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The Games we play...

I just found out that the upcoming Arkham Knight video game is only for the Xbox One and Playstation 4. No way I am going to tell my mother to buy a $500 dollar game system, especially when we just got a $300 dollar one. The Playstation 4 seems interesting and more affordable so that will probably be my next console in a couple years. That's what happens when you get a last generation console I guess. Well I'm going to have to stop the awesome Arkham series at Origins.

Put that aside, Titanfall comes out today for PC and Xbox One. I think on the 25th it comes out for the Xbox 360. It looks Halo-ish so I'm going to get it on the 25th. I don't think it will be as good as Halo, but I can't decide until I play it of course.
Titanfall will be more like COD, only better because it has giant stompy robots and giant stompy robots always make EVERYTHING better.

Other than that, expect pretty much the same as COD, multiplayer only though.
A lot of new games are coming out on the new consoles only it's totally expected.

As soon as kingdom hearts comes out then I will get a ps4, at the moment there is nothing that I want.
Yeah, over the next 12-18 months, 360 and PS3 titles will drop off. It's much more difficult to do cross platform when you need to constantly be worrying about the very low spec 360, PS3 and XB1 when you can regularly get 60fps at 1080p+ on the other platforms ;)

Seriously, development will now be lead on a PC, with XB1 and PS4 conversions happening off the back of those. I think at the moment they leads are still 360 and PS3 just with a PC texture pack - so they're not good examples of games that use the power. We've a little while to wait for that yet, but all new developments that are cross platform are likely to be focussed only on next gen.

I'm glad that there's finally some price reductions on the PS4 now, with second hand copies of games coming in at £25-£30 for first Knack and Killzone.

It makes the system affordable. Though to be honest, I've still got loads to play on the PS4. War Thunder is still taking up time here and there, Don't Starve is still really good fun and you find yourself lost for an hour or more easily, Outlast was the scariest game I've ever played and Dead Nation is good fun (though I completed the PS3 version so it's a bit repetitive). All great for completely free :)

It needs a stand out racing game though and Second Son can't come soon enough for it. Still, there's a decent drip feed of little games to keep you occupied. I think it's 1 or 2 games per week being released on the PS4 now - most are PSN mind...

BTW Marc, I found the setting thing on GT6. It's if you press the Start button you can do the car settings from there. Obviously :roll: :p
I think I've become addicted to Pokemon Y. It's pretty much the exact same from what I remember, but it's still great! The new appearance/presentation is awesome and I love screwing around in my roller skates! :)
I was under the impression that 3DS games could be played on older systems just not in 3D... I got the wrong impression.

Shame that. And poor form from Nintendo.
Completed Uncharted 3, really enjoyed it until the final scene. Crap yet again like the other two and just let's the whole game down.
Pierre said:
I was under the impression that 3DS games could be played on older systems just not in 3D... I got the wrong impression.

Shame that. And poor form from Nintendo.

I know our local Game always asks if you have a 3DS when you buy a game. It's not a good name for the system and the 2DS then muddies the waters even more as it's a 3DS in 2D, but it isn't a DS which is also a 2D DS.

marc said:
Completed Uncharted 3, really enjoyed it until the final scene. Crap yet again like the other two and just let's the whole game down.

LOL! You expected anything else? :lol:

At least the journey was good fun until that point :)
Finally got to use my wheel on gt6.

The force feed back is incredible (take note codemasters).

But the wheel makes the game even easier. Got all gold at Goodwood at last.

Does make the game more fun though.

I want to get The Last of Us, but it's still expensive preowned and far too much new.
The only place I've found it doesn't help is on the drift events. I found those much easier (i.e. I could do them) on the pad.

The Last of Us looks really good, but I'm kind of in the same boat. I have so many games to play as it is that unless a game is really cheap and a good deal, I don't want to spend money on it :lol: I also want to buy PS4 games and leave the PS3 a little so I can get more value from the PS4 - so I'm avoiding buying PS3 games if I can...
I see the price of the ps4 has dropped am hoping it goes under £300 by the time the games are out that I want.

Codemasters are bringing out a Senna game, well they have made a senna game. They are blocking the senna content on gt6 and the makers of gt6 are blocking codemasters.

The makers of gt6 got permission from the Senna Foundation, codemasters got told no so went to Bernie. Codemasters are 100% in the wrong here.
At the moment I'm playing disney infinity. The incredibles play set is amazing I have played half hour game play and the dialogue is one of the most interesting I've even seen fits more with children. The other game I am replaying is grand theft auto IV never did finish the final mission.
Saw it on Friday for £324 just a random google search. Came with no games though so did not think it was good value.

GameStop I think it was.