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Kings Island | Banshee | B&M Invert

Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

^ I actually don't think Kings Island 2014 is Kinzel, and that we have indeed moved on to Ouimet, as it is was with GateKeeper.
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

If I can find the article I will post it here, but Ouimett is indeed honoring all of Kinzels decisions for the new installs at parks til they run through, by 2015 I believe (maybe it was just next season).

He is still being credited for them since he is now the CEO, but I think he only made some slight changes to the current rides being installed.

I could be entirely wrong though as the article was from a year ago and I am pulling this all from memory, but my memory tends to be sporadic and recall things in great clarity while others are a jumbled mess of idiocy.

Edit: Found the article:


I did get some facts mixed up. While these were initially started under Kinzel, the layout and final decisions are all up to Ouimett. So a collaboration of sorts I suppose?
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

Note: If they're round B&M footers, it's likely a Wing Coaster. Note X-Flight:


Compared to Goliath:

Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

FALSE! Present day B&M Hypers use a mix of both square and round footers.
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

Considering we only have a couple pieces of rocks and metal in the ground, everything is still on the table. Heck, Screamscape is suggesting a scenario where Kings Island could receive a B&M 4D.

There is room to build and money to spend, the door is open.
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

Youngster Joey said:
Yes dive coaster with long terrain segments after the vertical drop. Infant why not make it a strata dive machine

Well this is true. However nothing is really ruled out at this time since we are all just speculating here. Also, most of the free space is just the old SOB location.

Anyways, I hope it is a Dive Machine. With a 4-D effect before the drop :angel:
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

Both B&M Giga and B&M Wingrider sound like equally stupid options to me.

But parks like doing stupid things, so by that logic, both are probably equally likely.
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

Its the same reasoning as Coaster Fusions: that one triangular footer already poured. Those are found on their Hyper coasters as well as Leviathan (their lone Giga heighted Hyper). Ive yet to find that triangular footer on any of their other models, so it is safe to assume they will be building one of B&Ms Hyper coasters.

They have Diamondback, so they would need something bigger to differentiate itself from Diamondback, hence the Giga rumors most likely being true.
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

If the triangle footer for the highest support of the lift, and it's that close to the station, and considering all the extra smaller footers around the triangle ones.......this leads me to believe a Dive Coaster is in the works. :/

Just my 2c worth of speculation...
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

OMG. Are y'all still going on about footer shapes?
Any argument concerning that topic has as much validity as saying you can tell how fast a ride is based on it's color.
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

When it comes to B&M, the style of footer used does have a very slight truth to it, it appears.