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Shock: Launched X-Car-Coaster - Rainbow Magicland, Italy

I know the quality of the clip is quite poor, but it looks like it rolls back quite slowly, which maybe leans towards magnetic trims on that incline?

Edit: This...


..could be trim??

If so, why? Unless you're trying to break any kind of speed record, I cant see the reason for such immense trims on a first hill.
It doesn't look like it's been launched with anywhere near enough speed. I think the fact it seems to roll back so slowly might be due to the slower launch speed.
I thought they were some kind of boost on the launch? Is it possible for it to be both? And the actual "Boost" wasn't working proper? - Stupid post, I know!
I always thought they were a second launch, kinda like California Screamin.

If that's the case, maybe they're just testing the initial launch and the roll-back systems before moving onto that one.
This ride is going to have the worst capacity ever. And this is meant to be the signature coaster? Good.
It's a very short ride though and with only a small handful of guests to deal with each time the train has to re-load then it should flow quite well (if operated well) and should have quite a nice queue that doesn't really stand still but one that moves on a regular basis. Then again what do I know, I'm just speculating and it could easily go either way.
It has just ONE section of MCBR (so, 4 blocks: station, launch/track, MCBR, brakes and transfer). Even if they are running the coaster at full capacity (3 cars), which means 18 people at the same time, they could reach a theoretical capacity of like 540 pph (that if they were launching trains every 40 seconds or so).
New footage released by the park today. Makes it look a lot faster imo.

That's loads better, the turn after the loop is crazy.

Not convinced it'll be the BEST X-Car, but, it does look up there.
I think it looks quite odd with only one train going round. The track/structure is massive, but they're only little cars. :)
Very cool!

I agree Hixee, the one car bit does seem a bit out of place. At least that means you'll always have a good seat!
Could they easily adjust it to use 2 cars in the future?

It does strike me as odd for the parks signature coaster to have such crap capacity.