Nemesis Inferno said:
You do realise I was joking when I said that one right? :lol:
Yes :lol:
Nemesis Inferno said:
Whilst there are games that I will buy from that Direct, there were no games that made me really stand up and take full on notice, or any that screamed out that they could save the console...
It doesn't look great... Although at least the 3DS seems pretty solid atm...
Yeah, they need to be getting a line up of games to make people want to buy the consoles, not just the games. We'll see, but I think Nintendo are deep in the mire. The 3DS will do well enough in the end I think, but I still think we'll see Nintendo titles on non-Nintendo hardware within a couple of years.
Ben said:
This is what I'll be doing in the console wars.
Yeah, Minor_Furie is there now after I bought him a new PC gaming rig. I wanted a new PC gaming rig :cry:
To be honest, I just can't be doing with PC Gaming. I like my gaming machine to run things at the absolute best it can. That means spending an absolute fortune on a PC, then upgrading every six weeks to keep up. Otherwise I have to start messing around with settings, getting the right balance of looks against performance. I then find that the hour I had to play the game has vanished due to me trying to get things working and I just end up never playing anything.
With a console I can:
a) Sit in the living room with a huge screen and surround sound system and play.
b) Let the devs worry about making it look and run well (it won't look or run as well as it will on a PC, but at least I know that the machine I'm running it on is doing it as well as every other PS/XB)
c) Turn it on it two seconds, be playing a game in just a couple of minutes and switch it off right away.
I do miss PC Gaming though at times, especially when I need a mouse :lol:
marc said:
Kingdom hearts 3
So far it's ps4 all the way, it's a games console not a tv.
Have not read one good reviews about the Xbox yet.
Kingdom Hearts 3 and the new FF have both also been announced for the XBOne too.
See, Sony were really clever and MS really stupid. MS handed Sony a loaded gun and Sony used it. They'll keep on beating MS with it too.
All the time that's happening, Sony are dodging things. People are going "oh Sony, you're so funny monopolising on MS's stupidity" instead of "wait, multiplayer is an upcharge? TWO USB PORTS??? Your console is fugly! If you need/want Kinect, XBOne is better value. PS Eye and Move is pretty turd and badly supported. It used to be 5 consoles could share an account, then reduces to 2, how many this time? Your entire plan is based on network infrastructure, but you have failed to provide a decent - secure - network backbone time and time again" and probably lots of other things.
See, at the core, both machines are pretty identical. They'll both have the same quality cross platform games. They both have their own "exclusives", but it's tit for tat. XBOne is more expensive, but you get more for your money. MS have a proven multiplayer network system that has worked fantastically for years. Sony claim to also have one now.
The difference is that Sony is selling their console as a games machine. MS are trying to differentiate themselves and step a little away from that. They're just assuming that everyone will go "yeah, it's a gaming console as good as the PS4, but it also does all this other stuff on top!".
People are looking at the nitty gritty with the XBOne, and I think it's a little unfair to MS, but...
tomahawKSU said:
I'm still an Xbox man through and through, tired of people **** on it just to **** on it. It's like people were looking for a reason to hate it. You can share games with up to ten people, yet NOBODY SEEMS TO MENTION that because it isn't NO DRM NO SHARING GAMES GARH!! Yes, the price is high, but anyone who gets it in year one isn't smart since there aren't many exclusive titles. I'll be getting mine when Halo 5 comes out, or Madden 15/26 whichever way they go about numbering from now on. I'll still be able to get BF4, Madden 25, CoD Golden Retriever for 360 since no releases are next gen exclusive it seems until next year. Titanfall looks pretty good too.
Everyone has always loved to **** on Microsoft, it's not a change.
I disagree. Sony and Sony users have been under fire from XBox users for years and years. The PS3 has always been seen as the underdog in the current generation. Late to market, too expensive, hacked, crap multiplayer, no achievements, etc, etc, etc.
You sadly reap what you sow and if there's now a backlash because Sony are getting it right (let's not forget, it's taken them an entire generation to reach XBox standards here, I'm not being a total fanboy) and MS aren't - well tough really :lol:
MS have made a bad decision with the "connect every 24 hours" and "game share with ten people, but it must talk to the MS servers every hour" things. It's complicated and it's fixing a problem that nobody really knows is a problem for sure anyway.
