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The Games we play...

Does anyone have any PS3 games that they don't want anymore that they can 'give' to me? :p
Or somewhere I can get them 'REALLY' cheap.
I downloaded the 10 day free trial for World of Warcraft today. It's okay, but not sure if I want to fork out each month to carry on playing it though. :?
I made a fatal mistake the other day...

I found out Time Crisis 4 was out and firstly was intrigued by the fact it completely slipped past the radar of me, since there are so few games I play anyways, how did the one shooter game I DO like, get missed?

Anyhow, since only one shop had a single copy of it, (apparently most main stores stopped bothering to stock it 3 months ago, as it wasn't particularly successful) I thought it was best to buy it, before I had to buy it on the net then wait for delivery and blah blah blah.

I think the guy in the store ripped me off, because he told me it only really works with the G-con 3 gun thinjamaboob. Game should be better with a gun I told myself, since I have got on really well with the other Time Crisis games...

Then I got the thing home! What the blooming hell have they done? Seriously. After the epic setting up of the infa-red gun system, I'm trying to control a) the direction i'm walking in, b) the direction i'm looking in, on a different analog stick whajmacallit I hasten to add and then c) the actual shooting part.

The whole time I'm playing it felt like I had about 20'000 buttons to press whilst also trying to anihilate the bad guys.

Personally, I was perfectly happy with the simplistitc push the button to hide behind the wall (whilst conviently re-loading) and then coming back out to shoot the hell out of some deranged misguided fool and the game moves you on when you are done. It was simple, yet effective.

This game, however, felt like they tried to cram sooooo much more into it and make it more player directed but it kinda ended up feeling no different to a Tomb Raider game but with an infa-red, over-priced, absurdly-coloured bit of shooting plastic.

Now I know games are supposed to develop and move on and get better and all that but this game felt more like progress for progress sake and it just went too far. I mean seriously, do they honestly believe people are going to stay interested in this game in the arcade? I doubt it. I found it so difficult to control the bastard child of Lara Croft and Drake (Uncharted) thatmy amusement level was left in tatters before the end of the first level, which presumeably is the easiest. I know a game is supposed to be challenging, but it wasn't even that. It just felt pointlessly difficult and ridiculously slow.

It's the last time I buy a game on impulse, even if it is the last one in the store!!! I have little doubt that if I checked back through these game pages someone has strongly advised avoiding the game, but if they haven't. I am now. Seriously, I'd rather go and bung £60 in the arcade and play one of the first two..... In fact, no, I wouldn't. I'd rather go bung £5 in the arcade on one of the originals and then spend the last £55 in the pub!
Mark said:
I found it so difficult to control the bastard child of Lara Croft and Drake (Uncharted) that my amusement level was left in tatters before the end of the first level, which presumably is the easiest.
How dare you. :p
Tomb Raider and Drakes are amazing games.
I agree with you on TC4 though and how they've completely changed it and ruined the whole fun arcade style of it.
I've never played it but all the bad reviews put me off spending the money to buy it. I haven't even seen it since it's been released. That's how well it seems to be doing.
Ollie said:
Mark said:
I found it so difficult to control the bastard child of Lara Croft and Drake (Uncharted) that my amusement level was left in tatters before the end of the first level, which presumably is the easiest.
How dare you. :p
Tomb Raider and Drakes are amazing games.


I haven't even seen it since it's been released. That's how well it seems to be doing.

Firstly, I couldn't agree more, that is why I said the bastard child... it's the child that is evil, not the parents. :p

Apparently, Game (our two anyways) haven't stocked it for about three months.
big john said:
jerry just to let ya know hells highway is rubish i didnt think much to it it looked poor and played even worse so just a little warning you might wanna try before buying
I tried before I buyed and man are you way off.

Swat said:
Brothers In Arms: HH is awesome, Not a COD4 beater but we knew that. The gore is class when you get a headshot or blow some one to peices. makes it worth it.
Swat hit the nail on the head! But it's also much more than the gore. And hell, I haven't even had the chance to play it yet. Why? Because I can't get it out of the kid's grubby little hands & he hated the previous BIAs.
So today will be my turn, but first I'm returning this rental and getting my own copy!
So what did I do today besides watch Aidan go to town on Hell's Highway?
Why I earned the most difficult Halo3 achievement of all. Yeah, that's right - I got the Vidmaster Challenge: Annual! Even though it's after Sep. 25, I hope I still qualify for whatever's to come. Especially since the achievement's not worth any points.
Okay, I didn't really understand the level of excitement behind Little Big Planet until a minute ago, when I found this.


