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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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I just remember Screaming Coasters posting a topic a while back about how Chessington was changing and he said that they were looking into getting a eurofighter.

So if that was true it would make sense that it was originally planned for CWoA, in fact it would have been much better suited there in my opinion!
spicy said:
I just remember Screaming Coasters posting a topic a while back about how Chessington was changing and he said that they were looking into getting a eurofighter.

So if that was true it would make sense that it was originally planned for CWoA, in fact it would have been much better suited there in my opinion!

Yes I agree, but thorpes dearer and it will draw more crowds in. also it will enable them to do a eurofighter fastpast, like the alton one where you have to pay extra for rita.

It's all about money
Screaming Coasters said:
Yer but look at Universal, the only part of the coaster they theme is the station!

Look at nemesis Inferno, apart from the streams underneath that need clearing up!

My brother (Jewls1993) is going up to Alton Towers on Monday just to let people know :)
Ultimate Coaster said:
YESSSSS!!!!! I've got a proper stiffy now with all those bits of cable and mud!

I think I've done my right hand in for good now.


So when do I start proclaiming that it will have no airtime...?

You shouldn't slate it or say it won't have certain things without riding it.
I've been ignoring this.

But I just wanna point out that if somone, like me, says it WILL have airtime... No one would go "DON'T JUDGE BEFORE YOU RIDE!!!!!"

But yeah, it clearly will have masses of airtime, it's the only thing Eurofighters do well that is fun. The other thing they do well is hang time, which is not fun. Oh, and they batter you to death. But that is a side affect of something they do badly, turn corners.
Joey said:
But that is a side affect of something they do badly, turn corners.

LOL! I noticed on the No Limits video on the official website that it even had the proper 'square' corners!
Ok so, some people may recognise that the construction of this coaster has been delayed from the usual routine. Thorpe Park has always had its major coaster’s footers in place in July for a next year opening. In fact all past major coasters that have been built at Thorpe Park have had vertical steel construction by now. Lift hill steel work for Colossus, station structure for Nemesis Inferno and Stealth were all being installed late July the year before they opened.

Basically they’ve been delayed on construction with Project Dylan. As it currently stands they’re placing piles in the ground. The piles are there to compensate for the weakness of the infill land. From there they can weld the steel rods from the piles into the steel mesh that will strengthen the concrete foundation for the station building. But this should have (ideally) been completed back in June.

Now there is a reason for this delay:

Thorpe Park said:
Details pursuant to Condition 12 (Bird Hazard Management Plan) of reserved matters consent RU.07/1230 for Canada Creek coaster comprising ride and integral building, ancillary island works and landscaping permitted under outline permission RU.03/0965 (Medium Term Development Plan 2005-2010)

Source: http://ww2.runnymede.gov.uk/home/latest ... an_lst.htm

Or in other words, there’s a birds nest in the wood behind Samurai and they can’t go anywhere near it. They had to get extra permission just to start the construction you see now, causing a delay.
Jewls1993 said:
It better bloody well not be delayed, I'm meant to be visiting next year :evil:

I can't sneeze as quickly as these can be constructed.

It'll be open next year, no worries!
God they really planned this well lol, sorry just find it funny.

AI had Rage up and running in about 2 months, from what I understand Speed did not take that long either.

I know Thorpe had to land fill etc but this all should have been thought of and the birds nest as well. If the birds have just hached they will not be allowed to move the nest until the birds have left.

Or have I just read that totally wrong.
sounds like an elaborate excuse for not having time to complete the "amazing" theming.... Just you wait! ;)
neo said:
Or in other words, there’s a birds nest in the wood behind Samurai and they can’t go anywhere near it. They had to get extra permission just to start the construction you see now, causing a delay.

The extra cost of a shotgun was calculated into the budget and progress shortly continued
Im looking forward to when all the footers have been layed and vertical construction starts because these things fly along construction wise which hopefully leaves time for themeing. I expect brilliant themeing nothing like Mistery Mine at Dollywood but better than Speed at Oakwood.
Swat said:
I expect brilliant themeing nothing like Mistery Mine at Dollywood but better than Speed at Oakwood.

Your saying Speed has theming, or did I just not see it at the CF-live :shock:
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