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The ^ < V game

^ Is right

<is not bombarded with college choices as he is going to chessington 6form

VDidn't know there was a 6from in chessington...
^ Healthy is correct at least...

< Is a dying breed... (ginger :P)

\/ Has used the toilet facilities today.
^ When you live you live in a country as hot as Australia of coarse you gonna use it!
< Had three tests.
v Will be a lucky S.O.B and not have any tests.
/\ Yep havent had any tests for bout 3-6 months
< Loves Root Beer which kinda sucks as its difficult to get it in England!!
\/ Will be as cool as me (not difficult if ur not then u really must have low self esteem or be some sort of retard lol)
^ Cool as you...and how cool is that exactly? :P
< Enjoys using gifs. as avatars...hence the one i have now
\/ Thinks I spam...grrr...:lol:
^ I would say "flame" not "Spam"

< Has just spilt tea over the new carpet at work.

V Will have a hot drink by 6pm.
^ If I listen to it then i probs will

< Listening to a Bob the builder remixed with Eminem...

\/ Will hate both the plastine builder and the white rapper...
^Bob isn't plasticine! He's REAL! And eminem is an asshole

< Hates Eminem

V Will enjoy diddling with various body parts?
^ Woosh!
< Is wondering if the roof will blow off tonight
V Will be experiencing a really mild evening with no winds
^ Nah. I just hate your RCT2 parks (kidding!).
< Won a national competition and is very happy because of it.
v Will wonder what was the competition.
^ Ja man...

< Has seen an advert for a new film version of the Producers...

\/ Loves Mel Brooks films