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Shock: Launched X-Car-Coaster - Rainbow Magicland, Italy

If I recall correctly they've named the ride "Shock" on the website...

And it will be steam-punk themed by the looks of things, though personally it's not the most impressive theme this park seems to be having...
Steam-punk? Shock? It just needs three little letters more and I'd be on my way to Italy >.<

RCDB are calling this coaster "Shock" as well now, so I've gone ahead and changed the title of the topic.

I'm the best Mod ever!
I have to admit that I knew nothing of steampunk. I still don't know much but the artwork looks awesome. The park's blog just happened to be updated today with more info on the steampunk theme.

A nice introduction on the movement. Really great stuff comes from steampunk. I'm very excited to see it creep into theming again - I love Le Disney's Space Mountain. Lots more to explore!
It's interesting to see the non-inverting loop go like that. It looks more like a tilted version, as well as the fact it's lost it's twist at the top.
^ Well, in essence, it hasn't lost it's "Twist". It's just that it only exists then enters the banking in the same direction. This coaster does look like fun. Plus it's themed to Steampunk, <3.

On a kind of side note, the rest of the theming in the park is actually shaping up to be something quite nice, I'm sure it will be very photogenic. I have the feeling the park is going for the more "Fantasy" theming rather then say 'actual theming', by this I mean like PortAventura, Terra Mitica etc have, where it feels organic and 'actual'.
Urm, am I the only one that doesn't think this is actually going to open in two months time?
Have I ever mentioned that launched X-Cars make me happy in my pants? If it turns out to be crap, I'll... I'll... throw pizza at it!

Looks awesome. Is it finished? Have they started testing yet?
^Doesn't look testing has started but construction of the theming seems to be coming together now. Nothing of real note at the moment but as soon as I see an update that looks interested I'll link ya.
Someone posted the below video of the coaster testing on the unofficial fan club page on facebook:

