^ and ^^Hey, stop talking about games and get back to bitching about the two new consoles
Intricks said:
^^^^ Exactly, they are relying on the frat boys and tweens in the families to make up for any loss of sales they will lose from the lack of giving out a console with gimmicks added to it (PS4 is a gaming console first and foremost, with some extras tossed in). Do you really think they will gather a crowd buying into Diablo III, KH3 or FFXV? No, but the games will still make some profit off those few sold. Even the new AC:BF will only gather a small grouping of sales with most being for the PS4 guarenteed.
Adding in the fact that youve listed games that mainly house a heavy online base with leaderboards involved and you
I disagree about it being a gaming console. Its a DVR box with the XBox name added to it to draw in the few extra sales, that also happens to play video games. Gamers wont justify the price based on that alone. Adding in all the gimmicks to the XB1 and making those the headfront of the system as well as the Kinect, a poorly recieved add-on mind you, and you wind up with this poorly recieved box of gimmicks that just so happens to play games as well.
Its bad when there is already speculation that Microsoft is already trying to change its whole No Used Games approach, as well as a very strong rumor of a strict gaming version of the XB1 (or something similar) possibly coming out as well.
Twoddle, all of it (and I mean that in the nicest possible way

:lol: ).
The XBOne IS a gaming console through and through. It's as powerful as the PS4 and no multiplatform game will look worse on the XBOne than it will on the PS4 - how can that not be a gaming console?
MS have just focussed on what makes it different. They succeeded but in an environment that was hostile to it (hardcore gamers). The thing is, those gamers make up a large part of the huge sales numbers of 360 game sales. The XBOne will still sell well and will still sell large numbers of copies of games like the new AC.
The XBOne as it stands now is what we will see for years to come. EA and Activision will already have their own DRM/anti-2nd hand systems in place which will affect the PS4 too. Nothing from the MS front will change apart from they'll kick up a gear showing off more and more games.
There are millions upon millions of American's the XBOne is perfect for, and they will lap it up. There's a staunch XBox following in Europe too (smaller and it will take hits, but it's still there). When the XBOne has the first price cut, you'll see massive sales as people jump from their 360 to the XBOne. Absolutely huge numbers of people, probably within the first year of release.
spicy said:
Grid 2 is awesome, haven't had this much fun playing a racing game for a long time.
It's got the perfect balance between being 'arcadey' yet is still challenging enough but no where near Gran Turismo level.
10/10 for me.
I tried to resist, but couldn't. I've played and loved every Codemaster's saloon car type racing game right from Toca, to Grid. All the Tocas and Toca Race Drivers in between have been played from start to finish and the ones for the last ten years or so played massively online. I love the series.
I love the false realism. It's exciting and challenging and makes you feel like you're actually part of a race. I love Forza too and there's room for both, but Grid is a fast action blockbuster, and Forza a well paced, lovingly crafted piece of film art.
I'm just starting to get taken in by Grid 2 now, but it's been a difficult process. Grid was one of the best games to arrive in the last five years and all that was really wrong was the actual career system which was weak.
They've played with Grid 2 in terms of handling, aggression and "collision outcome" and I think that they've taken some of the fun out of the game with it. It feels much less like real racing than Grid did - though they've made it more difficult at the same time (you can't just knock a car out of the way by tapping their back end). I wish there was a game where you could set things up to make it work just how you want it to.
So there's quite often a lot of "WTF are you doing running into me???" moments and more than a couple of "I rammed him hard and he just slowed me down, but I get a slight knock from the rear myself and end up spinning off" times. It's frustrating, but...
Once the controls click and you get a perfect powerslide round a corner to overtake a handful of cars:
it's sublime. It's just so satisfying, but requires very little skill :lol:
Career is flimsy and a bit annoying, much like the original. I really want to see somebody tackle a true motorsport career system. As it is, I've already got a garage of 9 cars, no idea between them really and why/where to use one in preference to another. It's just pick a car, race, maybe win another car, pick another car randomly, race. There are seasons, but you don't win a "season", just finish it.
Still, it's well made, it's solid, it's fun and it's great to play. I guess it's the evolution of Grid, but really I wanted to see a reinvention of the Toca series. It's become an arcade game from end to end with no pretences towards any kind of simulation, and while it's still great, it leaves me sad that all the really good stuff has been well left behind.