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Port Aventura |"Shambhala"| B&M Hyper

^ You've actually CUT my hopes down in shreds. Shame on you ;)

Just joking, I think it's been obvious from the start that Khan will not get Splashed, I mean, as UC said, 65mph, with a side deluge of water, yes, not gonna happen.

If you look at the splash pool photo again (I will post it again in this post to avoid going back and forth) you will see some steel sticking out on the lower right corner, under Khan's drop.


According to the last comments, the rumoured waterfall and mountain next to the frozen lake (splash) will be constructed. Even if they are not big, if well shaped, they could make the area look very nice and more realistic.
I'm curious to see how the splash turns out looking, because thats a very short splash zone section.
Testing will be one glorious day! :D
Ah, I hope they do add waterfall/s. PA's other little water features, mainly around the Med/Mexico areas are fantastic, if they do it, they do it with STAHYL <3
I presume so^


PortAventura are really accurate with their theming, and everything else on this map can be found in the park, so everything from the giant golden statue to the waterfalls pouring into the splash zone will/should be on the finished product.
Kebab said:
PortAventura are really accurate with their theming
Tell that to Baco's village/tunnel.

Yeah, to be honest UC, they will add most of what they say they will, I'm not holding my breath on all the rock work though, I'm somewhat pessimistic on that front.