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What was your first coaster to feature a launch?

Mine was either space mountain or rock and roller coaster at Disneyland Paris. Can't remember which was first.
Good question - I think it was Rock n Roller Coaster at WDW, shortly followed by Montezooma's Revenge.
Florida's Rock n Rollercoaster.

I did Revolution first but I ain't counting that as a launch unless you count the end of Th13teen. Like nah.
Yeah, Rock 'n Roller Coaster Hollywood Studios for me. #basic

Actually if we're counting Revolution, the argument might be made for KI's long lost Capirio suspended coaster Scooby's Ghoster Coaster. It's more of an elevator lift with a release, but it doesn't have a chain. :p


That's a little coaster I wish we still had sometimes. :p
Rock'n'Rollercoaster @ MGM Studios in 2004

That was also the coaster that finally broke my fear of coasters and opened the flood gates.
V2 - SFGAm.

I was pretty nervous about how the launch would feel (The man next to me even asked me if it was my first time) but I ended up loving it. I *temporarily* gave it my #1 spot. Then I rode Raging Bull again haha.
First proper launch (because the Revolution is a push and not a launch) was Bullet at Flamingoland in 2000.
Mine would be Revolution (but same as everyone above), then The Bullet (but that's also pushing it slightly), so I think the first 'proper' launch coaster may have been Rita?