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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

Ava: 5/10 Don't like rectangular avatars and the colour makes it look weird.
Sig: 6/10 better than the avatar. Bit tall and the band could be framed better. It also needs a border.
Space somewhere! Lush colours! Something that looks like the Northern Light but propably isn't!

uncle scrooge mc duck!!!


especially as I almost had to google it but remembered his name at the last min.
10/10 It's happy and romantic, I can't believe that came from my mouth :lol: Congrats! :--D
EGF is so overrated, so the score drops!!

5/10 since the images are pretty good...
Very nice set, the colour could be a bit better in the avatar but the sig works really well the great picture and logo. 9/10 overall. Also, the little coastercount sig fits in well.
Nice framed veiws on the silver bullet and the counter is good to.