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The ^ < V game

^ Ummm...Is that even possible :? Lol

< Is slightly Hungover :(

V Will be awake and as right as rain :D
^Yeah... but there's an overlooming sense of impending death. Basically the thought of school is overshadowing my holiday.

< Wishes school would go die, and desperately wants to fast forward his life to uni. Those will be the days me thinks.

v Is allready at uni?
^ I wish
< Is dreading school next week
V Isn't dreading school next week
^ Too right
< Wishes he could go to a theme park
V Is going to drink something
^ Yes...I'm Parched :P

< Just watched The Incredibles for the 10th time...Yayage!!

V Doesn't like Animated movies :(
^ Didn't eat tonight...I had a big lunch!!

< Is eating a Lovely Chocolate Pudding...Yummm!!

V Is eating their Pudding!!
^^ Hehe, I know Chrissy.

^ Woo! Homer did something right for once! :-P.

< Is about to go to bed.

v Went to bed numerous hours before 3:20?