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The ^ < V game

^Meh.. average sized..

< doesn't use backyard much.

V Believes in the statement "you gotta flaunt what ya got"
^ If you've got it of course...

< Listening to System of a Down

\/ Can name 3 songs by System of a Down
^correct: toxicity, aireals, byob
<hates system of a down
vhates them also...
^ Was more into it when I was younger, kinda grown out of it :(

< Is getting annoyed at the NHS GP Services

V Will also be annoyed with the NHS!
^ Damn right
< Has been waiting 3 and half years for an operation!
V Is amazed at how riduculous the NHS is.
^ Is using long words again!
< Has no idea what procrastinating means and can't be energetic enough to look.
V Will be a show off by knowing!
^ Mais Oui! Procrastinating is the posh term for being a lazy bastard! :P
< Continues as before
V will be enlightened! :D
^ Uses dodgy long words to explain simple theories.
< Likes the idea, sounds all professional and is now of course, enlightened.
V Is going to remember to use the procrastination rather then lazy to look good!
^ Absolutely not! Every morning shower person!
< Cringes at thought of someone unshowered for 3 days
V Will Agree
^ Damn right!
< showers normally in morning and then again in evening
V Thinks that may be pushing it a little too much.