I need to catch up but have limited time - doing accounts again
I managed to grab Driveclub on Saturday. It was £20 second hand in CEX and after a few Blu Ray and DVD trade ins came down to the very reasonable price of £8 - plus Sony didn't see any of the money
Actually, I'm pretty shocked. The game is probably the best new IP/release title a console generation has seen. It's just a shame it was a year late, but it still stands up now (due to the fact it has no rivals on the PS4).
It's a massive pity the PS+ version never arrived as I'd have paid for the upgrade of it quite happily - or sourced the original if it was cheaper (and given Sony some cash).
It's far from perfect and it's a really odd mix of arcade and simulator. It plays like Ridge Race should, but with more of the handling of Grid without the assists on. So it sits almost uncomfortably between pure arcade and something that feels right. It's taking a lot of getting used to, but it's fun, challenging and it encourages replaying (to a degree).
I've invited a bunch of people to a CF club for when the PS+ version goes live so you can benefit immediately from club benefits (like cars that make earlier events easier).
It's just a shame Sony messed it all up, but the two free DLC packs add a bit to the game and make it probably the best £8 I have ever spent