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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

Avatar - 7/10

I like it but it would be nice to see more of the train.

Signature - 9/10

Its very, very, nice :--D

Avatar: 8/10 - It's simple and effective. But thats about it; slightly bland.

Sig: 8/10 - Again; very simplistic and looks a lot more interesting than the avatar. If it wasn't so tall I would have gave it a 9/10, however you should keep to a similar size to everyone elses banners.

Overall I give an 8/10 - A few more colours such as a reds or purples would bring it to a higher rating, and altering the size of the sig would also be considered; very effective and simplistic. Well done.
They're pretty good actually.
Consistent - check!
Well made - check!
Not coaster related - check!
Not a poor joke - check!

That gives it a 100% matching of my criteria. Well done! Have 9.10 for both (they're good, but not outstanding :) )
Avatar is very original, loving the three generations GIF. It's something very unique.

Your sig, its bloody Epic I LOVE it.

9/10. Same shot used twice, and there's too much going on. Other than that, perfect.
^You should check them out. 3 of the members are from Guns N Roses, which was basically the worlds biggest band in the early early 90's. ;)

Ava: pretty decent shot, so a 7/10

Sig: Umm, okay? 7/10
Oh right, sounds interesting now i know that.
To understand the sig you need to have seen the advert, sorry.
I don't really like Velvet Revolver, but i'll try and not let that cloud my judgement.

Sig and Ava are well made. Maybe sig is a little tall for my taste, but it needs to be to get everyone in... they should have made Slash and the other guitarist stand on something!

So yeah, 7/10 as it doesn't hold much interest for me.
Simplistic, maybe overly simplistic where use of colours is in concern. The avatar is effective, but the sig is a bit bland.

I'd give the avatar a 7/10 and the sig 5/10

Level it up for an overall of 6/10 :)
Ava: 9/10 nice bright colours, and a very clear picture.
Sig: 8/10 Again really nice colours and it's framed well :)

I've decided to change my set as I think everyone know I like Saw now. :p