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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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Nice pics an all, but my god, the drop looks tiny from them angles!
Even Vekoma did this before:


Muntanya Russa




So, judging by these pics, this isn't THAT unique. Wait until we actually see the ride completed and know what's going on inside the "show" (if there's any) building.
Lol, some people..... :roll:

I'm guessing by the majority of Dave's posts in this topic, he was being sarcastic!

Lighten up for gods sake :wink:

This thing is more like an upward helix in to a small hump than anything

Nah, by looking at this pic, you can see its similar to a Mega-Lite/Intimidator, just a hell of a lot smaller and the hill goes over the drop as appose to under the lift.

I also do not think there will be any airtime, the hills just look like they go up or down and into a corner. You might get a tiny bit of ejector but I dont think so.

Neal you will remember the one in Bakken, the hills looked like this and how much airtime did we get? It all depends what trains they fit though, the ones in Bakken tended to kill the speed up the hills quite a bit.

I am not let down though, Alton always said it was a family coaster and for the UK this is a good addition. It could have been a lot worse.
Those hills are too shallow for major air... even at 40+mph.

But anyway, I've had a change of heart to this, if its better than Corkscrew and fun then its a worthy addition, and I'd be happy with it.
I have to admit I'm a big gutted with one of those pictures. I had hoped that the hills were 'sharper' and the the track ground-hugged a bit more. Does look fun though, I just have the keep the family coaster hammer hitting my head.

I like the look of the building as well! But I did accidently click on the first page of this thread and was reminded how large the building actually was supposed to be. It's a shame, but it's still a pretty decent size anyway.
Uh, wait - so what is your definition of "being like" something? Having a completely different layout and being shaped differently?

Wow, was there really any need for that? I think you knew I was on about?!

You said this:

This thing is more like an upward helix in to a small hump than anything

And then posted reference to this picture:

All I was saying is its not really like that, its a flat turn, with a hill, in a simiar style to the Intimidator and Mega-Lites, but obviously on a much smaller, and tamer scale.

No Neeal, if ever an arguement like this about airtime pops up, you have to mention the airtime arguement in the old Stealth topic :lol:

Anyways, why because it's a family ride means it isn't allowed to have airtime? What about wooden coasters? Aren't most of them deemed as family rides? (Not all will be yes, I do realise this)

I still think this ride will have been better if it had a Revenge of the Mummy dark ride section first before the actual coaster section... Especially with this whole dark forest thing going on... But it's got to be better than Rita surely?
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