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  1. RobJackson85

    No Limits Competition VIII- Spinning Challenge

    I'm guessing he means the 4 supports that are within the structure, If memory serves me well in the simulator there orange. I think you'd have to use each of these to support a part of the ride.
  2. RobJackson85

    NoLimits Coaster News! (Updated DECEMBER 31th 2013!!!)

    I'm not sure if anyone on here watches The Gadget Show? It's on channel 5 in the UK. Anyways, next weeks episode (25.5.09) features info about roller coasters, also form the clips of next week there will be a small segment on Nolimits. I have it set up for series link on Sky, but thought you UK...
  3. RobJackson85

    Predator - Gerstlauer Freecoaster [FINISHED. VIDEO]

    Looks good to me, although I don't think a drop of that angle would be very comfortable in those cars.
  4. RobJackson85

    No Limits Competition VIII- Spinning Challenge

    I think I'll tackle this one too - my first competition! One question though, you say the station can be moved, but what about the length? Can that be altered?
  5. RobJackson85


    I've decided to undertake the challenge of building a duelling/racing coaster. I'm fairly new to no limits, have only completed one full track but have messed around with many more. I'll work more on this coaster later today (Sunday) and hopefully will have a small update later this...
  6. RobJackson85

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    Sorry to be a pain, but what is it that annoys you about my statement? Is it the fact that people say this about the element? Or that it was marketed as a world's first?
  7. RobJackson85

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    If CP can claim the twisted horse shoe roll on Maverick is a worlds first then anything can be done, after all that is just a corkscrew into turn into another corkscrew is it not? This could just be the worlds first vertical lift system into backwards section! Hopefully not though, I do...
  8. RobJackson85

    No Limits Competition VII- Shuttle Me Down!

    I would love to see what tracks people have come up with for this comp, I downloaded the template but just couldn't get started!
  9. RobJackson85

    Redwood [Download on page 6]

    Just having a quick look at the coaster, I must say it is very nice. I can't really give much opinion as I'm just getting to grips with NoLimits - the only thing I can say though is that it has failed the E Stop test, the car will not make it past the first zero G.
  10. RobJackson85

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010 ... ?album=533 looks like the clearance work is complete. I'm guessing we'll see afew shots from the skyride over the next few months, will give a good overview of the area.
  11. RobJackson85

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    I think the eMotion from Mack is a good possibility. Maybe after the switchback section the cars could turn 180 degrees, launch then as there going round the final helix turn to face backwards? This idea would kinda make the switch back's pointless, but it would be a great way to save space...
  12. RobJackson85

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    You could build the best restraint in the world, yet you would still need support for your head and neck, forward launches push your head back into the seat which is designed to support it, a backwards launch would send your head forwards and down towards your chest, and doing that at speed...
  13. RobJackson85

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    Another theory as to what this ride could be; - the terrain following LIM I know they are out there already, but is it not a world's first element, not coaster type? It could be a worlds first backwards one from Premier (of this type of coaster (also...
  14. RobJackson85

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    I was just thinking, probably a wild idea . . . . but they used X:/ No Way Out for sound tests? This is what made me think this; Could this ride be backwards for most of the ride and the switchback things make the car face forward for the final helix then back to backwards? Are there any...
  15. RobJackson85

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    ^ I don't think there is an exact date, mind you I could be wrong - my bet would be nearer the end of the season, as SW6 is proposed for 2010 Alton will like to keep us guessing!
  16. RobJackson85

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    What furie says seems to tally up with the plans of what we see. A user over at Towers Almanac also goes along those similar lines; Hopefully we find out some more soon, but I won't bet on it - it'll most probably be near the end of the season before we get the important details.
  17. RobJackson85

    No Limits Help, Information and Requests

    Xpress - thank you for the information over the tools - I now know where I was going wrong. Edit 28/03/09 Pokemaniac - I've figured out the problem with my screenshots and videos. Messing around on the computer and for some reason my user (which is the only one on my pc) did not have full...
  18. RobJackson85

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    For this though would they not need another approval? Considering the slight hic-up in the approval of this I can't see Alton changing there mind.
  19. RobJackson85

    No Limits Help, Information and Requests

    Thank you once again, I will bear that in mind for when and if I ever complete a project! At the moment I'm more bothered about the video/screenshot problem, I'll keep on searching to see if I can sort it.
  20. RobJackson85

    No Limits Help, Information and Requests

    Thanks for the reply, this method does not work though, when I click to open the file location it just brings up my 'recent' folder. Then when I click the desired icon it still says it can't be found.