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Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launch

Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

Ok, so who cares if SFMM is a "mostly local park" because when you consider the population of Los Angeles metro area, you are looking at around 19 million people, and that doesn't include San Diego metro which is only 2 hours away without traffic. And that place pulls in a lot of international tourists and out of state people, especially around the New Year. Calling it a local park is a stretch too.

Sure, in theory it adds capacity, but it won't be EFFECTIVE at getting through guests. Yes this is what the park apparently wanted, but to say it will reduce lines at other attractions, it won't. Scream, Tatsu, Apocalypse, Green Lantern, Superman reversed and Lex Luthor have STILL not taken away X2's queue, which is over 2 hours almost any time of the day.

I've easily been there over 100 times over the past 8 years, and when 9 times out of 10 operations are this awful, it isn't a fluke. I've gone at all times of the year, and regardless of the crowds, the operations are awful. Sure Batman and Scream typically have zero waits, no matter when you go, but that is because they are people eaters. Ninja should never have a 45 minute queue on a weekday in May when school is still in and when the park is almost empty, but when it only runs 1 train, it happens.
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

I'm going to say again that the operations and throughput are valid considerations when considering a ride. If we consider queue theming and on ride effects as part of the ride experience, then surely waiting in line for three hours because crew members are arguing about who's going to take out the trash (or whatever) is just as valid. If my mood has soured because I waited through three breakdowns, it is going to affect my feelings about a ride, even if I try to eliminate that as part of my consideration. We're human.

This might be the most fantastic ride ever, but it still suffers from being in a park with a bad reputation, whether or not you agree 100% with that reputation.

...and having been to Tragic Mountain more than a dozen times across three decades, I'd say that poor reputation has been earned.
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

Jake said:
Everything was running fine when I went in 2009. It was quite busy but everything was running more than 1 train... maybe they spite trains when it's a bit quieter, meaning the queues actually get longer? My opinion isn't very valid because it's the only time I've been, but yeah.

I find it strange that I know of at least 10 people that have been there from the UK and none of us have had problems and we have all been at different times of the year. Guess we have all been lucky.
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

So all rides at major theme parks can be considered bad because you have to wait?

Ive never had a problem with waiting in line and Im possibly one of the most impatient people around.
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

^Nobody has said that.

Having to wait is part and parcel of going to a theme park. Having to wait a ridiculously long time which you know from experience is unnecessary, simply because of inefficiency and/or lacklustre effort on the part of staff, is something different entirely.
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

Really this is a pretty difficult argument, are we discussing the coaster itself, or are we taking location, theming, capacity into consideration? I'm confused.
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

If you can separate the coaster from the entirety of the experience getting to the coaster, great. Most people aren't that clinical in their opinions about a ride.

The last time I went to 6FMM, I sat in Colossus' brake run for over two minutes while team members were arguing about who was responsible for emptying the rubbish bins. They had one train on one side, and it was supposed to be an enthusiast event. If you think that had a positive effect on my opinion of Colossus that day, or 6FMM as a whole park, you'd be mistaken.

I used to love MM when I lived in San Diego. Then I saw (many) other parks. At the same time, MM operations fell off. Maybe they have good days and bad, and I've just been unlucky.

Regardless, I still say that Full Throttle may be a fantastic ride, but it will suffer for being at Magic Mountain.
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

TheCoasterCruiser said:
Really this is a pretty difficult argument, are we discussing the coaster itself, or are we taking location, theming, capacity into consideration? I'm confused.

I'm not sure either lol. I do know it is possible to discuss the merits of a Premier launch coaster without worrying about what might happen 3 months from now when it opens. I mean, I can talk about how awesome Xcelerator is without constant gripping about how terrible the capacity is. I can also separate my interest in the construction of Skyrush, without boring people with my thoughts on how deplorable I think Hershey Park is run. And yes, I gave them a chance to prove me wrong up until Skyrush opened, even after my experiences with Farenheit.

We can moan about SFMM's inconsistant operations in almost any thread about them. I'm here to talk about Full Throttle.

Different strokes I guess... ;)
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

If you guys have such an issue with SFMM's operations, perhaps instead of bickering about it, why don't you complain to Public Relations? You're making NO progress towards a better park like this.
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

And how do you know he hasn't? This is a conversation Xpress, not a rally to storm the gates of Operations at SFMM.
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

Snoo said:
And how do you know he hasn't? This is a conversation Xpress, not a rally to storm the gates of Operations at SFMM.

