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The ^ < V game

^Yes!!! Woohoo! Though depending on timing, I may nip in tonight too :P

< Just had a pay review... Now looking for a new job (anyone need a highly experienced IT manager?)

V Is also looking for new work...
^ Nope, but i'm looking for a small part time job.

< On a brake from working very hard on GNVQ I.C.T

V Is american
^ Nope...but wishes I was :(

< Is still on the weekend of my 2 weeks off and is already having a Brill time :D

V Will be having a bad weekend :(
^ Huh?!
< Is loaded with the cold and is not making ANY sense hardly tonight
v Is also bogged down with a cold and knows how im feeling :(?
^I have thousends of dreams, and that isn't one of them, I dream to e riding Medusa!
<Wont be able to get to sleep tonight, because I will be too exited!
VGoing to GF?
^ Very true ... Ragdoll? :P
< Told Erol that his doggy biscutes were all gone.
V Is sexualy fascinated by monkeys?
^ Oh god yes Rich, thats why my MSN name is "Chimpanman" :-P

< Looking forward to tuesday

v Enjoys spanking?
^Those hats with the propellers?
< You can stop my movement, but you cant stop my mind, swinging every other way, but i'll just think hes dead.. Using my mind.. Not losing my mind..
V Will be on a frizzle fryy!
^ Not much

< One more till my hundreth post

V Has rote more than one hundred posts
^ *drools* Spooons....

< Is in an odd mood...:?

V Will be in a great mood