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Last Cred Review

I found a fair near my work! Wandered over after my shift today to ride this:





Was alright I guess, different from the average Big Apple. Not sure on manufacturer or model, certainly haven't seen this design before. It also isn't on coastercount yet, pity the fair isn't substantial enough for my bonus "new for 2021" LoG points...
Apocalypse at SFMM was my last cred! I have been limited on the number of wooden coasters I’ve ridden… Judge Roy and OG Texas Giant at Over Texas, Original Rattler at Fiesta and Great American Scream at Over Georgia. I really enjoyed the go-go-go of the ride! It just never slowed down! Me and my son both thought the roughness was just right to add to that feeling of being out of control. I really hadn’t looked that much into it beforehand so it was a fun surprise! Being a walk-on also helped!
I've now twice taken a trip that took me very close to Fort Fun, without realizing that I was going near Fort Fun, and it always annoyed me because the park really doesn't warrant a day-trip on its own, but last weekend I just went for it so third time's the charm.

So my last cred was SpeedSnake FREE, and I can say, from the bottom of my heart, that it is - indeed - a rollercoaster.
During a recent trip to San Sebastian, I persuaded my other half to interrupt our Pintxos eating with a trip up Monte Igueldo to ride Montana Suiza. Behind only Wild West Mine Train @ Ocean Park (IMHO) in terms of amazing views, this 93 year old was beautiful and so much fun.

Having the audacity to not carry cash in a pandemic, the ticket booth (which is literally as you go onto the ride) operator at first said no cards and then changed their mind and pulled out a contactless machine. Signal being poor up there, the 5 minutes it took for payment of our 5 euros to be taken kept us off the back row of the first ride, but gave us the front row of the next ride.

Its really a decent ride. A few decent pops aided by no lap bars or belts at all. Some fun drops. A couple of bridges acting as head chopper. It'll never win any awards, but I'd take it over any of the woodies at BPB! And best of all it even runs sidewards (no it doesn't, I just couldn't work out how to rotate my images)

Karnan - Hansa Park

Copied from my trip report...

Wow wow wow wow wow... Wow. What an absolute masterpiece of a ride. It's the complete package. The first thing that makes it cool as **** is the random row assigning room. I wanted to be annoyed at not getting a front row ride but it just adds to the madness of Karnan. I got 3 back row rides because Karnan makes you it's bitch.

I'd managed to avoid *most* spoilers since it opened, all I knew is there is a backwards section. Fortunately the sheer ingenuity of the design meant I certainly didn't expect a backwards freefall on a 240ft vertical lift hill in pitch black. Something about these lift hills makes me a tad nervous at the best of time, even on crap like Saw and The Smiler - this one is the same height as Shambhala or Hyperion and in complete darkness.

After eventually being flung down the drop and back into daylight the ride delivers on arguably the most important part of the experience in that it's an excellent bit of track and train. The drop seems to last forever and there are a couple brutal twisted airtime moments usually only found on RMC coasters. Then there is a nice ejector hill thrown on for good measure. It's smooth, it's fast, it's intense. And all that's holding you in is a humble and unstapled lap bar. A beast of a coaster.

Karnan ticks all the right boxes for me, I'd say it's probably the most complete package coaster I've ever been on. It's a world class dark ride and coaster. Basically Mystery Castle with a coaster attached to it. I think it probably makes the top 10.
Karnan - Hansa Park

Copied from my trip report...
Karnan is incredible!

One of my most recent new creds was Furious Baco. And against popular opinion, I loved it! The launch on that thing is so intense, and the way it maintains its speed staying so flat to the ground felt awesome, particularly in the dark at 11pm. I admittedly have a fairly high tolerance to rough coasters, but FB didn’t live up to its infamously rough reputation for me at all... It certainly wasn’t smooth, I felt the vibrations but nothing bad enough to ruin the ride for me. I genuinely think Rita is more uncomfortable than the rides I had on Baco. The theme is great as well!
I also rode Karnan this week and was floored by it. Got around 12 laps in over two days as thankfully there was never a queue. Ride staff never stapled (only restraint check was a pull up) so there's some terrifying airtime to be had if you're brave enough. My favourite lap was back row left hand seat with a loose restraint. I had my hands and feet up and ragdolled in my seat down the drop and was so taken aback by how violently I was thrown out the seat for the whole duration of the drop. It flicked the panic switch in my brain and I felt genuinely in danger those few seconds, something very few coasters can provide. Rest of the layout is gloriously brutal with violent transitions that send your upper body flying side to side and airtime hills that crush your thighs.

I also loved how it's based on a real 14th century Swedish castle called Karnan which looks just like the coaster building. It's like Hex how something real is taken to add immersion. The sequence in the tower is great, very disorienting how long you spend lying on your back.

All in all fantastic ride. Still too fresh to properly rank it but for me personally this is up there with the European RMC and Intamin big boys. It hit everything I love about coasters.
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Was gonna post this in the top 10 thread, but realized it probably shouldn’t go there since nothing actually changed.

I got lots of rides on Twisted Timbers today and can firmly say that it is, in fact, still my #3. The drop is one of my favorite ever, full of upside down floaty goodness, particularly in the front. The ejector hills are incredible in the back and pure bliss in the front. The off axis hills are perfect in the back, as is the outerbank. The zero g roll is perfectly crafted, and the ride ends with one last pop of ejector into the brakes. The ride is effortlessly graceful, while keeping a surprisingly close proximity between your balls and the wall. Please ride this in both the front and the back, in the right seat if you can.

Intimidator 305. It might not be your thing, but it sure as hell is mine. The drop’s got good floater, and seems to last forever, which is a nice bonus, but not what we’re here for. The turn happens. 6 G’s or however the **** many. Remember Twimbers’ careful ball placement in relation to the wall? Here, I305 takes them and smashes them into it with the power of Zeus wearing the infinity gauntlet. There’s a rattle here, but you can’t tell if it’s the train or the muscles in your body struggling to keep you upright. You get a brief respite with a borderline ejector hill, and immediately dive back down towards the ground. This is where the Intamin ****ery™️ begins, if that first turn wasn’t it already. There may only be three of those transitions, but three is enough. The ride just throws you in a whole new direction like a ragdoll (some people literally are ragdolls at this point from the turn) and, maybe for the first time in your life, you’re thankful for the shoulder restraints. The trimmed hill is a bummer, but a necessary one, as without it the ride would tear itself apart more than it already does. Even the brakes try to kill you, throwing you into the restraints as you look down the slanted brake run. From the moment Jim Stewart yells “Gentlemen, start your engines!” You are this ride’s bitch, and it makes sure you know it. Ride in the front for maximum pain awesomeness.
My first night time trip to Cedar Point:

The park was impossibly busy Saturday night, but Friday with FL+ was walk on to anything all night long.

Maverick has track sections that are in so much darkness you can’t see the next turn or whatever, and the second launch is just awesome in so much darkness.

And I have to say Rougarou is maybe a bit better, especially the first half, than it’s given credit for.

Some ride ops (Steve) worked to midnight Friday then I saw them at early open on Saturday, and then again Sunday. That has to be such a hard ride to run - between the metal detectors and bending over nonstop to check restraints, to repeating nonstop about not putting lap bar down. And they were all so nice and cool. Asking them politely for a front or back seat worked every time.

Why don’t they put signs up in the queue?
“Howdy partner, you’re about to go on a wild ride. Before you do, don’t put your yellow lap bar down, let our team do that” - and another one outside the queue saying you can have nothing in your pockets.

Seems like a quality of life improvement for those hard working dudes and ladies.

In summary, visiting CP during holloweekend on a Friday is worth - smaller queues and the dopest night rides.

Edit: to be edgy my #1 is still outlaw run on a hot day. Heart emoji. Attached photo is Saturday.

edit again: if you go just be super nice and say, “may I please wait for a (front or back row) and they said yes easily 20x without fail. They’re working their asses off. Be nice, and enjoy. I had 20x rides in either the front or rearmost without any issue. Be kind. Be rewarded. They’re working so hard.


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I found a fair near my work! Wandered over after my shift today to ride this:





Was alright I guess, different from the average Big Apple. Not sure on manufacturer or model, certainly haven't seen this design before. It also isn't on coastercount yet, pity the fair isn't substantial enough for my bonus "new for 2021" LoG points...

Now got it added to Coaster-count! Link here: https://coaster-count.com/catalogue...ts-11827/gold-rush-family-rollercoaster-17913
#104 RidgeRider (Beechfield Play Area)

The first couple laps on this little piece of playground equipment were rather underwhelming and fun at the same time - it failed to clear the turn at the bottom and even with quite a push it was struggling. That was until I realised it had to warm up and needed several more goes to clear said turn. After a while it succeeded and when it got going it actually pulled some surprisingly good laterals. I have to note this thing speeds up significantly in rain too so with the warming up and the rain and all that, not only did it clear the turn but it also started to make its way back up again.

I racked up far too many laps. It's so much fun. There's a good couple coasters I'd rank below it too.
I finally (actually already three weeks ago) rode one of my most anticipated coasters in Europe: Wildfire at Kolmarden Zoo. What a beautiful park and setting! I went in with high expectations and that coaster delivered. The view, the awesome drop and the fabulous terrain usage and pacing, just great. My only complain I could think of is that last hill before the final S-curves where it looses a bit too much of its speed when not fully warmed up. Best ride was the last train of the day in the back. Just thinking of it puts a smile on my face.

(Jan@Maurin from CH: What a pity we haven't met again but we got stuck in the sky ride for quite some time ;-) )


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Gatekeeper - Cedar Point

The last major credits at Cedar Point (other than wicked twister, still don't understand why it closed so early) were Gemini, rougarou, raptor, and gatekeeper.

Gatekeeper as a wing coaster? Definitely better than xflight, I liked the near misses and general layout more, not sure why but it didn't seem as repetitive? Not sure how to explain but I'll figure out how.
Gatekeeper overall as a rollercoaster? Not that high up, it's smooth but didn't give many forces. It could've been better if I got back row maybe but I only had about an hour left before the park closed and I'd rather ride steel vengeance again.
My #90: Riddler('s) Revenge (SFNE)

The name is personally stupid because of the lack of the apostrophe and letter S, since y'know, The Riddler is a character? Anyways, this is actually the one bad SLC I've been on- the restraints are horrible! I have had no problem with Mind Eraser (SFA) or Great Nor'Easter, but this one's pretty bad. If it had the older restraints, I'd probably tolerate it more; weird opinion but that's just me.
I was at Walibi Belgium on Sunday riding Kandaa for the first time. The park was pretty packed with the regular queue line of Kondaa around and above an hour (single rider was still 30-40 mins) despite decently fast dispatches. Got a few rides including the front and back row in the afternoon. The coaster rode very well, it's intense, glass smooth and it's a decently long experience.

However, I wasn't really that euphoric as many others I've heard of. I guess I went in with too high expectations basically expecting it to do everything that Expedition G-force does plus a whole lot more. But that's not what it does, IMO. Sure, it has a couple of great elements, strong airtime and a few of Intamin's "RMC adaptations", all looking very good. But not every element is superior to the ones on G-force. For instance, I was a bit disappointed by the first airtime hill expecting it to deliver absolutely stunning ejector from start to finish just like the one on G-force but stronger. But this hill is profiled differently. It has more of a parabolic shape and it's taller compared to the one on G-force. As a result, you actually do get slightly longer airtime but the intensity of the airtime varies quite strongly over its duration. In the back, you actually start with just floater in the first half of the hill and get strong ejector only in the second half after cresting over the top. (In the front it's the other way around and this actually felt better for me.) Well, don't get me wrong, the hill is still great. But I still prefer a profile such as the one on G-force.

For the second, outward-banked hill it's a similar story but due to the sensation of sideways airtime it's not that much of an issue I feel. Actually, that hill is great. For my taste, I wouldn't mind if it banked even further. :)

Another (this time positive) surprise was actually the cobra-roll. This was the only element for which I haven't had that high expectations but it was pretty fun. I'm still not sure if it fits perfectly well in that spot in the layout but it's a great element in its own right.

The twisted section following the cobra roll is a very solid section, maybe with the little exception of the wave turn which - after experiencing all the strong ejector air - seems a bit tame and pointless. However, probably in another spot or on another coaster this wouldn't have been such a bad element but here it does not shine that much.

The return trip is fun but also not top-notch, IMO. I'm not such a big fan of the very small airtime bumps. I mean, they are fun but not something to fill a too large portion of a ride with. The Stengel and the one larger hill before that is great fun though. I guess, one thing that would make the return trip shine more is if some of the funky-shaped hills would have some terrain or theming around it supplying some motivation for the twists that otherwise seem a bit random.

So in summary, I'd say Kondaa is a great coaster and has a couple of world-class elements but somehow they are not composed in such a purposeful manner to make it an overall top-notch experience. Right now, I think I wouldn't rank it above G-force. However, I hope I'll have the chance to give it another try soon...


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#109 The Odyssey - Fantasy Island

Copypasted from my trip report to Botton's Pleasure Beach and Fantasy Island:

"What I've heard is that it's a massive hunk of garbage with no redeeming factors. A layout that's "nothing but loops". A ride with deathly restraints and hideously uncomfortable seats...
...Hard disagree. Odyssey is bloody fantastic.. It absolutely surpassed my expectations. After being spited seven years ago I'm finally on it. The first drop is exhilarating, the inversions are ridiculous, the whole experience was just carnage. The restraints are cushioned and padded so on the offchance that the ride has a slight rattle (there was only really a bit of a bounce on the valleys of the first drop and loop and cobra anyway) I'd argue it might end up really not being that bad. When experiencing brand new restraints I sometimes do a gentle pinball to see how it would feel if it was rough, and those cushioned restraints and the headrest (!) really soften the impacts. From that point in the station I knew I was in for a treat.

(Image of Odyssey)

That was only row 7. What I've heard is that it was supposed to be bottom of the barrel garbage. But it was really fun! And I immediately entered the queue for a reride. Am I missing something here? It was really fun? It started out at #22 and then entered my top 20 after the reride? I don't know what I did right, but clearly it worked. I've heard the restraints are godawful pieces of s***e that need to be burnt in a fire but I genuinely can't see what was so wrong with them. Through the corkscrew I could just lean my head on the left side of the restraint and you just flow through the inversion oh so comfortably.

Throughout the day I rode Odyssey a total of four times, I really wanted a fifth but I had no time and I had to get the bus back to the station.

If I did have to fault Odyssey it's two things: it would've been nice if there was an extra helix at the end of the ride and it's a maintenance nightmare. It went down three separate times on my day but kudos to the maintenance team who got it back up and running within minutes. Oh, it also plays banger songs in the station. Rolling into the station hearing some top-level pop song is something else.
Duplo Dino Coaster!
It's quite cute. It has a train, track and fills a line on my spreadsheet.

I gave it 3 because it's better than an SBF spinner. And Coaster Express.
#69 Crazy 8 - Fun Haven
In Ottawa for the weekend. Went for a bike ride to Parliament Hill early in the morning. Biked west to Proslide HQ and then to the Fun Haven FEC that existed within spitting distance, locked up my bike, and paid the $7.50 CAD for 6-7 laps for a zen ride on a standard SBF spinner that is best known for its brief time at IAAPA Orlando in 2016. Maybe it had to do with it being my first encounter with the popular model and thus it had yet to grow on me, or maybe because it had been 457 days since I'd last ridden a coaster, or maybe even I was having a good morning in general, but I really did enjoy my ride. The impacts with the lift tires were a little jarring but the downhill turn was consistently sweet, I wouldn't think unkindly of this coaster. Perhaps as I pick up more of these I'll acquire the disdain for a model that the wider community regards as obligatory ticks for dedicated credit hunters. For those of you who plan to come through Ottawa in the near future, Fun Haven is presently requiring a very flexible proof of identification and vaccination for anybody who wishes to partake in its attractions.
Visited Gardaland last saturday. I was positively surprised and really enjoyed the theming and landscaping of the park! Wasn't really my day though... it was way too crowded for me, and having virtual cues (probably as a corona measure) didn't work at all at a day crowded as this. I only did 4 rides in about 5 hours. I was too tall too ride their B&M's (Raptor looked so damn good) and Mammut had a two hour que which means you cannot ride anything else in between when having virtual cues. So the only two coasters I rode where copies of coasters I have already ridden before:

Blue Tornado: better then I expected. No, it isn't smooth but I expected the worst of this old SLC. And because I am tall my head was above the headrests on the restraints. This excluded headbanging so I could actually enjoy the inversions.

Shaman: nothing too special but still a very decent ride for its age. Only a shame that it still had a very painful transition before entering the helix while it just has been retracked.