This makes me want a theme-park only social network that uploads and hosts all of your ORPs/ORVs in an easily manageable way.Ben said:People who want a printed one would still buy a printed one. It's nice to have it in the frame, etc. I know that the only ones I have I have because I want them in their frame, displayed somewhere. I for one, wouldn't bother with a digital image. To me, that I'd look at once, stick in a file somewhere, and then probably erase over so I've got more room for [strike]porn[/strike].
the king said:From my opinion, I think thorpe lyed in saying the trains have arrived a few days back. But it doesn't really matter now, as long as we have trains then that's good. But I wonder if that fireball effect rumour will come true, or be shown false. Most likely false.