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The Games we play...

East Coast(er) General said:
FIFA09 doesn't release here until the 16th. :cry:
I still want it even if there isn't much to it beside a few more options...

Its a good game though dont get me wrong. I enjoyed them going back to when they first started them and tbh would always buy the next one.

The graphics are better, the music is worse but overall its the same as 08 just more tidy and more options.

The live update thing is good though.
Just wanted to remember some classics I used to play such as:

Abe's Oddessy
Crash Team Racing
Southpark: The Game

They bring back my best gaming memorys.
The people who made Medievil made Robocod <3

I think.

Studio Cambridge? Started out as millenuim or something and were bought by Sony?

I hate Sports Games.
southend_marc said:
I got FIFA09.
To me its the same as FIFA08 with a few more options, they could have just updated 08 oh well.

You were expecting?!?

'm not quite sure Bioshock deserves the bashing however. I think it's got more than just pretty graphics, like a great storyline and some nifty weapons.

As I said.. Great storyline.. pretty graphics.. no game.

I found the gameplay to be challenging, but since I don't suck at the game I can't confirm that it doesn't have penalties for playing badly.

Okay.. I played it on the hardest difficulty..

I'm attacking a "big daddy" .. I die.. I respawn.. But he keeps his health where it was before I died. So I dont even need to waste my rockets on him..

Gameplay then consists of:

1. Run towards big daddy with machine gun
2. Die..
3. Respawn with no penalties.
4. Repeat until he's dead.

Same goes for all the bad guys in the game.. kill off 3 or 4.. die.. respawn.. kill off the rest of them.. etc etc..

Once you realise there is no penalty for death - it takes away any feeling of "arrrggghhh.. SH***TTT... My health is close to running out.. DAAAAMN.. etc etc etc"... You just think "meh.. about to die.. doesnt matter"

The only bad guy you CANT do this with is the last one.. But he's sooo easy it's not worth bothering with.

Oh.. And I hate fps games which have levels where you have to protect some AI controlled character from being hurt.. But thanks to their ****ty AI, they end up standing right in front of you so you accidently shoot them in the head.

Awful.. Boring game.

They should just release the plot as a two or three page book for us to read.. With say 10 pages of pretty pictures.. Be more entertaining than playing the thing.
Been messing around with the LBP a bit more, and its actually more intriguing and awesome as I play it (except the online, that sucked on my one and only attempt but I think it was a connection problem, and some guy called Just_Ryan was stuck in a loop and was sending me messages asking how to help him LOL I dunno?!)... its probably got loads of life in it, and yeah as Clam said the average Joe probably couldn't create what the developers have, some people will though, and the fact they can share their 'levels' with us is quite cool :)

Edit : The Go! Team is one of the soundtracks too... +1 LBP
^How did you get the demo for LBP? (It's not on the PSstore)

Anyway. I've just played the 'Bioshock' demo as I liked the look of it ever since it was first announced.
I really enjoyed the demo. It dropped you straight into the action after the plane crash. The lighting was suburb as you make your way down to Rapture. The way it's pitch black, and as you walk into a place that seems like you shouldn't have entered the lights click on and you get the feeling of a forgotten life down there.
The water effects ARE AMAZING. You can see every detail from the tiniest ripple and it effects what you see as well, so if you run through water gushing from above you it will blur as you go through and clear like it would getting water in your eyes in real life.
I love the way you get introduced to the 'Big Daddy's' as well.
Anyway enough about what I like, was there anything I didn't like?
Well I wasn't keen on the whole "inject yourself to get super powers" as it just seemed like a lame excuse and makes it less of a survival horror.
The way the route your meant take keeps collapsing and sending you the long way I can see will get very frustrating later on in the full game.
Once the demo was complete and it showed the montage of clips from the full game I couldn't help but wonder if the atmosphere would last the whole game and whever it would get very repetitive or not.

Anyway. The demo on a whole was brilliant and I really enjoyed it. Although I'm worried that if I splash out to buy the full game I may be disappointed so I may try to find somewhere where I can rent it for a week or for however long it takes to complete it. :P
^It has a part genre of a horror. And I said that it could easily be a survival horror if they got rid of the stupid "I can shot flames from my hands" etc. and just left it with weapons such as wrenches, pipes and low ammo weapons. Then if they spaced the respawn points further apart then it would be more like fighting for survival, and a bit more interesting. :P
Fileplanet.com were dishing out beta keys up until Monday I think Ollie... I got mine on Monday and they were supposedly the last lot :D
Ollie said:
just left it with weapons such as wrenches, pipes and low ammo weapons.

All you have is the wrench

I ended up with a **** load of ammo not far into to game.

The horror aspect is just a side thing to me. In fact there was only one part in the entire game where I didnt feel nice and not wanting to be there.
^Looks pretty and all that Ollie, but I bought LC:TRL and it reminded me why I didn't buy any since the original. The TR games are just too repetitive and this one will likely be no different.
Ollie said:
where I can rent it for a week or for however long it takes to complete it. :P

Took me about 6 hours gameplay. 3 nights 2 hours at a time.

I was tempted to play it thru again to see the "bad" ending after getting the good one - But decided i couldnt be arsed and watched it on youtube instead.