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The ^ < V game

^ Is right am lovely and toasty

< Has lost her science coursework and is panicing.

v Wont have coursework to lose?
^Nope got all mine plus too much I missed a deadline for I.C.T :(

<Is bloody hungry

VHas had somthing to eat
^ My reply would be more suited to the post above.

< Seems to be in a minority by thinking like a prayer is pwnage? I may leave it on loop all day...

v Thinks like a prayer is pwnage?
^ Yes 15 till june. :)

< Is whatchin Power Rangers lol (with my 3 year old newphew)

V Is Male.
^ Nope, I'm like ZolaonAOL, I can transform genders any time I feel like it.

< Wonders if the person below will understand that random link to a previous topic.

v Understands what I am reffering to?
^ Egg poo-ladles?

^^^^^^ (yes that's 6) LIKE A PRAYER OMFG SPAFFING AMAZING!!!!!!!

< Omg Saturday....... SCHOOOLLLLLL NO!!!!!!!

V Has had a colonic recently?
^ I dont quite fancy being err ''flushed'' today.....
< is getting a kitten and doesnt know what to call him
v has a good name for a kitten?
^ Mlufy...Not quite Fluffy and not quite Muffy :P

< Is listening to very sad music for some reason :(

V Is listening to up beat and happy music!! :D
^...No!... i'm listening to Blink 182's last ever song :(
< Went to thorpe today and is bloody knackered!
\/ Hates me..