They don't help themselves either: ... microsoft/
They have current and potential customers yelling at them saying "what you're doing is wrong". You have indie developers going "MS, you are too difficult to work with we're making games for the PS4 instead". MS are responding with PR rhetoric and wonderful sound bites that make it sound like they're saying "you're too poor for a XBOne, come and live in a proper 1st World Country like 'Merica or STFU!"
It gets up people's noses. E3 was to be "all about the games", but they've not managed to overshadow their flaws with their display. It's been so badly mishandled.
MS does take a lot of **** though generally away from the XBox arena (the XBox has been a shining light and a golden piece of the MS treasury). It's deserved though, MS don't really have much of a handle on things. It's frustrating because they're often ahead of the curve, but they don't know how to monopolise on the ideas they have. Then they end up producing half-baked products, or trying to catch up with another company who has taken their idea and made it work properly. They keep on dropping the ball and upsetting their customers. At some point, people won't have to pick Windows and Office (we're not there yet, but getting there) in business or the home and then MS are royally screwed because they don't have a business model away from those products that functions.
I also don't get the "I'm an XBox Man" thing. I'm a gamer. I will buy the system that works for me and allows me to maximise my gaming time. It's all about best fit. I have no interest in Halo, but I would never buy a system for a single game anyway.
I buy a lot of second hand games. I also buy a lot of quirky and interesting off-the-wall games. The MS solution just won't offer that to me with the XBOne. It's also £80 more than a PS4 because it includes Kinect, which I would never use.
I bought a 360 because I wanted to play online games and the PS3 failed on that front. I'm just a believer in buying what suits you best, not just blind devotion because it's what you've always done - I don't really understand it.
kimahri said:
I still disagree but, I see your logic. I will admit I did base that assumption off the reaction to a Gaming Expo designed to address "Gamers" rather than average Joe or Jane. I was more running off pricing as well. Xbox does seem really steep when including all the other macguffins like Netflix and what not. Will the US still support the Xbox with all of them?
Legit question btw
I think that I've covered it a little above. Sony have run with the "let's make MS look bad" thing. But... We don't know enough about the PS4 and nobody has been really scrutinising it in the same way they have the XBOne. A lot of people can see that the XBOne is a better value bit of kit if they use the Kinect and TV services. If you want Halo* and that is the only thing that you want other than cross platform games, then the XBOne is the option for you.
Add in then that for most people, they will simply stick with what they know (see Tom above

). They will also want to play with friends, so if all of Tom's gaming pals buy a PS4 and Tom won't have anyone to play with, he may consider a PS4 - but it's unlikely, because I'll bet his gaming friends are already considering the XBOne too because it "fits" and "it's what they know". Most people (in the US) just don't give a stuff about the DRM and game sharing and internet connection things. It's irrelevant to them.
MS's problem is much wider. The XBOne is geared for the US market and while that's a large slice of the gaming console pie, the Europe is the lynch pin. Japan will always go Sony, the US will always sway towards XBox and Europe? It's Sony's biggest territory at the moment. MS have done nothing that will help to eat into that market and it's a big mistake, but in the US, the XBOne is a perfect match for a huge number of people.
My prediction...
The PS4 will release late and MS will get the jump on them.
The PS4 will vanish from the shelves in Japan and the XBOne will be completely overlooked.
The XBOne will sell well in the US, with a "mediocre" release on the PS4 front initially, with a sudden rapid build.
The PS4 will sell very well Europe, with a "mediocre" reception for the XBOne. There'll be slow sales on the XBOne and good sales of the PS4 (the PS4 price point is key in Europe)
MS will price cut the XBOne just prior to the release of Halo 5, or release a Halo 5 box which includes the game for free. XBOne sales will increase massively at that point and worldwide, sales across both platforms will be roughly even with Sony having majority share of Europe, all of Japan and MS taking the lion's share of America. Much as it is now.
Then Sony will release their cloud network, and it will fail and Sony will struggle as late adopters rush to XBOne :lol:
Of course, There's Ouya, the Steam box and a load of other unknown variables out there so far, but MS is right, the key is the living room and tying everything into a single box. I suspect MS may be ahead of the curve again here, and NEXT generation, Sony will monopolise on what MS have built once again.
Will be very interesting times.
*Or whatever exclusive game really takes your fancy