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What is your irrational fear?

^ I had two out on Friday, Whats left just looks like carnage in my mouth, 2 open sockets, I`ll admit it`s not nice to look at, it`s occasionally uncomfortable and eating at the moment is a nightmare, but after 4 weeks of real bad toothaches, It just had to be done. Hopefully wont be too long before the sockets close up lol.
^ So gross. My grandma was teasing me about the hamburger story this morning and I literally almost hurled. I have a strong stomach so I don't understand why something so stupid bothers me!
^ Well I have managed to avoid getting hamburger meat in there :D. Mainly because my diet has consisted of yogurt, soup and the occasional sandwich. It does feel weird when food touches it lol.
But it hasn't been that bad, and having NO toothache now is bliss, I don`t care if my mouth is a wreck for the next week, at least there's no pain.
It might not be so bad if you have your own out, same way as say if somebody cuts themselves the blood can be quite nauseating, where if it`s your own blood it sometimes is not so bad?
^ Yeah I agree. The same hamburger meat friend and myself had a talk about it just a little while ago haha, and he basically convinced me that it's not as bad as it looks and that you can get a syringe to get food out if it gets stuck :p . Getting them out would be better than having braces put back on.
Getting my hair cut.

Not the actual cutting itself, but the whole experience of it all. It takes me literally weeks to pluck up the courage/confidence to get it cut as I literally cannot bear to look at the places as I pass them. It got so bad about 2 years back that I didn't have my hair cut for about 8 months - my hair looked terrible, I looked terrible, but I literally feared going to the hairdressers.

The experience itself is what puts me off for a number of reasons. Firstly, it's the head moving thing. They constantly use their flat hand on your head (or grab it like a claw) to move you to where they want your head. I hate it. I spend most of my time during the cut itself trying to work out what they're going to do next so that I can second guess and move my head before they do, but even then, I still fail, and the aggressive hand comes out.

Then some of them like to string conversation together. That isn't as much of a problem, unless they start talking about sex, relationships or football...which is what they usually talk about. It's awkward, makes me feel uncomfortable and I just want to die.

Then I had a terrible experience at my last haircut where I had it done by a woman. Nothing against females cutting my hair AT ALL... but this one decided she was going to do it terribly, talk a LOT and also comment on my appearance and how I get my hair styled and how "the ladies like it when you add a bit of product". I constantly feel judged when I get my hair cut - from the moment I walk in and take a seat, to the moment I pay up - and that makes me feel so nervous.

I literally just came back from the barbers. It was the one I went to last time, but it's the only one close enough to me at a decent enough price. I'd say it's taken me at least a month of confidence and courage building this time around. Walked in, took a seat like last time, and the guy turns around, looks at me funny and says "I assume you've booked?". I genuinely thought it was just 'banter', especially as it was empty. I said "Nah mate". He said "You'll be waiting there a long time then. We're busy all day". I just fell to the floor in embarrassment and frustration and he's booked me in for 4.30 today for pity sake. I don't want to go back now - I feel like such a moron, and all the confidence I built over the past month has evaporated.
^I know what you mean about the awkward conversation thing. I tend to just look at the floor or close my eyes until it's done. I have the same thing with taxi drivers <///3.
Go to a different barber. I've never been to a barber that you have to make an appointment for. I thought that was one of the advantages of being a man. Haircuts cost less than a tenner and you can just wander in when you like.
Martyn said:
Go to a different barber. I've never been to a barber that you have to make an appointment for. I thought that was one of the advantages of being a man. Haircuts cost less than a tenner and you can just wander in when you like.

Yeah, this is a barber I went to a few months back and didn't need to book. I've now had my hair cut, so Im happy. It took two hours of mental prep before I went, and when I got there he was quite quick and remembered from last time that I study film production at uni, so we talked about films for half an hour - not as awkward, and really took my mind off things. AND he didn't move my head at all <3
Just saw this topic and reminded me of my everlasting fear to needless. I hate them, ever since I can remember them </3 I dont mind sewing needless, its the injection type. I have been known for ages now in my GP for passing out with blood tests and injections. The worst thing for me are needless that go straigh into vein...
Even worse, adding to my fear is that, when I was 12, I was diagnosted with some weird thingy (can't remember now, and CBA to get my medical book), ever since then, every single morning & night, I have to inject myself... staright into vein <//////////////3

Just a reminder, I have trypophobia.
Thanks a LOT for reminding me that you're not the only one </3
But I would if I was unlucky enough to be a surinam toad.
Or one of those horrid lotus plants </3

I can look at the needle, as long as I don't see it actually go in, OR that horrid speck of blood that appears in it straight afterwards. Blood tests make me physically recoil more than the natural holes, admittedly, but both are... unwanted.

Will said:
But I would if I was unlucky enough to be a surinam toad.
Or one of those horrid lotus plants </3

I can look at the needle, as long as I don't see it actually go in, OR that horrid speck of blood that appears in it straight afterwards. Blood tests make me physically recoil more than the natural holes, admittedly, but both are... unwanted.
The thing is, im unlucky enough to have to inject myself every day, two times a day <///3... And yes, I have to do it myself, lookign at it...
^Oh, no you don't, ive been doing it since I was 12, and I still fear my medicine bag... I have to manytimes in the morning put my alarm clock an hour earlyer than usual just to get that ville thing in me... I don't think I will ever get used to it.
Used to have a fear of veins and the potential for them to be severed. The fear was so strong that I couldn't watch anyone touching their wrists and I certainly couldn't touch my own or apply any pressure. This has completely gone now thankfully.

I have a horrid fear of those giant chess pieces, just from a childhood nightmare which involved being chased and crushed by them.

Also hot air balloons. Not really the whole being high in a picnic basket as such, because I'd never get anywhere near such an occurrence. The fear is of the large material just flapping about being inflated, it's so scary. I imagine getting stuck in all the flaccid material and just becoming lost in miles and miles of it, suffocating. Or being forced to the top of the inside of the balloon with the hot air and sliding down the inside edge and falling out burning. UGH.