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Doesn't look like anyone has recommended Mario Kart Wii yet, so I'll do it:

The game has one huge difference from Double Dash: Unpredictability. 12 players, and most weapons only attack players in front of you. Therefore, if you are leading, expect to be bombed hard and often. Also, the races are more even, resulting in only a few second difference between first and last place. Annoying if you are hit by a first-place bomb ten seconds before finish, and end up on tenth place.

The game is now largely based on luck. Which can be extremely annoying at times, as your skills won't help you against eleven vengeful opponents.

All in all, the racing is more fun and frantic than ever, and I'll give the game an 8. -2 points for the extremely annoying bombs and squids, but + a lot for fun courses and aerial tricks.
Can't wait for big little planet!

edit: Little Big Planet!, im sooo sooo sorry i got it the wrong way around smelly. god.
You know what he means Smelly - I've sen the trailers and it just looks a bit 'out there' for the sake of it. I guess it's just something you have to play to understand :roll:

Pokemaniac, there's actually a Mario Kart Wii topic kicking about. Big John has also recommended it. Personally, I'm enjoying it, but there's something a bit irritating about the Kart games. Plus, they're all just more of the same. Still, it's better than double dash, and I prefer the game to the DS version, so it's got a thumbs up at the moment from me :)

Trackmania... Well, again, more of the same. I've played every version of it so far - and it's great fun for a little while, but there's little/no replay value in the game. Yeah, you can play to try and get faster and faster times, but the only reward is... a faster time. It's all a little anal really.

Still, it's blinding for free and you can easily while away a good few hours actually having fun! :D
Well a few reiews from the preview games we got last night for relese today.

Firts up is time crisis 4 on ps3 ,Not a bad attemt but just felt like there was something missing to me it dosnt even look like a ps3 game in places and quite blocky at times, Also the gun ist even wireless which is same. If you love time crisis you will love this other than that stay away as its a wast of 6 quid to me.

Second up is The sun crosswords on ds only one thing to say really if you like doing crosswords get it if you dont then dont lol.

Third we got a new footbal game on ps3 but didnt take much notce as not into football games.

Fourth is WII FIT, Apart from it actually eeding you to b fit as it weighs a ton lol, The games are quite enjoyable even if you do look a nob playing them, Its just the fact that its 70 quid and to me i dont think its acyually worth it untill much more stuff comes out for it.

We did also get a rathe mysterious box aswell and when we opend it nearly died as it was full of GTA4 we got all giddy and exited only to find out there the show boxes, POO lol.

Andyes i did recomend maro kart wii im still enoyin it although the AI is a cheeting bastard in the higher cc rankings, But the onlie is kool
On Friday I decided to purchase Time Crisis 4 for the PS3.

Its ok, quite hard, well harder than the previous Time Crisis games. The set up for the controller/gun is stupid though and really becomes annoying. The little LED sensor things were irritating to set up and even half-way through a level they decided that they were going to fall off the screen and ruin the game. I also find that when you have to shoot off screen (to change view) the gun just shoots to the side instead of switching to another view which has also made me lose on a particular point several times. Apart from that the graphics are ok, nothing special, the game play (when working) is fun and challenging and the mini games are excellent, hours of entertainment just with them.

The next game I'll probably purchase is either Pain, GT5 Prologue or Buzz (with wireless controllers, can't wait!).
^ to be fair i did say time crisis was a tad bad lol but that maybe just me lol. I actualy forgot to mention how bad the gun actually was aswell sorry for that, Not even wireless ether.
Anyways i got talked into a copy of lego star wars at work and seeing as it was only 8 quid i got it and actually quite enjoying it, its been a long time since a game actually made me stop playing and laugh its got just the right amount of challange and stuff to do in all mission plus its packed mega full with extas and add ons and there is loads to do even if you dont play the missions its a great game if your into starwars and lego, Im actually looking forward to the indiana ones and batman versions.

also got a dvd at work today from the midway media day and it has some great footage on it espesially the mortal kombat vs DC universe trailer, Theres nothing cooler than batman and sub zero having a scrap hehe it looks awsome
Has anyone else had problems downloading MGS4 Online and making an account?
It's taking an absolute ****ing age. :x
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/article ... Bros-Brawl


[insert fan boys complaining and haters laughing here]
I agree with EVERYTHING he has to say about smash bros.

I was *REALLY* into it at the start, now am bored with it.

$50 well spent then...
To be fair.. i've played it.. it's not out in the uk yet so how you two have played it and can pass judgement (Without doing anything illegal - and i'm SURE you're both law abiding citizens?) is beyond me.
I wasn't so much commenting on the game, but stating my love for Yahtzee. Though I've played previous Smash Brothers games and thought them pretty dull, though I'll be open minded and say this one may be amazingly different, and good .... or something.

It's back! Featuring even more crazy characters, devastating weapons and heart pounding hot sweaty action. It's funny, it's frantic and it'll do things you've never seen before! No, not naked girls, even better than that! We can't tell you the details yet, the monkeys have a loaded banana pressed against our skull, but this game will take the first person shooter to gaming nirvana. Save the world or die laughing, Timesplitters 4 is coming to getcha!

Looks really good, and they havnt lost any of the humour that the games have. :D

Edit: thought the second news story on this page would appeal to Furie. :lol:
^What a great preview of the game that video gave you, quite funny though.

I didn't even know that Timesplitter 3 was out :lol: 2 was amazing though.