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Everyone playing Drive Club and I'm just here playing The Crew. One of the best street racing games I've played. I don't mind if it seems too arcade like, the beauty and fun of the game makes up for it.
I started playing Mass Effect a few days ago, and subsequently watched half the week disappear. I'm now attempting to get some of the flat cleaned up before I start on number two and the rest of my time off mysteriously vanishes.

It's one of those games I'd had for ages, having picked it up in a sale over a year ago, but just hadn't got around to playing.
I too got an Xbox One with Christmas money.

Oh God the dashboard offends me.

I got COD Advanced Warfare and Forza 5, £300 from Game, not bad.

They're both great and very pretty but I need to sit down with them more.
The EggBoxOne continues to offend me. 3 times in the last 2 days Forza Horizon has frozen and crashed the console. I mean, WTF.

That's not happened on my PS4 once in the year I've had it. =/
My PS4 quite often locks up, probably once a month or so.

I think the Xbone had done it a couple of times.

I saw you on Forza before Ben, you'll soon have me knocking you off the track alongside Neal :p

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I know I still have a measly 360 but I've noticed Advanced Warfare pauses at least once a mission and a bar with rendering/loading comes up. I've never experienced this with a CoD game before, they've always run so smooth, it is **** annoying!
Yeah Ben, beware Phil's drivatar, it's deadly.

You're much better behaved on Horizon though furie, although I imagine that's because you've not played it yet haha
I have played Horizon and was much more aggressive than I am on Forza 5. Stupid drivatars

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Aww poor basic Jordan ;)

I love the drivatars they're a cool idea, I'll look out for you.

I haven't had any issues with mine crashing yet but I've sort of come to expect it now.
MouseAT said:
I started playing Mass Effect a few days ago, and subsequently watched half the week disappear. I'm now attempting to get some of the flat cleaned up before I start on number two and the rest of my time off mysteriously vanishes.

It's one of those games I'd had for ages, having picked it up in a sale over a year ago, but just hadn't got around to playing.
Oh how I noticed it always pop up on Steam lol.

I have actually been plunging a lot of hours into Euro Truck Simulator 2. It is quite addictive, and passes the time too. Just turn on a internet radio station and away you go.
The ps4 hangs quite a lot and has so many bugs, the one that really **** me off is the store one. Why don't they fix it it's been there for months now..

I have 4 games and all have crashed at some point even worms lol.
PvZ crashed for me (on wave 10 out of 10...) but it didn't crash the whole PS4 it just said the application has had an error and closed.

Had no issues with the store. I think the redesign of the store was built for PS4 as it was terrible on PS3 but runs so smoothly on PS4 for me.
My PS4 has been fine apart from the store. It doesn't crash, just doesn't appear once you go to open it. I find a restart tends to do the job.
Yeah but my point is by now they should have fixed it. If that happened where I work I would get in the **** for leaving it this long with no fix.
Jordanovichy said:
I'm assuming this drivatar nonsense is Xbox One only? :p

Like Ben said, they're a cool idea. The game monitors the way you play and then pitches other people's "Driveatars" who have a similar style to you against you in races.

So if you always wait behind for a clean overtaking opportunity and then come around all the corners perfectly while avoiding the other drivers, then you'll always race against other "clean" drivers.

However, if your way of winning is to smash every car out of the way and knock them off the track to get to the front, then you'll always come up against drivers doing the same to you.

So great in theory. The problem is that in reality, it's not so easy. There's no qualifying and it's unusual in the early stages for a race to be more than 2 or 3 laps. So you have maybe 3 to 5 minutes to get from the back of the grid to the front. You can set the opponents onto easy and just stroll past them without any issues. However, you tend to overtake them all by the second or third corner and have a boring race.

If you up the opponent difficulty, then it's a struggle in the time scales to make it through, so you HAVE to be aggressive. I don't mean mindless knocking cars off the road, but going into gaps on corners that are only just there or diving between two cars to out brake them both into a corner to gain the lead.

The problem then is that you do end up getting knocked about a little. It's worse because the other cars tend not to understand what you're doing and drive into you rather than giving you racing room. It's nothing that damages any cars (I have full damage on) really, just scuffing paintwork. That counts as too rough so you end up with a rough Driveatar that rams Neal off the road constantly. It has my aggressive style without the restraint or skill.

Even worse, some tracks the AI are completely inept at. They'll go into a hairpin three or four cars aside and get stuck. If you're right in the middle of them or behind braking normally, then you'll hit them (or worse, you're in front and get caught in a shunt).

As it stacks against you, you end up against worse and worse Driveatars which then causes your Driveatar to be presented worse and worse and Neal gets booted off the track even more :lol:

Great idea, not entirely brilliant in practice. If the races were longer or had qualifying, then it would be much less of a problem. You can set up individual races for that, but the career mode is stuck.

I've been going hell for leather on Driveclub though and I'm really enjoying it. It's got a clever catch to keep you going beyond the main career mode... Well, two catches. There are a load of "Accolades" to achieve through constant competition. It may be driving a Hot Hatch for 200 events or drifting a total of 100 miles (I think there are about 30 or so in total for different things). So there's always a reason to be racing - whether it's a career event replayed or making a race of your own devising. This spreads to the multiplayer clubs too. So every race you do in solo adds to the collective club accolades. It's addictive trying to reach the next point to win a badge to put on your car :)

The second catch are the challenges that feed into the accolade chasing. If you do a blinder on a race you can issue it as a challenge to friends, random racers or other clubs. You win points for standing up against others. You can also be issued challenges, or do random community created ones. So there's always something to do to prove how good you are (or not in my case :lol: ) and it all feeds further into the accolade system.

It's very cleverly done and gives the game a "just one more go and I'll de one step closer..." addictive quality. The driving is also "good", though some cars are far too beastly - but generally they handle well and I'm getting used to the very arcade physics. I do like that you actually have to brake for corners though, it's got just enough real driving skill to make it sit at the top of the arcade racer tree, almost up there with the Race Driver games of old.
I played Titan Attacks! yesterday evening for the first time (got it free on PS+ last month). Within an hour of casual play I'd got 80% of the trophies. Picked up the other 20% this morning in a fifteen minute session.

It was a free game so I wasn't fussed but to 100% complete a game in just over an hour is shocking. I wondered how much the game was usually without PS+ so had a look on the store... £15.99!!!! What an absolute disgrace that really is.

I'm back on COD:AW, FIFA15 and The Last Of Us for now.

I tried playing Destiny for a good 1hr30mins the other day to get into it but just couldn't. "Go kill some aliens" - "Kill some more but recover what they drop" - "Go scan an area, it has aliens in though so you'll have to kill them". Didn't once see the point in the game.