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The ^ < V game

^very true

<Will try to fit more good deeds into his day

V has probly done a very good deed today
^ Not really
< Has to go to the doctors again for even MORE blood to be taken
v Hates the thought of that
^is talking nonsence

<thinking: cant wait for what?

Vprobly thinks bean is dumb
^is hungry

<just finished muching cold pizza

Vfinds the idea of cold pizza disgusting
^has 6 exams this week

<exams don't start till May at the latest!!and thats the end of skool, for ever!!

V is extremely happy for me
^ Yeeeeessss... :?

< Is really busy but managed to find time to get on CF :P

V Is wondering why I'm so busy...
^ Why ARE you so busy??? *ponders the thought*
< Should probably be in bed as I have work in a few hours
v Doesnt have to go to work?
^ Nope (I said it again!)
< Is laughing because Grover on Yellow Montu's avatar is dancing in time with the song I'm listening to *sings* Boom Boom Boom let me hear you say wayo!
v Will like that song and Yellow Montu's avatar.
^That is a classic song from my childhood and yes I do like Montu's new ava.
< Is still getting used to his new Ava and sig set
V Is drinking coffee?
^ewwwww no way!

< Is getting stressed out over what to do when I finish school next June.

V Will be eating chocolate?
^ Great idea *grabs chocolate bar*...

< Is now chairman of CFCGB...

\/ Wants to either join or query about the CFCGB...
^ Sees no point in complaining without just cause
< Listening to movie music for a change
V Will enjoy soundtracks too occasionally
^ hmm was listening to the matrix one earlier so yeah
< Is wondering why this year has gone fast
v thinks this year has gone slowly
^ Nope (That's 15,000. I've made a milestone woooo!)
< Still enjoying Yellow Montu's avatar and surprised that Grover can dance in time with "The Test" by The Chemical Brothers.
v Will also like that song.
^ Aint heard it.

< Is being pressured over college choices and is getting stressed.

V Will be wide awake and had a great day!