Someone made a computer. In a game.

Ploddish said:
Okay, I didn't really understand the level of excitement behind Little Big Planet until a minute ago, when I found this.

Someone made a computer. In a game.


Now tell me - doesnt that look like the most fun you've ever had in a video game?

... sigh...
Smelly said:
Ploddish said:
Okay, I didn't really understand the level of excitement behind Little Big Planet until a minute ago, when I found this.

Someone made a computer. In a game.


Now tell me - doesnt that look like the most fun you've ever had in a video game?

... sigh...

It already has a penis level to keep you happy.
^ haha!

I got the beta actually, its quite a fun quirky 'game' but would I balls pay £40 for it, it should have been a PSN download game.
Smelly said:
Now tell me - doesnt that look like the most fun you've ever had in a video game?

... sigh...

Oh, I don't mean I'm excited about it as a game, more as a tool. Like Spore. It's a fantastic creature creation tool, but... doesn't QUITE work as an actual game.

However, like Garry's Mod, other games may arise from this tool, creating something much better than anyone imagined.

I live in hope.
I'm considering canceling my pre-order now :lol: I'll wait until I've played the demo I think...

Played the demo of BIA:HH - I thought it was a decent game to be honest. I played the first one back on the Ps2, but hated it. The controls were really finickety, and the graphics too busy and unclear so you couldn't really judge how to flank and the like.

I was impressed with the fluidness of HH - very good. Still not my cup of tea, but I enjoyed the demo.

Same with Bioshock, which I also played the demo of (welcome the tardy world of PS3 :lol: ). Lovely looking game, such atmosphere and stuffs. Hated it, but it was lush! :)
furie said:
Same with Bioshock, which I also played the demo of (welcome the tardy world of PS3 :lol: ). Lovely looking game, such atmosphere and stuffs. Hated it, but it was lush! :)


Looks pretty
Nice story

No game
No penalty for playing badly
No challenge

No buy

As for little big planet.. yes it's impressive what they've done. Yes it's impressive what you CAN do with it (if you have oodles of time/talent). I dont expect the "average joe" like you or me will be able to produce even something even close.. And .. you know.. where's the fun?
Glad to hear you liked the BIA:HH demo furie, even if it isn't your cup of tea. I finally got around to playing it for a couple of hours last night & I quite enjoyed it, but them I was a fanboy of the previous installments so that's probably to be expected.
I'm not quite sure Bioshock deserves the bashing however. I think it's got more than just pretty graphics, like a great storyline and some nifty weapons. I found the gameplay to be challenging, but since I don't suck at the game I can't confirm that it doesn't have penalties for playing badly.
Not sure why you posted that video Ollie, there's nothing but old news in that one. Maybe I missed something?
I got FIFA09.

To me its the same as FIFA08 with a few more options, they could have just updated 08 oh well.

Got the new controller though for £15 so was worth it for that, even though nothing seems to vibrate yet.
They could have updated '08, yes but EA will make masses of profit from just releasing '09, whether it's updated or not. :wink:
FIFA09 doesn't release here until the 16th. :cry:
I still want it even if there isn't much to it beside a few more options...
Really it depends on why you play games. I play different games for different reasons. Sometimes I want to enjoy immersing myself into an interactive story. A game like Bioshock can do that. It's just I don't like FPS so it didn't suit me. However, it's still a good form of entertainment for people who wish to be entertained in that way.

Sometimes I enjoy a game for it's play mechanics, I just get pleasure from the act of playing that game.

Shadow of the Colossus was the last game I played which combined both perfectly. These games are very few and far between.

Sometimes I want breakfast cereal, sometimes an all you can eat buffet, sometimes a Sunday roast - why limit myself to just one type, just because another isn't fulfilling, or takes too long, or is high volume, low quality?

Are we not allowed to just be entertained by games?

This is why I'm doubting LBP now, as the main game appears to just be a platform/puzzle game - something which I find tedious - unless it offers something which makes me want to play it (Ico is the ONLY platform/puzzle game I've ever played to completion - in fact beyond the first level or so. Why? Because it pretty, intriguing and just gobsmacking to play.

So LBP needs to offer some catch which can get me involved. If it's just jumping platforms and avoiding baddies - I'm going to resign it to the other games I hate in that category - including pretty much every Mario game ever made.