Don't give me any ideas..
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

I think Full Throttle is going to be a fun ride.

I think that for it's first season, it will be a pain in the ass to enjoy because of its low capacity. Terminator Salvation has a similar throughput, its opening season it never got below a 60 minute wait. I went last summer and it was a walk-on.
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

Xpress said:
If you guys have such an issue with SFMM's operations, perhaps instead of bickering about it, why don't you complain to Public Relations? You're making NO progress towards a better park like this.

Well, you'll be glad to know that on my last trip to MM, I did in fact go to guest relations and fill out a lengthy comment card/statement before I left, and covered what I mentioned and much more. After I started working at 6FGAm in 2006, I made it a point to try and find someone worthy to give a guest compliment at every park I went to, 6F, CF, or otherwise. La Ronde and Magic Mountain were the only 6F parks where I had an extremely difficult time finding someone or something to compliment. I watched 6 employees walk past a tipped over and dumped out trash can near Panda Express and do NOTHING about it that day before a guy from Security showed up and start cleaning it up.

It never used to be that bad in the early 90's.


Full Throttle, You Obviously Love Owls!
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

Saw the latest construction photos today. This ride looks like it's going to have some amazing direction change forces. I'd love to see Premier Rides have a hit with this so that we can see more of their modern rides pop up around the US!
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

rollermonkey said:
I'm going to say again that the operations and throughput are valid considerations when considering a ride. If we consider queue theming and on ride effects as part of the ride experience, then surely waiting in line for three hours because crew members are arguing about who's going to take out the trash (or whatever) is just as valid. If my mood has soured because I waited through three breakdowns, it is going to affect my feelings about a ride, even if I try to eliminate that as part of my consideration. We're human.

This might be the most fantastic ride ever, but it still suffers from being in a park with a bad reputation, whether or not you agree 100% with that reputation.

...and having been to Tragic Mountain more than a dozen times across three decades, I'd say that poor reputation has been earned.
I like you.

Whilst I fully agree that everything effects consideration of what is a good ride, I've always heard that Magic Mountain is pretty great at least compared to the rest of the Six Flags parks?
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

While I can't comment on other SF parks, I can say I always love going to SFMM, even if the place might be a tad bit trashy in certain areas. Seems like the staff are somewhat cheerful.
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

^While not the worst in the chain, (La Ronde, hands down,) Magic Mountain's staff is far from the best.

Joey said:
I like you.

Whilst I fully agree that everything effects consideration of what is a good ride, I've always heard that Magic Mountain is pretty great at least compared to the rest of the Six Flags parks?

Thank you?

Magic Mountain has an incredible array of coasters.

What little selection of non-coaster rides that remains is tragic. The food options are a shadow of what used to be offered. Operations are spotty, that simply cannot be argued. I used to really like the park, but the overall experience has been gutted, IMO.

Great Adventure has a similar array of coasters, but has plenty of flats, too. Discovery Kingdom had by far the best employees of any 6F park in the chain. The operations at 6FGAm kicks a$$.

None of the 6F parks do absolutely everything perfect, and I get that. But Magic Mountain gets almost everything wrong the past few times I've visited, and that's a shame. I miss eating at the full service Chinese restaurant on Samurai Summit or when a Mooseburger wasn't the same exact thing at every other food place in the park. I miss the flat rides that used to be everywhere. I miss seeing Colossus with 4 train operations, let alone the six it's designed to operate with. Cracked and peeling paint, tipped rubbish bins, cracked walkways, the list goes on and on. Much of it has to do with the general reduction of maintenance budgets throughout the 6F chain, but other parks still try. Magic Mountain's management just seems to not care, as if people will simply show up regardless, as long as most of the coasters are running. Maybe that's true, but to me, that's sad.

So now that Full Throttle is finally vertical, where are all the construction updates?
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain | "Full Throttle" | multi launc

rollermonkey said:
Great Adventure has a similar array of coasters, but has plenty of flats, too.

You are the first person I've seen in a long time say that Great Adventure has a lot of flats. Right now I still think they're on par with BGW in terms of numbers, but their moves in the last 2 years (and this year, too) really show that they are listening to the guests.

Now if only they could get rid of Supes and retheme Green Lantern...[/pipedream]

So now that Full Throttle is finally vertical, where are all the construction updates?

Courtesy of TPR:

It's already on their park maps

Overall progress as of this weekend: