Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster
On Leviathan - Roller coaster planning takes years of process. The way folks have shaped the whole Knott's rumor - they make it sound like Cedar Fair pulled the entire layout as is straight from Knott's and randomly crammed it into CW. Rest assured, even if Leviathan was indeed destined for Knott's, consideration was given that the footprint would be appropriate.
What's more - how different can a B&M Hyper/Giga be? They go out, they come back, and they have airtime hills. There are only so many combinations, and frankly can't imagine a truly "different" experience between proposing a B&M Giga at Knott's nor CW. They would be 300 ft. tall airtime machines, with layouts similar to every other B&M Hyper we have seen. Except Raging Bull. That's kinda crap.
On Kings Island - at this point in the process, those in the know are Cedar Fair Planning and Design (e.g.
Rob Decker), KI Planning and Design, necessary financial folks, and Matt Ouimet. Outside of that, you don't need anyone else in on the process, not even necessarily Don Helbig, KI's marketing manager. You would be very surprised how little even marketing and PR departments know about amusement park plans, even when it is their very job to promote for new attractions.
I'd like to envision an announcement towards the end of the summer, late July/early August. Kings Island had begun footer construction and even had B&M track on-site when they announced Diamondback back in 2008 (on August 8th). Sooner or later, Kings Island will spill the beans - a relocation of Cedar Point's old Pirate Ride.