Yeah, over the next 12-18 months, 360 and PS3 titles will drop off. It's much more difficult to do cross platform when you need to constantly be worrying about the very low spec 360, PS3 and XB1 when you can regularly get 60fps at 1080p+ on the other platforms
Seriously, development will now be lead on a PC, with XB1 and PS4 conversions happening off the back of those. I think at the moment they leads are still 360 and PS3 just with a PC texture pack - so they're not good examples of games that use the power. We've a little while to wait for that yet, but all new developments that are cross platform are likely to be focussed only on next gen.
I'm glad that there's finally some price reductions on the PS4 now, with second hand copies of games coming in at £25-£30 for first Knack and Killzone.
It makes the system affordable. Though to be honest, I've still got loads to play on the PS4. War Thunder is still taking up time here and there, Don't Starve is still really good fun and you find yourself lost for an hour or more easily, Outlast was the scariest game I've ever played and Dead Nation is good fun (though I completed the PS3 version so it's a bit repetitive). All great for completely free
It needs a stand out racing game though and Second Son can't come soon enough for it. Still, there's a decent drip feed of little games to keep you occupied. I think it's 1 or 2 games per week being released on the PS4 now - most are PSN mind...
BTW Marc, I found the setting thing on GT6. It's if you press the Start button you can do the car settings from there. Obviously :roll: