end is also very tear-jerky so ummm, be prepared for that. I think if you like ABBA you'll have a good time with this film.
Mission Impossible: Fallout.
Generally speaking, "Any Franchise: Part 6" is not gonna be much cop, so it comes as a bit of a surprise to find out that Fallout is the best Mission Impossible film so far. Yes, yes I know, we all said that about the last one, Rogue Nation, but this time we mean it. Fallout is even better.
It's derivative, escapist nonsense, of course it is, we've seen this all a thousand times before - hacking, counter-hacking, silly masks, ticking bombs, hi tech gadgets, double/triple/quadruple crosses, lots of pointy-fingered running etc etc etc... but let's face it, that's exactly what you want a Mission Impossible movie to be.
The plot? Erm... ok, if you insist. There's a group of bad guys who like to wipe out populations and topple governments and stuff. Spectre... I think? Or was it Hydra? No, The Syndicate, that's it. And in order to save the world Tom Cruise has to leap off tall buildings, jump through windows, dangle from helicopters and get the sh*t kicked out of him umpteen times. As usual, there's a suited government bigwig who thinks the International Monetary Fund (IMF for short) are reckless, outdated and should be shut down.
That's really all you need to know. What matters here are the thrills, the gags, the stunts, the derring-do and the carnage... and they are some of the best you've ever seen.
You have to hand it to Tom Cruise. Love him or hate him, nobody throws themselves into all this action stuff with as much gusto as our Tom. He might be the world's highest paid movie star, but my god he works hard for it, risking life and limb time and time again just for our viewing pleasure. I wouldn't do what he does for a penny less! Fair play to him.

Fallout may be violent, ludicrous and completely over the top, but so what? It's also witty, inventive, spectacular and quite ridiculously exciting - go and watch it on the biggest screen you can find.
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Ant-Man and the Wasp - I really enjoyed this, had some very amusing moments and the visuals were great. The mid-credits scene is very interesting.

Mission Impossible Fallout - This had some incredible action sequences. Felt like that car sequence in Paris went on forever and was just exhausting to watch as it never let up. It still amuses me how Tom Cruise runs in films, felt like he started turning into the Flash at one point in the London action sequence. A shame they cut the shot of him breaking his foot on the jump (it is in the trailer though) but kept in his attempt at running with his broken bones - such a dedicated crazy person.

Teen Titans Go! to the movies - Never seen anything Teen Titans related before so it was all pretty new to me but the trailers intrigued me enough to spend time with the film. It's ok, some very amusing moments scattered throughout and an insane voice cast. Greg Davies is the balloon man and just imaging him in the recording booth doing his lines makes it even better.
Ant Man and The Wasp.
Nah, wasn't very impressed with this. Bit boring in places, nothing new to offer, and about 50% of the jokes fall flat on their arse. I mean, it wasn't terrible, it's a mildly entertaining way to spend s couple of hours on an otherwise fairly dull weekday evening, but I wouldn't make it a priority if I were you. Go and watch Mission Impossible instead, much better.
Having said that, the mid-credits scene will make you go "Ooooh", but I'll save you the trouble of staying around for the end-credits scene because it's just a giant ant playing the drums.
The Meg - Expected a mediocre B-movie with some laughs, got something different. The script is a bit pants in places and it was weird having so much of the action take place so late into the film but I really enjoyed the long build up. I enjoyed the various characters etc and the mis-direction in who/when/how certain peeps would be killed off. The only thing that really annoyed me was the forced love story between Statham (who is on top form) and the Chinese actress, that whole side story felt so mis-judged. So overall I enjoyed this silly big-shark movie, just don't go in expecting greatness.

The darkest minds - I thought the trailers were pants but still showed a film with an interesting premise. Unfortunately the film was weird, like it was rushing through every cliche it could find. It never gives any part of the story time to develop yet still feels long? The cast did fine with what they had and I still think the story had some interesting elements but it didn't really do enough to keep up interest. Maybe watch on TV if you're bored.

I also checked out a new screen type at the cinema I frequent. Screen X is a "270 degree" screen. Or, the normal screen and then projections on both side walls. I have several problems with this new gimmick.

- Side projections overlap causing white columns of light when it's not being used.
- If the scene is bright the main screen becomes washed out.
- If the camera moves the whole thing becomes disorientating in an almost nauseating fashion.

Would I recommend Screen X? No. If you really want a gimmick while watching a big blockbuster I would recommend IMAX or even D-Box.
Yet another post from me...

BlacKkKlansman - I thought this was great, the cast were awesome, the film went at a decent pace and had enough comedic elements to not let things get too depressing. There are several moments throughout where you could point to current political events in the States and make some stunning connections, there's even a montage at the end of news clips from the last few years highlighting this.

Christopher Robin - Lovely film with some absolutely stunning vfx on Pooh and friends - they all looked so real.

The spy who dumped me - This had a surprising amount of gore and some decent action sequences. It's rather tainted by Kate McKinnon doing her usual crazy gurning to camera - it's frustrating because I think she can be funny but in films she's just too OTT and it ruins things. Overall it's a bit meh but might be worthwhile to watch at home on a day you want to switch off and watch something fun.
Finally saw Deadpool 2 and found it hilarious. I don't know why I put it off. It's definitely not as good as one but had solid moments.