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The ^ < V game

^ Love them, but they hate me and give me a migraine :(

< Has a really dull afternoon planned, and it's raining.

V Is having SOME fun!
^ CdBurning software, very good prgorma actually!
< Is really getting nothing done!
V has either long hair or very little hair? :P
^ nah, I love the way the Rabbits on Zeus annoys you! :lol:
< Loves all things rabbitty (apart from the evil bunnies that live in the back garden)
V Also likes rabbity things (either Lagomorphs or Rodents).
^ Normally I do...but in this case I make an exception! :p
< Is shaking uncontrollably at the sight of rabbits on Zeus
V will agree with me :wink:
^Agreed, Rabbits are seen as the cause of the Apocolypse in the show Buffy (by the character Anya that is)
< Enjoys Buffy too much
V thinks i must be a head case!
^ Nope im all alone and have no-one to gossip with
< Is really,really, really lonely today :(
V Is surounded by people
^ kinda, I miss the fact that ive missed the ones this year :(
< Is having a good rummage for good tunes
v is listening to something interesting
^ Yer...You!! :P

< Is annoyed at Webshots...It's not working :(

V Will use a different Uploader site